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RE: An Insomniac Goes Camping (Nonfiction Version)

in #nonfiction7 years ago

Friend, how are you? You had between a good and bad experience but really a bad night, quickly reading your story I moved just last night without asking permission fell a tremendous downpour for several hours and the lightning flashes did not stop lighting and make noise, I lay down acostame and spend a while when I almost fell asleep was the light wow not long ago the light was on, I hear so many things in the total silence that had and had stopped raining in venezuela there is a lot of delinquency so that there is no light electric fence that protects a little the house is disconnected spend the night between asleep and wake up fearing that a thief entered, my alarm sounds at 3am time to get up, after reading your story and tell you mine I get ready to sleep a while are the 6.20 am so I'll sleep a little longer.
Greetings from Venezuela!