You are the winner of our auction 17 Issue 8 @HasMez Du er vinneren av vår auksjon 17 Utgave 8 @Hasmez
Just send 36 SBD to the Wallet of @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address + Model and size. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only we and you that can read it.
Bare send 36 SBD til lommeboken (Wallet) til @BabsBoard. I Memo feltet skriver du navn, adresse + modell og størelse. Hvis du ikke vil at andre skal se hva du skriver, starter du med # i Memo feltet. Da er det bare vi og du som kan lese hva du skrev.
Angelina Jolie will now call @Ramta Reddington to come and give you CachBack.
Angelina Jolie vil nå ringe @Ramta Reddington for å komme å gi deg CashBack.
Your post is too old to Upvote! Just make a reply to this one and we will Upvote YOU!

Hi @babsboard,
Finally I had the T-shirt too! The money, adresse and the T-shirt model and size have just been transferred! I thank you very much and I look forward to it!
Next time when we are going to see each other we will wear the t-shirt together and make a nice photo to share on steemit.
Congratulations my brother, you honored the Mezzane family :)
I'm happy for you.
it's a nice T-shirt with the climate in Morocco because it's getting hot here.