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RE: The Reality of Ice Cream

in #nonfiction5 years ago

Aww... I so hear you there... I had my Palatine tonsils? taken out as a 10 year old.
I was sooo afraid to be cut in surgery and tried to get myself out of it.... Ohh I feel so much better now.... Tried to eat 🙈 nope... So swullen it got stuck in my throat almost choaking me m
So I heard that to.... You get ice cream after and you can eat as much as You like.
Well Thank you.... Only as a young kid I could only eat pocicles as other ice creams made me throw up... Guess I was allergic as a kid.
They like... Ok no more ice cream for you after only one spoon 😭 I felt soo cheated... Until someone gave me a pocicle 😋🍭 <--pretend
And that was like balm in my throat... Lol

You had quite an experience there my friend 😘 glad you lived to tell after all that cherry flavor.
What doesn't kill you make you stronger right? 😜 Lol
Have a wonderful evening. Much love 🤗🌹❤️💋


And that was like balm in my throat.

Best feeling ever~~