1 Month of daily brushing my dogs theeth

in #norway8 years ago

I have usually fed my dogs Orijen, which is a high quality kibble consisting of a "natural" diet for our four legged friends. They have high quality meat, from free range or free animals, fish and so on. I am, very satisfied with the result on my dogs, and i feel this is the best kibble I can buy that does not support the "normal" meat industry. As a vegan, this is important to me. And my dogs food are the only thing I buy that comes from other animal. I am looking into the "vegan" kibble, and the "Barf" diet as alternatives but I won't decide on any, before reading more on both. That is a discussion for another day, but if any of you readers have experience with vegan kibble or barf, i would appreciate your input :)

So... This last spring, money was very short. As a consequence, we decided to go over to a more regular kibble we could buy at the regular store here in Norway. Orijen costs around 1000kr for 10kg, the regular kibble from the store goes at 100kr for 10 kg. That is a great difference.. My dogs don't really act any difference.. they shit normal, they play normal, their fur is maybe not as shiny, but overall they act and look very healthy. The only thing I really noticed, is their dental health. They are both rescue dogs, so when i got them, their dental health was pretty bad.. But this just fixed itself by feeding them Orijen. After a spring of feeding them regular cheap kibble (mainly consist of grain) their dental health deteriorated quickly. So i decided to take action before this evolved any further. I bought 3 products, a water additive, a brushing set, and a gel.


All products are from Tropiclean and promise very good results after 1 month of daily use. So i decided to share my experience with them over the next month :P I decided to take a "before" photo of them both, and will post a similar photo when the month has past so you can see the difference. So.. here are the before pictures:



As you can see, Brutus (the last photo) has had worst effect from the regular kibble. I hope, the products work, but we will see. As all dogs, mine where not to fond of the idea of us sticking a brush in their mouth :P Sansa tried to lure herself away from it with these eyes 20424876_10155317524864892_1386715956_o.jpg but that does not work on me :D

Brushing takes some time, but we are committed.. and we are getting some funny pictures of them, so that helps at least helps!

So.. let's see of these works!
