It's not technically true. I think the rounding occurs after the totalling of all the votes. So, if at the time writing, you have 46 0 cent votes, which all the dust added together gives you a 13 cent payout.
My mistake, I think you are talking about comments, which don't attract alot of votes...
If a comment has 0 votes on it and my vote is worth less then 0.02 then the value of my upvote rounds to 0.00. Which is what my article is trying to inform others of.
That being said ... If a comment already has a few upvotes then upvoting said comment will allow a persons upvote to contribute to pushing the value to or over the 0.02 threshold. I better go edit my article to include that as to not cause any confusion.
Yes, sorry, I edited my comment probably just while you writing yours! I realised I had misunderstood!