Me too that surprised me !! Hi @barbro !
it's a good opportunity from @everydaycoach, I like having the 20 steem but I see that the proposals reached 29 SBD so I arrived a little late :)
I don't have much steem power in my account.If i get this 20 steem ,then i will convert this steem into sp.That's why i need this 20steem.My bid is 6.5 SBD.
Our auction nr 15 issue 6 now closed - Vår auksjon nr 15 utgave 6 er nå stengt
Yet another auction of our T-shirt is back due to high popularity.
We still have all sizes, lady and men's model.
Bid what you want and have fun §;-)
We love this song - Original one further down
Enda en auksjon med vår T-skjorte er tilbake grunnet høy popularitet.
Vi har fortsatt alle størrelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du ønsker og ha det skikkelig moro når du byr.
You are the winner of our auction 15 Issue 6 @Barbro
Du er vinneren av vår auksjon 15 Utgave 6 @Barbro
Just send 35 STEEM to the Wallet of @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address + Model and size. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only we and you that can read it.
Bare send 35 STEEM til lommeboken (Wallet) til @BabsBoard. I Memo feltet skriver du navn, adresse + modell og størelse. Hvis du ikke vil at andre skal se hva du skriver, starter du med # i Memo feltet. Da er det bare vi og du som kan lese hva du skrev.
The Upvote Apparatus will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Upvote apparatet vil nå tilkalle folk for å komme å gi deg CashBack.
WOW, That`s nice. Thank you !!!!
I know someone who is going to be happy with a new T-shirt. We must advertise for the fine business / the lucrative hobby / our fun-filled pastime.
SBD is transferred to @babsboard account.
Åhh, så kult. Tusen takk!!!!
Nå vet jeg noen som blir glad for en fin ny T-skjorte. Vi må jo reklamere for den fine businessen / den innbringende hobbyen / det morsomme tidsfordrivet vårt.
Better luck next time to all of you other t-shirt lovers
Bedre lykke neste gang til alle dere andre t-skjorte elskere
SBD er overført til @babsboard konto.
I congratulate you for getting the famous t-shirt and I know very well how happy you are to get it because I tried that joy by getting it the previous time and I'm still waiting for it to arrive eagerly.
Regards @smerCongratulations to you @Barbro and congratulations to your friend for this wonderful gift you will give him, I hope to get this shirt one day either to participate in this wonderful auction or through someone as a gift, as will happen with your friend ;) .
I would like to continue to defy you @barbro but unfortunately I do not have the amount in SBD enough for now, so I can tell you congratulations, but next time I will not let you win :)
I really like this t-shirt.It's hot here in our country.I am attracted to this t-shirt because of the steemit logo.So my bid is 4SBD.
My guesstimate the upvote will be 39 at the end of the auction.
I wanna have this t-shirt for the next summer.The steemit logo made the t-shirt even more beautiful.My bid is
5SBD.mY guesstimate is 41 upvote this auction will get.
That's a super cool t-shirt.I need this very much.I don't have enough money to bid.My bid is 5.5 sbd.I hope i will get this.My guesstimate is about the upvote of this auction is 43.
I like the t-shirt very much.Because there is a steemit logo on it.I want to wear it for promoting steemit.With the steemit logo it looks very cool.But i don't have money to buy it.I have got only 8SBD in my account.If you can give me that t-shirt for those 8SBD.I cant even bid because it will go against the rule of this auction.My guesstimate about upvote is 46upvote this post will get.
Huff da, ikke bra du har blitt syk.
Håper du ikke har fått den samme dritten som jeg hadde. Krysser fingra for at du blir frisk så snart som mulig.
God bedring!!!
I wish you a quick recovery,
Relax well, drink a hot drink and you'll be healthy too soon.
In order to recover quickly, and as said @gyldenhorn, we will cross our fingers for you.
it's not the end because to put it on sale for another time, a buyer can come and conclude the deal as if it's the first time.
That’s why I put these two necklaces on sale for a second time, which I brought with me from one night spent in the desert, the Moroccan Eastern Sahara called « MERZOUGA ».
for a price of 45 Steem The famous Cashback is here
To see some pictures that I took in « MERZOUGA », I invite you to see the main post Here PS: it's not an auction, it's a simple sale.
Thank you very much
Best regards @amalmez
Hi @babsboard, and everyone!
As we all know, in the @babsboard’s garagesale if we put something to sell once and nobody buys it,
it’s better to read the rules of the garage sale set by @babsboard, and read the posts well before commenting, to avoid the disorder on the garagesale.
Have fun and bid what you want.

Don't forget our famous cash back.
To see the post click here)
Here is a video clip from youtube about making money.
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
I am very sorry @rupok but I really need this 20 STEEM too!
so my new offer is 34 SBD.
Just send 34 SBD to @everydaycoach.
The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.

Have a great day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
Congratulations dear brother i'm so happy for you

Yippee!! I am very happy I won this auction especially now that steem is above 4 USD!
Thankyou very much @babsboard and @everydaycoach for this auction. I have just transferred 34 SBD to you.
Hello @EveryDayCoach
What a nice opportunity. Of course we want Steem.
For en nydelig mulighet. Selvfølgelig vil vi ha Steem.
My bid is 19 SBD - Mitt bud er 19 SBD
Best regards from @Barbro
Me too that surprised me !!
Hi @barbro ! it's a good opportunity from @everydaycoach, I like having the 20 steem but I see that the proposals reached 29 SBD so I arrived a little late :)
Best Regards @redouanemez
Sorry @Hasmez, I want these 20 Steem that's why i bid 12 SBD (1 SBD = 3 USD).
Hi @everydaycoach,
I want these 20 steem to increase my steem power.
So my offer is 25 USD via paypal.
Hi @EveryDayCoach,
I desperately need those 20 @Steem to increase my @Steempower, so i bid 10 SBD.
Sorry everyone, those 20 Steem is mine.
So, My New Offer For These 20 Steem is 29 SBD.
Hi @everydaycoach,
I bid 32 SBD for the 20 STEEM.
I really need those 20steem.So i raise my bid.My new bid is 27SBD.
I will start my bid at.
I loved your video link about making money. Thanks for sharing this with us:-)Hi Mr @everydaycoach
أنا أعرض
22 SBD
my offer is 30 SBD.30عرضي هو ,mon offre est 30,Mitt tilbud er 30
who says better.
I need those 20steem to improve my sp.So my new bid is 28SBD.
I want these 20 Steem that's why i raise my bid to 26 SBD.
I must need those 20steem.So my new bid is 27.5 SBD.
Hi @EveryDayCoach, Another @Steem Auction.
My offer for these 20 Steem is 24 SBD. Hope this time i win these Steem.
Hi everyone, Hope you all are doing great.
My BID is 23 @SBD for these 20 @Steem.
Hi everybody,
My new offer is always 25! But SBD This time :)
I don't have much steem power in my account.If i get this 20 steem ,then i will convert this steem into sp.That's why i need this 20steem.My bid is 6.5 SBD.
I want those 20steem.So my bid is 5SBD.
I am new at steemit.So i need those 20 steem.My bid is 6SBD.
I need those 20 steem any how.So i raise my bid.My new bid is 30.5SBD.
Yet another auction of our T-shirt is back due to high popularity.
We still have all sizes, lady and men's model.
Bid what you want and have fun §;-)
We love this song - Original one further down
Enda en auksjon med vår T-skjorte er tilbake grunnet høy popularitet.
Vi har fortsatt alle størrelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du ønsker og ha det skikkelig moro når du byr.
The winner get our famous
The original version from the video above:
@BabsBoard - We fix everything
Hello again @BabsBoard
And hello to you too @Redouanemez. I don´t give up the T-shirt that easily.
My new bid is 35 SBD - Mitt nye bud er 35 SBD
Best regards from @Barbro
You are the winner of our auction 15 Issue 6 @Barbro Du er vinneren av vår auksjon 15 Utgave 6 @Barbro
Just send 35 STEEM to the Wallet of @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address + Model and size. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only we and you that can read it.
Bare send 35 STEEM til lommeboken (Wallet) til @BabsBoard. I Memo feltet skriver du navn, adresse + modell og størelse. Hvis du ikke vil at andre skal se hva du skriver, starter du med # i Memo feltet. Da er det bare vi og du som kan lese hva du skrev.
The Upvote Apparatus will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Upvote apparatet vil nå tilkalle folk for å komme å gi deg CashBack.
Regards from
@BabsBoard - We fix everything
Hello @BabsBoard
WOW, That`s nice. Thank you !!!!
I know someone who is going to be happy with a new T-shirt. We must advertise for the fine business / the lucrative hobby / our fun-filled pastime.
SBD is transferred to @babsboard account.
Åhh, så kult. Tusen takk!!!!

Nå vet jeg noen som blir glad for en fin ny T-skjorte. Vi må jo reklamere for den fine businessen / den innbringende hobbyen / det morsomme tidsfordrivet vårt.
Better luck next time to all of you other t-shirt lovers
Bedre lykke neste gang til alle dere andre t-skjorte elskere SBD er overført til @babsboard konto.
Best regards @Barbro
I am happy for your friend.Congratulations @barbro !
Good luck to everyone for the next T-shirt.
Best Regards @redouanemez
Gratulerer med ny t-skjorte, @barbro! Det er ingen t-skjorter som er like gode som Steemit-skjorter ;)
Congratulations dear @barbro
I hope that the t-shirt will be a good omen for your friend in the steemit community.Congratulations @barbro and @barbro 's friend.
Best regards.
congratulations @Barbro

You fight well, I salute you for your determination and the strength of your resolve.
Regards @smerCongratulations to you @Barbro and congratulations to your friend for this wonderful gift you will give him, I hope to get this shirt one day either to participate in this wonderful auction or through someone as a gift, as will happen with your friend ;) .
#Congratulation Dear Friend.
Nice T shit Boss..........
I am waiting for you new up coming T Shirt
Best Regards @Robot221
I would like to continue to defy you @barbro but unfortunately I do not have the amount in SBD enough for now, so I can tell you congratulations, but next time I will not let you win :)
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Hi @babsboard!
Hello @barbro I'm sorry for your friend but I want the T-shirt for my friend too so I bid 34 SBD
I guesstimate the post will get 40 upvotes
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Hello @babsboard
Sorry @amalmez. I need the T-shirt for my friend.
My bid is 33 SBD - Jeg byr 33 SBD
I guesstimate the post will get 37 upvotes
Jeg tipper at posten får 37 upvotes
Best regards from

I really want the t-shirt, but in front of you and my brother I can not say anything, just wish you good luck.
Hello @babsboard,
I bid for this famous t-shirt 12 SBD
Hello everybody!

my new bid is 25 sbd
Best regards
I love @Steemit & I need one of those @Steemit T-Shirt so I can represent @Steemit by wearing it.
So my Bid is 13 SBD.
This post will get 42 Upvotes.
Yes I want T-shirt - Ja jeg vil ha T-skjorte.
I bid 1 STEEM- Jeg byr 1 STEEM.
I am the smart guy I will win at last - Denne luringen vinner til slutt.
Hi @babsboard !
I want this t-shirt and I bid 19 SBD
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Yes I want T-shirt - Ja jeg vil ha T-skjorte.
I bid 8 STEEM- Jeg byr 8 STEEM.
I am the smart guy I will win at last - Denne luringen vinner til slutt.
I need this @Steemit t-shirt for my Spring Break Tour so i raise my Bid to 26 @SBD.
I see we are at 20 SBD so I'm going to bid 21 SBD
Regards @Redouanemez
Hi @babsboard,
I bid 7 SBD for this T-shirt.
And I guesstimate this post will get 50 upvotes.
Hi @BabsBoard, "No sickness can keep you down with all the prayers I offer for your recovery. Rise up and be strong"
Wow, another Steemit T-shirt auction.Thank you so much for that.
This time i am going to win this T-shirt.
My bid is 15 SBD.

My guesstimate this post will get 40 upvotes.
My New bid for this beautiful & cool t-shirt is 22 sbd.
I really like this t-shirt.It's hot here in our country.I am attracted to this t-shirt because of the steemit logo.So my bid is 4SBD.
My guesstimate the upvote will be 39 at the end of the auction.
Jeg byr 10 Steem! / I bid 10 Steem
Og tipper på 55 upvotes på posten :)
I need that beautiful & cool Steem T-Shirt for my little sister.
My Bid is 16 SBD for this beautiful T-Shirt.
My guesstimate the upvotes this post will get 38.
I wanna have this t-shirt for the next summer.The steemit logo made the t-shirt even more beautiful.My bid is
5SBD.mY guesstimate is 41 upvote this auction will get.
Get Well Soon Friend.
My Bid for this smart looking T-Shirt is 17 sbd.
My guess this post will get 49 Upvotes.
Hi my new bid is 32 sbd
This once the T-shirt is mine ;)
Best regards
Hi friends I bid 30 SBD
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Hi everybody,
My new offer is 31 SBD THANK YOU
Hi @BabsBoard, Hope you are fine now.
My New Offer for this famous T-Shirt is 28 SBD.
Hello, my new bid is 27 Steem Dollars
Best Wishes @Redouanemez

My bid for the T-shirt 👕 is 20 sbd
Best regards
Hi again @babsboard @amalmez
That's a super cool t-shirt.I need this very much.I don't have enough money to bid.My bid is 5.5 sbd.I hope i will get this.My guesstimate is about the upvote of this auction is 43.
Hi everybody,
My offer is 11 SBD THANK YOU
Hello @Babsboard,
My new offer 24 SBD.
Hopping to win this Bid that's why i raise my bid to 23 SBD.
hi @babsboard
my offer is 34,5 SBD

I like the t-shirt very much.Because there is a steemit logo on it.I want to wear it for promoting steemit.With the steemit logo it looks very cool.But i don't have money to buy it.I have got only 8SBD in my account.If you can give me that t-shirt for those 8SBD.I cant even bid because it will go against the rule of this auction.My guesstimate about upvote is 46upvote this post will get.
My dear Babsboard my prayer is with you.
Huff da, ikke bra du har blitt syk.
Håper du ikke har fått den samme dritten som jeg hadde. Krysser fingra for at du blir frisk så snart som mulig.
God bedring!!!
Hi @babsboard
I wish you a quick recovery,

Relax well, drink a hot drink and you'll be healthy too soon.
In order to recover quickly, and as said @gyldenhorn, we will cross our fingers for you.
Hi everybody !
I propose you to buy 1 KG of Moroccan dates fresh and delicious of good quality.
Everyone knows very well the incredible benefits of dates for our health.
The price is 50 STEEM BUT I made a 25% discount the price now is 37.5 Steeem
Every SBD generated from this comment will be transferred to the buyer.
Best Regards @redouanemez
I like date.I wanna buy those.But i think the price you are asking is very high.My bid is 2SBD.
I love date for its food value.So my bid is 2.5SBD.
Hello @babsboard, hello everybody,
The price is : 50 SBD
For more info about the items click on the following link :
That's nice looking.I wanna buy this.My bid is 3SBD.
Hi @rupok
I am sorry, this is for sale not for auction
I love this masterpieces from morocco.My bid is 3.75SBD.
Hi @russelkhan,
I am sorry, this is for sale not for auction
it's not the end because to put it on sale for another time, a buyer can come and conclude the deal as if it's the first time.
for a price of 45 Steem
The famous Cashback is here
To see some pictures that I took in « MERZOUGA », I invite you to see the main post Here

PS: it's not an auction, it's a simple sale.
Thank you very much
Best regards
I like this necklace.I wanna buy this.My bid is 2SBD.
it's not an auction, it's a simple sale.
Hi @rupok! @amalmez
Sorry i thought it is an auction.
Beautiful necklace.I need it for my wife.So my bid is 2.5SBD.
it's not an auction, it's a simple sale.
Hi @russelkhan! @amalmez
O my God i got it wrong.Sorry @amalmez
I need this necklace.I like it.My bid is 3SBD.
it's not an auction, it's a simple sale.
Hi @sarahmcdowell! @amalmez
Hi everybody

my offer for the famous t-shirt is 29SBD
my guesstimate this post will get 42 Upvotes
regards my offer is 28SBD
Hello everyone!
I would like to give some advices to some users and participants in the garage sale,
Thank you very much.
And good luck everyone 🍀
Best regards
it’s better to read the rules of the garage sale set by @babsboard, and read the posts well before commenting, to avoid the disorder on the garagesale.@amalmez
Thanks for your information.This will help us a lot.
Climate change in the early spring is dangerous and causes many people flu.
I hope to see you in the best possible health.Good recovery @babsboard
Best Wishes @Redouanemez
Wishing you a speedy recovery, take your time to rest, to recover as soon as possible.
Sending you warm wishes for a good health.
Best regards
Good evening @Babsboard, we really noticed your absence today. I hope you are well. Good recovery.
Now that you are under house arrest, It’s time to get all the bed rest and fluids that you deserve so much!
Wishing you to get well soon!
Take a look at outside and the sun is shining bright and tells you to get better and get going! Cheer up and get well soon!
Thank you for these interesting pieces of information. They are very useful indeed.