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RE: Quality talk about @BabsBoard garagesale Issue 9 - Kvalitetsprat om @BabsBoard garasjesalg Utgave 9

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

X5Er.gif"Garage Sale Issue 8" i won the BID of 20 Steem. It was my first ever win at the Garage Sale. It felt so good when i finally won the BID. I had so much fun. Thank you so much Dear @BabsBoard for arranging such an amazing Auction for us & also special thanks to @Everydaycoach, @Barbro, @RamtaReddington, @Tommyhansen, @OneBitNews, @Gentlebot for making this auction Extraordinary. And another thing, i already use those 20 @Steem to power up my SP. I will try my best to win the next BID of 20 @Steem also so that i can power up my @SP. Wish me luck so that i can win the BID as well as the Guesstimate Contest.

Regards @Dannywill


Wow, you are so lucky, i have never won any lottery before and i won yesterday, soo exciting, @babsboard and the team are awesome

I didn't win any lottery, i win the 20 Steem Bid. Have good day.Dear @Mistakili

You're a winner my friend. Congrats