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RE: Announcing the winner of the contest from issue 6 of @BabsBoard garage sale

in #norway7 years ago

Congratulations with winning this great price. Did you have a crystal ball you looked in?
A15E3D19-9787-46AE-9268-3194181D5EA9.jpegHi @SarahMcDowell2

I hope to see more of your participation on this wonderful part of Steemit.

Even if your product don’t sell the first time you will most likely get some nice upvotes and you earn money anyway.

BF9BB8BF-0F19-4F0F-8C8E-ECBF6BFA4A0F.jpeg Have you tried to sell anything at the #garagesale ? Best regards @EveryDayCoach


200w_d.gifI think your prayer is with me that's why i have won this.Thank's a lot to you @everydaycoach sir for your love and support.From now i will surely try to sell something in garage sell.Thank's for your advice i am sure this will help me to earn more.Thank's from deep end of my heart @everydaycoach sir.