I have not been so active for the last weeks because the real life has caught up with me.
So I thought it was in place to at least show a picture of what I have been doing the last weekends.
I have been hiking around in the wonderful mountains around my cabin.
I shall try to post a more often, I know I have said this before so have to get a grip on my self and at least put out some pictures every now and then.
Hope you like this view as much as I do!

Until next time, stay safe, warm and dry
Kindest regards
For noen flotte turområder rundt hytta da! Ser for meg at du koser deg godt der :)
Det er knall fint her oppe. Skal opp i morgen igjen. Det som er så fantastisk er at det ikke er så god dekning på mobilen der!Takker @Valth.
Hehe, jeg kan tenke meg at det er deilig å slippe mobilen når man er på hytta ja :)
Glad to see you back friend.
It looks greener and the scenery is very nice and very clear. Hope you can be active again in steemit. :)Hi @gyldenhorn
It is good to be back :)
I will try to post more regularly again, but the nice weather we have had here in Norway the last month makes you just want to stay outside and eat ice cream :)Hi @Amuchtar
hvis det passe for deg så hadde det vert hyggelig å tatt en fisketur.
har du et bra tips til hvor jeg kan slå leir? må være ved et vann og det må være etpar trær der sånn jeg kan få hengt opp hengekøya (helst uten for mye befolkning)Hei @Gyldenhorn! er det her vi skal fiske? =D jeg kommer til å være på østlandet ca i tiden 16.-23. juli, jeg og @sintfisk skal møte @shockwave for fisking og camping.
Hvor har dere tenkt å fiske og hva? Regner med det er ferskvann og abbor, gjedde og div karpefisker?
I så fall kan jeg anbefal Vannsjø. Den har de fleste arter samt veeeeeldig stor gjedde, gjørs og abbor.
Her kan dere finne en mengder med fine teltplasser helt for dere selv.
Gå inn å sjekk på google earth.
Kan absolutt få til en kveld eller to der med dere. Bare si i fra hvor dere tenker dere å sette opp teltet/hengekøya så dukker jeg opp.
Vannsjø ligger i Råde/Rygge og Moss kommune, kan anbefale å ta den delen som ligger i Råde.Hei @Flatman
Takker for tips, jeg har sjekka plassen litt på kartet, forløpig har jeg komt frem til at på vest sida av oksenøya må være en bra plass, hva tenker du om den det? må også høre med de andre hva de tenker, men jeg synes hverfall dette virker å være en bra plass.
Hekt enig med deg. Der er det også veldig bra med både stor gjedde og gjørs. Abboren er ikke borte den heller.
Har dere tenkt å fiske fra land?
Det blir å fiske fra land ja, gidder ikke å kjøre helt til østlandet med båt på slep.
Nice view.
Cool idea to frame in the lake with the trees also. :)
Thanks for a great weekend, enjoyed all the activities, the food and the drinks. :)
Cheers, Erlend
Thx for the nice feedback :)
I guess we will have a lot of great weekends at this spot!
Wow really outstanding photography! Really you are spending such a beautiful place that everyone can't enjoy it. You are enjoying all the beauty of nature from your cabin the mountain, water fall, lac, beautiful landscape everything that really attractive and I'm also enjoying too. Thank you very much for your beautiful post that really i enjoyed and knowing beauty of Norway that hadn't idea before.
I am glad you liked the photoThx a lot @Tangera
this wonderful wish i had that view that would certainly make my day everyday :)
Thank you :)
That is a gorgeous view, every day waking up must be such a pleasure! Maybe it's not hard to get out of bed because you want to see the view, haha
Real life, psh who needs that? We need you on steem, sharing ever more and more pictures! ;)
I am glad you liked the photo @Motordrive
That view is magnificent. Walking through these parts should be a privilege.
Thx, It surely is :)
Wow Extraordinary How the natural beauty can be enjoyed from your home is really very enjoyable.
Sir, Thank you so much for your precious time to present each moment you spend here.The way that every genuine beauty is presented from your room and you are enjoying every moment it is a matter of great beauty.
Thank you for the nice feedback @xupon
Your room is located in between exceptional natural beauty and you can enjoy natural resources from your room.I hope you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset in your room extraordinary. I think the natural beauty is the only two things that are pretty beauty that attracts every person very much.
I hope you are spending a great deal each moment and I am very happy to see each of your beauty and I like it very much 🙂
I always enjoy the sunrise and sunset from this spot :)Thx a lot @Smithandy
It looks very happy to see your blog post after a long time.
Your previous blog posts that I have read so much happily have attracted me so much that the call block post you wrote on the mountain and the small waterfall.I think you are a lucky person who can enjoy every moment of nature.
I have read the above topics and while enjoying every moment of your care with utmost care, I have tried to feel that you have enjoyed many wonderful times and memories on time.
I'm trying to enjoy every moment of your own with the power of your feelings. I think you will enjoy every moment like this way.
Will try to post more often in the future, but the nice weather have made me stay outside every free minute :)Thx a lot @Olvio
Thank you so much for planning because I personally think that if you start writing block post regularly it will be a pretty beauty because I am very happy to read every blog post and you have a lot more followers who like your posts 😊
I will definitely wait for your next post and I hope every moment of your every time is spent in a very happy time.
Have a nice day 💕
Very beautiful scenery. Enjoyed this, as if I was enjoying it directly in nature. Why do I say that? Because it does not change, as it is nature. Looks so natural and cool fresh.
From the height, looks cloud so low with plateau. As if the cloud protect the lake, mountain, and your cabin of course. ^_^
Enjoy and have fun always @gyldenhorn!
The nature in this place is really lovely and it is all fresh. No form for pollution in the air and the nature it self is clean.
Can recommend it to everyone!Hello @Seha76
Very pamper the eyes. Clean sky, white clouds, lakes, and mountains are the things that can create peace and calm as seen in photography. For what is expensive, if the simple one is able to create extraordinary beauty.
Thank my friend has given beauty and peace.
"Stay safe, warm and dry."👌
I am glad you liked the scenery in the picture. This is really a lovely place!Hi @Black-horse
welcome back mr @gyldenhorn.
we missed a lot your posts and your photos that enrich your blog and steemit platform .
I hope your absence makes good for you and that you enjoyed your stay in your cabin.
very nice picture, we expect more news from you as well as photos.
Nice to hear that you have missed me :)
The absence form internett in a whole has made wonders. I think I have to do it more often :)Hello @Aminekad
The way that every genuine beauty is presented from your room and you are enjoying every moment it is a matter of great beauty.Norway is one of the scenic beauty of nature and is unique place where beauty and wealth prevail.The way you are enjoying the landscaped scenes from each of your landscapes and tourist centers has made me feel very good and I discussed this with my family. I hope you are very happy to travel to Norway with your entire family.
Thx a lot for those kinds words.
I love Norway :)
Ser utrolig flott ut! Får håpe været holder seg bra resten av sommern! :)
Sometimes it is useful to forget about the Internet and enjoy nature, the more you have such beauty there