Synchonicities are my speciality! ;)
@dana-varahi and I both really enjoyed "The Wave". It gets a little scary in places, and a little dark, but if you enjoy disaster movies you'll love "The Wave". We've watched it twice now...
Synchonicities are my speciality! ;)
@dana-varahi and I both really enjoyed "The Wave". It gets a little scary in places, and a little dark, but if you enjoy disaster movies you'll love "The Wave". We've watched it twice now...
Oh really?! Maybe I should give it a watch then! I feel I should watch a bit more of Norwegian film, I hear it's improving.
There have been a number of Norwegian films we enjoyed recently. I can't remember all the titles, but 'The Wave' was particularly good.
Now that I'm back in the country it should be easier to watch some although I rarely watch films. But there are a couple I'd really like to see!