This is Glass - my band's noise/electronic record from a few years ago

in #noise7 years ago

Taking a break from my usual kinds of posts to share something a little different. I revisited a bunch of recordings & videos from my band and I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying all of it. I think, often, creative people look back on things they've been a part of and maybe cringe and perceive flaws. I didn't feel that way at all, though. I will say at least part of that is because one of my bandmates is responsible for all of the video editing and the style there, so I get to enjoy that from a more removed position. But also having some time away from these recordings has given me the ability to have a more objective enjoyment. In so many ways, I am a different person now, but I can also recognize parts of myself in the old recordings. Anyway, before I become too insufferable, I'll get to the point and share this album we finished a few years ago. I listened to it the other day and sincerely enjoyed it, again almost as a more objective listener. It has flaws like most records, but I feel it has stood the test of time. We (Feral Child) are a pretty freeform experimental/noise band, so our recordings can go lots of different ways. I feel like this album came out pretty strong. It's a weird one, so if you like to get weird, ya know . . . please enjoy. We never do much promotion of our work and I'd really like more people hearing this one.

