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RE: B/W - Dramatic sky

in #norway7 years ago

I do not know why I feel that something has a sad or precarious character when it appears in white and black especially for photos that do not show people, so if this photo was taken in color mode can be it appears different and joyful .

It is a feeling that I feel and I do not know what exactly is.

And do not tell me it's just me who has that feeling, otherwise I have to go see a psychiatrist.


You know what @Aminekad? I felle also a bit sad when I look at B/W pictures and that is one of the reasons I am going to take on this project, to have a selfie cure so I won't get sad/down any more :)

You do not have to go to a psychiatrist @aminekad I also share your opinion about white and black, this kind of pictures make me feel uncomfortable and I feel that there is no life in the picture, but if that is not normal, I think you should give me an appointment with your psychiatrist to treat lol.