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RE: Your daily motivation!

in #norway7 years ago

For to be really well motivated, one needs a goal. Doesnèt have to be a big one. But just simple, small daily goals. Without a goal, no matter how small, it is hard, if not impossible to be motivated. Because, why else be motivated? Why am I saying this? Because I lack a lot of motivation. And it sux.

I'm tryng to say I guess, that sometimes you need to think a bit further ahead. Not just listen or watch to motivational speakers or movies on the internet or whereever, but start finding some goals for yourself. No matter how small. Small goals every day can become bigger ones at the end of a week or month and even much bigger ones after a year or more. Just try to start small. Find something you wish to get done. And then live to that moment. Think and repeat it having it done in your head. If you don't have some result in your head, it might be hard to get that desire to something. I am one of those people that has big trouble getting out of bed early.. I am lazy.. I procrastinate.. Simply because I lach simple goals everyday. Then I am just laying in bed thinking ".. why should I get up? I got nothing to do.. nothing out there needs to be really done.. " .. But of course, I do have things to be done. Just not like "life threatening" things.. So I stay in bed.. or on the coach.. let the day pass.. And ofc at the end regret it.

Not sure if any of this makes sense., Anyone suffering from depression may recognise some of these feelings. But life really can feel empty when there are no real goals.. nothing to be motivated for. Nothing in your life that has any realy value to you. Surely it is all in your head., But still it feels as reality.

I guess I got into this thought because of your quote.. fight some of the bad days in your life.. But what if you keep on fighting a bad day after another.. ? In short, I guess I think this is a terrible motivational text. :) no offense meant.

Anyway.. I quit this way too long reply now. Got way too crazy in my head for a simple first post here.. I just love to philosophise too much about these things.