Data Normalisation

in #normalisation9 months ago (edited)

Three forms of normalisations

#First Normal Form (1NF) :To simplify the data structure of the surgery table, let’s apply the first normal form rules to enforce the data atomicity rule and eliminate unnecessary repeating data groups. The data atomicity rule means you can only have one single instance value of the column attribute in any table cell.




These rules enforce data atomicity and eliminate unnecessary repeating groups of data in database tables. Data atomicity means that there must only be one single instance value of the column attribute in any field of the table. In other words, your tables should only have one value per field. By eliminating repeating groups of data, you can avoid repeating data unnecessarily in the database. Instances of repeated data can cause data redundancy and inconsistency.


The atomicity problem only exists in the columns of data related to the patients. Therefore, it is important to create a new table for patient data to fix this. In other words, you can organize all data related to the patient entity in one separate table, where each column cell contains only one single instance of data, as depicted in the following example:
This table includes one single instance of data in each cell, which makes it much simpler to read and understand. However, the patient table requires two columns, the patient ID and the Slot ID, to identify each record uniquely. This means that you need a composite primary key in this table. To create this table in SQL you can write the following code:
PatientName VARCHAR(50),
TotalCost Decimal,
PRIMARY KEY (PatientID, SlotID));

Additionally, some developers prefer to explicitly name their constraints (like PK_Patient),

Setting Primary Key but not composite key :
(DoctorID VARCHAR(10),
DoctorName VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY (DoctorID)


Second Normal Form (2NF):

In the second normal form, you must avoid partial dependency relationships between data. Partial dependency refers to tables with a composite primary key. Namely, a key that consists of a combination of two or more columns, where a non-key attribute value depends only on one part of the composite key.

Since the patient table is the only one that includes a composite primary key, you only need to look at the following table.


In the patient table, you must check whether any non-key attributes depend on one part of the composite key. For example, the patient's name is a non-key attribute, and it can be determined by using the patient ID only.

Similarly, you can determine the total cost by using the Slot ID only. This is called partial dependency, which is not allowed in the second normal form. This is because all non-key attributes should be determined by using both parts of the composite key, not only one of them.

This can be fixed by splitting the patient table into two tables: patient table and appointment table. In the patient table you can keep the patient ID and the patient's name.

However, in the appointment table, you need to add a unique key to ensure you have a primary key that can identify each unique record in the table. Therefore, the appointment ID attribute can be added to the table with a unique value in each row.


Third Normal Form (3NF):

For a relation in a database to be in the third normal form, it must already be in the second normal form (2NF). In addition, it must have no transitive dependency. This means that any non-key attribute in the surgery table may not be functionally dependent on another non-key attribute in the same table. In the surgery table, the postcode and the council are non-key attributes, and the postcode depends on the council. Therefore, if you change the council value, you must also change the postcode. This is called transitive dependency, which is not allowed in the third normal form.





The third normal form is typically good enough to deal with the three anomaly challenges – insertion, update, and deletion anomalies – that the normalization process aims to tackle. Completing the third normal form in a database design helps to develop a database that is easy to access and query, well-structured, well-organized, consistent, and without unnecessary data duplications.