Before we get started - An earning Opportunity with NOIA!
Readers here is a chance to earn passive income with NOIA. In fact, passive may not even be the right word as those interested will be doing nothing and earning NOIA tokens. And those interested in maximizing their income can refer friends and earn more!
All these details at the end of this article. So, read till the end!
The best is saved for the last!
The borderless world, as envisaged in the book “The World is Flat”, is already here and in many ways is enabled by the internet. Since the innovative launch of the World Wide Web (www) in 1991, the internet has been a medium of interaction ever since. A content provider can have an audience from anywhere in the world and there is no stopping a good artist, writer, or even a job provider from reaching out to the masses. This has also resulted in the evolution of information over the years. Earlier a simple chat was good enough for connectivity, however, as we progressed, images, videos, and podcast became popular in connecting people. Everything from education to nature conservation, from how-to-do to what-not-to-do was made in a video form and uploaded on any of the video hosting sites. But here’s where things started to get a bit difficult.
Since video and image files were heavy as compared to text files, they also required a larger bandwidth for the transition from the hosted site to the user’s site. And if the geographical distance was larger there would be issues with latency and in some cases quality. To counter this, the images and videos were cached in spread out locations acting as Point of Presence (PoP) or Data Centers (DC) which would make them available to users requiring them. This helped in managing reach to a certain extent.
However, a more chronic issue came to the fore thereafter. The bandwidth availability and hence access varied across geographies. While the North Americas, APAC and Europe could be termed as ones having good network connectivity, the South Americas, Middle East, and Africa made up the other side of the spectrum with relatively less network bandwidth and hence connectivity. Even with a well-spread out Content Delivery Network (CDN) the problem of speed and quantum of access would remain. This condition is only set to get worse if not addressed effectively. Why so?
Take a look at the graph below:
What we are looking here is the fact that the CDN market will grow to USD 31 billion in 2022 while the web-hosting market to USD 154 billion. The reason for CDN growth is not difficult to see. Usage of videos and images will only increase, and we haven’t yet touched upon the bandwidth need for AI, Machine Learning, Gaming, etc. which are all resource intensive (Database and Bandwidth). In fact, web solutions employing AI or even IoT, are at the moment only at a nascent stage, we can only imagine what would be the infrastructure need when these solutions grow. In short, the growth in web-hosting services is not in line with this expected growth in solutions of the future.
So, what do we do?
Well, we look at the blockchain for a solution. And who better than NOIA to show us the way!
Let’s get to know NOIA and their blockchain solution
Before we get to know NOIA in detail, there is just one more variable that needs to be understood. We are talking about the growth in the Personal Computers (PCs) and their configuration. Today, we are looking at computers with greater processing power (i3, i5, i7) and huge storage space which is in TBs (the days of GBs are passing). Which means, with not much of change in the habit of an individual PC user, the user’s PC is becoming more powerful and more spacious. Which also means more of idle bandwidth and more of idle space, and this is only set to rise in the future. Can this be put to use in some way?
Well, NOIA seem to have thought about this more than most of us have and they have a unique solution. The gist is quite simple to understand, we just saw how there is a growth in idle bandwidth and space at the hands of individual users and many of them are connected to the network too. Which means, these can act as virtual CDNs and can host data to make it available to the nearest user. When this happens we are automatically addressing the problem of shortage of web-hosting services of the future. In fact, if this is turned into a commercial model, the users sharing their unused space and bandwidth can earn from it. This is what NOIA has come up with as a solution.
NOIA’s whitepaper describes them as follows:
NOIA is the next-generation content scaling network, powered by blockchain technology. It utilizes unused bandwidth from computers around the world to create a widely distributed, efficient and integral layer of internet infrastructure for global content delivery.
By applying the next-generation peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocols, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology, NOIA aims to combine hundreds of thousands of computers to serve as a POP in one single “intranet” and provide an opportunity to every web content provider in the world to use this “intranet” to deliver their content to a global audience.
Since it is a blockchain solution, decentralization is at the heart of it. This also means that the solution does not have a single point of failure which would be the case with traditional CDNs. Also, NOIA doesn’t project itself as a competition to current CDNs, rather, they can be seen as an optimization layer or content scaling layer which can work with traditional CDNs as well.
The solution is deployed through a smart contracts layer which governs all relationships in the network. NOIA’s aim is to create a huge automated network of nodes capable of interacting and allowing the flow of value as written in the smart contracts and thereby, realizing the most-reliable, cost-effective and efficient content delivery service.
Here take a look at a video explaining NOIA network by the NOIA Team:
What are the benefits of NOIA’s solution?
Most of the benefits, from our discussion so far, are apparent. However, let's look at them nonetheless.
- By sharing their unused space and bandwidth, users are able to earn passively
- Decentralization brings the source of a website closer to the user
- No single point of failure
- Cost of web-hosting becomes cheaper through NOIA model and it becomes extremely optimized and efficient
- Current CDN operators can look at NOIA as an optimization layer over their current architecture
- There is virtually unlimited bandwidth and space made available to users, content hosts and CDNs
- Any user with internet connection can get access to the web content without the issues of latency or load times. [Because the decentralized host is closer to the user than before]
- Performance reliability and stability increases as the number of nodes increase. Rerouting can effectively happen even if few nodes go down
- Extremely low overheads. NOIA, unlike traditional CDNs deploying large Data Centers, does not have to invest in space or infrastructure. As such, the overall cost comes down 1
- The price of such a service would be multiple times cheaper for users as compared to current CDN costs
NOIA’s Architecture
For the technically inclined, the NOIA architecture has two distinct elements:
1. Content Scaling Layer (CSL)
This layer is a combination of Peer to Peer (P2P) File Transfer protocols, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology designed to track content being delivered through the network
2. Governance Layer
This layer consists of Smart Contract on the blockchain designed to manage the value flow in the network. Talking in specific it defines the NOIA tokens and how it is transferred between actors in the network
To understand how content scaling actually works in NOIA network, let's look at the following pictorial representation:
Unlike most technologies, whose inception requires the undoing of the existing system, NOIA networks is designed to harmoniously work with existing infrastructure, system and technologies. Companies, individuals, and web-hosts, would be already using the services of an Amazon or Akamai, in such cases NOIA can work with these centralized solutions to further optimize content delivery. Also, NOIA is in position to take advantage of future decentralized solutions like IPFS, Sia, Storj, etc. NOIA, therefore, is perfectly placed to work in conjunction with centralized and decentralized solutions available to users.
Here is a pictorial representation of the same:
Competition and how NOIA Fares?
When we talk about competition, we would ideally want to compare NOIA with similar networks on the blockchain or similar concept. However, being one of the firsts they simply do not have competition employing the same model. Therefore, to show commercial advantage it becomes easier to take traditional CDNs as reference points. That is what we intend to do here. Take a look at the cost numbers to see how cost-effective NOIA really is.
Mind you, we did say the NOIA can actually work with the traditional CDNs as well. Therefore, the overall cost in such an intertwined network would be cheaper than the traditional networks all by themselves. The obvious cost disadvantage for traditional networks is the overheads that they have to manage as compared to NOIA.
And who are great minds behind NOIA?
Getting Started with NOIA Testnet – Incredible Passive Income Opportunity!
For ease of understanding, I am reproducing the steps to follow to join the NOIA Testnet. If interested you can read the original article here.
Firstly, to encourage participants NOIA team will be giving out 200 NOIA tokens every week. What’s more there is more tokens to be won if you refer friends to the party! But here’s the thing. This offer is limited to only 2,000 participants and the places are fast filling, if not already filled.
Now, let’s see how to get started with NOIA Testnet:
Sign up with NOIA Network here and complete the KYC to get approved and quality for the Airdrop.
Visit NOIA Network GitHub Page here. Follow instruction given to download the NOIA Client Software and install it on your machine.
This is the important step. To qualify for the airdrop ensure that you follow the follow points carefully.
[A] Ensure that your machine (node) is properly configured. The ETH address provided in the node settings should be the same as the one given in the KYC
[B] Ensure that the 8058 UDP data port and 8048 TCP control port is opened
[C] Node (machine) must be up and running for at least an aggregate time of 72 hours per week
[D] Talking about the timer – it resets every Friday at 12:00 p.m. UTC
On completion of Step 3, participants can start running the node, even if the KYC application is pending approval. The time will be recorded and accounted for on approval
And now as the participants are up and running, we move to providing opportunity to earn more. You will be receiving a unique referral link. You can share it with friends and your network to increase your weekly rewards of NOIA tokens.
To learn more about the referral link, log in to the NOIA dashboard here.
Issues, if any
You can reach out to NOIA Team on their Telegram Channel for clarification.
So, that’s it. Get started then!!
We encourage readers to do their own research and get to know NOIA in-depth through any of the following informative resources.
Image Courtesy: NOIA Resources

Thanks for inviting me to check your article. This is a very good article regarding NOIA. Actually NOIA is creating a revolution ! I like very much our way of writing and looking forward to see more of this kind. I resteemed and followed you! follow @promisingico
Hello @promisingico
NOIA is indeed a revolution and they are partnering with all the modes of CDNs available today - both centralized and decentralized ones.
Do try the testnet to be part of the revolution! :) And thanks for stopping by!
very nice
Thanks @sahil45! Do try out the testnet when you get time! You won't be disappointed!
Totally an out of the world experience I must say. Having to utilize vast available bandwidth (and storage) from around the world, creating a widely distributed and decentralized layer of the internet’s infrastructure to improve how web content is delivered. Noia has great plans
By the way, nice write up, very straight up and explanatory. Obviously I would give it a try.
Kudos and great work here
Hello @ronarexx,
Thanks for stopping by! It is indeed an interesting concept. Not only vast available bandwidth but vast available "unused" bandwidth.
Also, the testnet is quite a good idea, do give it a try! :)
Sure will
Well written mate !. NOIA without doubt is one of the few blockchain projects that will benefit everyone, especially as the world is inclined towards a digital perspective.
Hello @danielwrites,
Thanks for stopping by, mate! I agree this is one project which will benefit many and in fact, even those who know nothing about CDN or any other technicalities. Digital world was something which was about to happen, NOIA just sped up that happening! That's how I see it.
P.S. Had a chance to try out the testnet? Curious. :)
Interesting write up @oivas. NOIA is truly creating a revolution and projects like this will really drive the gear of an economy of value on the blockchain....
Keep it coming mate!
Hey @apiprincz, true that! NOIA is indeed creating a revolution and this is one revolution which can work along with existing models. NOIA can work with both centralized and decentralized CDN solutions and cater to the requirement of the masses. In doing so, they will easily enable improving the penetration of internet in regions where there is a need.
So, yes, interesting times with NOIA! :)
Great article @oivas
I think NOIA provides one of the best and easiest opportunity to anyone out there.
This is a key factor and I love the fact NOIA is able recognized and act well by breaching the gap.
PS. I had earlier upvoted and resteemed.
Hello @ajongcrypto,
Thanks for coming by mate! It's always a pleasure to have your thoughts shared on the subject!
True that about NOIA bridging the gap. In fact, this is one solution which is quite unique and yet does not require to destroy the older solutions. They can just adapt and work with NOIA. How cool is that? Although, have to admit that for sometime Amazon and Akamai will feel the heat.. :)
I love the collaborative strategy of NOIA. how it gently slides into the market, seeking to aid the weakness of existing solutions without necessarily competing with it.
And for users, haha! Xceptional income stream! It's incredible.
Hey @ced000, it is indeed a collaborative strategy and well-thought out by the team. I mean, when launching such a strong solution, you wouldn't necessarily think about collaborating with the competition. But here they are looking at doing exactly that.
Also, the NOIA testnet is a real opportunity. Don't forget to share it with your friends and known people over here on Steemit and elsewhere. Why miss the opportunity to support the solution and make money at the same time?
Thanks for your insights friend! A pleasure to have you here! :)
While I see the merit in what Noia is bringing to the market which is currently heavily monopolized and will become increasingly valuable as over time I don't think trying to worry with small to medium size consumers is the right move right now
Noia needs to show the power of its network and leverage brand recognition of established brands. They will need to partner with a recognisable site and as a working advertisement of how it can provide equal or superior service at a fraction of the cost
While technical factors are important you can have the better product but still lose in todays age unless you can showcase value.
Hello @chekohler, I quite agree with your thoughts on losing out if not showcased well.. In fact, one of the challenges they would be facing too is "how to be heard above the noise level?" I mean many ICOs are pummeling the crypto scene with information and in all that what do they do to be heard.
So, one of the thoughts is to engage potential customers of the future. Now, for NOIA you and I are the customers (whether they reach through a collaborative approach or directly) and hence to reach us would be their intention. It is incidental that the testnet is a direct touch point with us and hence a very good chance that we will spread the message through word of mouth.
Of course, this is just my guess that this approach should work. But that said, they cannot play down the fact that they have to be seen and witnessed among the big boys too. So, like you said, I hope they are doing enough. At least, what we hear from them is quite in line with your thinking!
Thanks for stopping by! And do let your friends and communities know about the testnet. It is quite a thing according to me! :)
You got a 16.91% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @crypto.piotr!
Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit http://www.upmewhale.com for details!
Interesting article. I have read various articles about NOIA but a few questions are yet to be answered.
Is NOIA built using the HashGraph algorithm? If so then how has NOIA been implemented using HashGraph.
If the HashGraph algorithm is being used then that is why NOIA can reach 100,000 tx speed.
NOIA is similar to Tron but if it is using the HashGraph algorithm Tron is way out of NOIAs league and should be explained in more detail.
What exchange will they be listed on and when?
Hello @cryptouno,
NOIA's main node network is on Ethereum while they are building an additional node network on Hedera HashGraph's public platform. So, to answer your question it is indeed built on HashGraph algorithm. The reason is for the obvious reasons like improved speed, scalability, and security which are all provided for by the Hedera platform.
At the moment, the testnet phase is on and the announcement on listing should follow closer to the end of 2018.
As far as comparison with TRON is concerned. It is difficult at the moment, as one is launched and the other is yet to be. I mean TRON provides speeds of 2,000 tps and we will have to wait and see how NOIA does, but going by what we know, it is indeed going to be one heck of a solution to look out for. In fact, they are already partnering with centralized data-centers which is a testimony to the solution and the confidence companies have on them. So, we are looking at something big.
I hope I have answered your questions.
By the way, did you have a chance to check the NOIA testnet? If not head for it and have a look. What's more, you can earn some cool NOIA tokens.
Great piece of work @oivas
Im quite familiar already with NOIA Network and I must admit that till now it's one of very few projects in cryptoworld that seem to be bringing real value into blockchain. Im following their progress, curious of what they will achieve. NOIA has a potential to make a change within it's industry.
Again, nice and easy read
Hey @crypto.piotr,
Glad to have you around buddy! Agreed, NOIA network is definitely one to bring about a change in the industry, but interestingly, not by disrupting it, but by collaborating with all models out there. How interesting is that? In fact, this would soon become a case-study for economists and industry expert alike to study.
Anyway, do pass on the word around your network about the NOIA testnet. An interesting thing to try out!
This platform definetly needs people like us :)It's great to see how responsive you are @oivas
Hey Piotr,
Isn't that a fact!! :) ::)
Very well written and explained 😊😊. I hope that NOIA will proved to be a huge success :)
Hey @freecrypto
Thanks for stopping by bud! All the interactions and partnerships NOIA is building, only hints at a success. So, I am quite optimistic about it.
Did you try out the NOIA testnet by the way?
No I didn't try because currently I don't have my own pc or laptop :)
I understand @freecrypto. In fact, few of my friends who had a similar situation, simply referred (through word of mouth) their friends to try out NOIA testnet and shared the tokens won every week. If that interests you, you can try it out.. Good day!
Nice one, all the best for the project and team :)
Hello @wilhb81! Thanks for stopping by. Do check out the testnet.
Thanks for including me and for explaining it so thoroughly.
It was a very good read
It brought clarity to a simple minded person such as myself.
I definitely will be signing up for approval.
Thanks again
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey @benfreed,
Great. Signing up for the testnet is quite cool and in fact, you can refer your friends and earn more of the NOIA tokens every week!
Thanks for stopping by Ben! :)
Nice review, what do you think are some of the best benefits NOIA can bring to regions of the world that aren't as well represented by the large data centers?
Good question @cmplxty,
In fact, that's what NOIA serves so well. Take, for example, you are in a region where there is no Data Center coverage for the CDNs. Now, let's assume your neighbour comes to know of NOIA and joins the network, suddenly he acts as CDN for your least covered region. And you will be able to access just because you are in the proximity. You see the advantage? NOIA is bringing mini Data Centers all across the globe and closer to your home too. Isn't that a super win situation?
So, that's about NOIA.
Glad you could stop by buddy! Like I advise everyone, try out the testnet. You won't be disappointed. :)
This post has been rewarded with 100% upvote from @indiaunited Community account. We are happy to have you as one of the valuable member of the community.
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Did I miss the growth rate of the NOIA blockchain?
Hey @machnbirdsparo, good to see you buddy! Well, I did not see it in detail, but here are some stats: NOIA currently has some 4000 odd notes across the globe supporting around 80TB of storage. Now, those 4000 nodes are nothing but your mini-data-centers. Which means, that is their expanse just in the testing phase. Imagine the growth. As we speak, there are nodes being added. Speaks volumes about what to expect! :)
Thanks. Would you happen to have a link? Is this all off the testnet?
@machnbirdsparo, I have included all the necessary link required to get started on the testnet under the section "Getting Started with NOIA Testnet – Incredible Passive Income Opportunity!"
It is the last section of my article. All links are active and your friends interested can access it from that section. You can just poin them to it.
Hey, thanx for the invite to check out this post @oivas. I will definitely check this out.
Upvoted and Resteemed for all to see...
Sure do @shadown99 and let me know your thoughts on NOIA network!
Hello,It is a well written article indeed.Still,there are some long paragraphs which could be broken down to short and somehow the introduction of this blog seemed a bit lengthy to me too.
I have always believed that:
"Brevity is the soul of wit"
I am not saying this to mean that your writing isn't good.I am just offering my suggestion as you have wanted people to read your article.
Overall,this is an extraordinary writing.It is helpful,well-organized and rich in information.
My best wishes for you.
Nice @philipkavan!
Let me know your thoughts on NOIA network and also try out the testnet! Thanks!
Well written. The article is very interesting and you have given all information in your article. Keep up your good work future as well. Again a nice write up by you! Yours friend @hdkasun . I followed you and follow me too.
Thanks @hdkasun! Do try the testnet to get an idea of the NOIA network, and ofcourse, to earn free NOIA tokens.
thanks information @oivas
Thanks for coming around @almutira!!
Do try out the testnet!
Congratulations @oivas!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!
Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
I thought NOIA was going to cut the kycGreat review @oivas
I dont really like all this kyc, as many projects are abandoned and customers information are compromise
Valid point @ogt, in fact, even exchanges have been known to be doing it.
But with NOIA I get a different feeling. To start with, when they had initiated the testnet sometime back, they did not ask for KYC as such. But now with this requirement, I get a sense of certainty that they are not upto some gimmick but are here to do some real job.
Now, coming to the abandoned project, there are many and it is quite easy to see the lingering signs of an ICO going to the dumps. But with NOIA you don't get that feeling. In fact, you sense that all is well and with the raging partnerships that they are getting into, institutions are also trusting them. So, any apprehension about your private information can be put to rest. I would suggest that you do try it out and I am sure you wouldn't be disappointed!
With all these benefit associated with NOIA, I see it been the next big thing in AI and IOT. Many platforms will be happy to onboard there channel there.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello @botefarm,
Correct, NOIA is definitely the next best thing for AI and IOT. In fact, the way I see it is that it will hasten the speed of AI and IOT development simply by providing a platform which is cheaper for all to use and grow, so use. So, quite right your thoughts on the subject.
Do try out the testnet and I am sure you will like it.
I must commend what a great piece this is.
I couldn't agree more with this truth clearly spelt out here
This right here was a first for me
With technology evolving daily, it is nice to become acquainted with innovations like NOIA. NOIA would foster interoperability of networks, without necessarily competing with other CDN'S.
NOIA is truly a great concept and would surely be beneficial as it has a view to solve futuristic problems that may arise.
Nice write up by the way
Hello @godwinzzyzx,
I must say, by far, one of the better analysis of the write up. Thank you for that! You are right indeed that NOIA will foster interoperability of networks and is one of a kind solution!
This is just going to make the world easier and faster for all of us - you and me included!
Thanks for stopping by and do take a look at the testnet. I am sure you will be enthused! :)
Thank you very much for all this information. My dad used to say that "even to sweep the street you are going to ask for a high school degree" referring to the studies, and I can now say "if you do not know about computers and you have internet you will be forgotten". The world is moving and is evolving and I am amazed to know that there are people who do not even have an account in their name in a bank and who do not use the computer either.
For all those who know the blockchain we know that it is here to stay and that every day platforms like NOIA that make the work easier every day, we advance in leaps and bounds with these new technologies.
I wish all the success of the world to NOIA that I know I will have it and thank you for making our work easier.
Hello @isabelpena,
Well, my Dad would kind of agree with yours. I guess every generation evolves and like you rightly pointed out that "if we don't know computers" then we are looking at a generation in trouble. Today blockchain can enable so many things but to think that the internet itself can be enabled by blockchain is like out of the world.
And yes, NOIA itself will make the internet so cheap that the least covered areas of the world will be effectively covered. Thanks to that for sure!
And thanks to you to share your lovely thoughts! :)
Oh, wonderful one on here as per NOIA. Additional knowledge is achieved by me I must tell, thanks to you.
Hence, us, maybe plus our children would enjoy the future better than thought of about tech in currency should tech establishments such as NOIA keep on popping up the more. But to me NOIA is yet the second to none. @oivas... Nice update. Sharing...
Hey @jodekss, thanks for stopping by. Yes, if NOIA succeeds, which I believe it will, we and our next generation are definitely looking at some superb tech bringing internet to our homes in the most cost-effective manner!
Yes... I was not being coherent enough with my comment, sorry.
I have edited it properly now. Thanks!
No problem @jodekss! I did follow what you were saying... See how languages distances us... :)
Thanks for coming back! :)
Hi, Thank you @oivas Congratulations !
This is a great piece of work @oivas. Perfectly written. For the last month's, I've been seeing alot about the NOIA project. I personally feel it's a project that would add real value to the blockchain. I mean, it seems epic and boundless. Thanks for this post . You enlightened me alot.
Hello @okipeter,
Yes, NOIA is indeed creating some buzz. I have to admit. And like you pointed out, it is a project of epic proportions. I do hope to see NOIA succeed like nobody's business and do well in the market. Because at the end of it, it would be us benefitting the most!
Nice of you to stop by! Thanks buddy! :)
Exactly. This NOIA would benefit us all!!!
You're absolutely right
True. By the way, spread the word about the testnet. Let it benefit whoever is interested!
@oivas.. What a detailed and beautiful post on NOIA.. You've done a really great job.. Thanks so much for sharing I appreciate it.
You are welcome @cryptobyno! It is indeed a useful topic especially that it is a way to make life simpler for all of us. Glad you found it useful! :)
Very interesting the proposal and very well explained, thank you for having invited me to comment. I will go through the official page to learn moreHi @oivas
Hello @trituratusmiedos , sure do go through NOIA network as much as the testnet. It will give you a sense of the good work the people are doing. And also spread the word about the testnet.
As a long term supporter of NOIA I loved your post.
Your post explains everything so well that I am sure a lot more people would support the NOIA project
Keep up the good work my friend :)Hello @oivas you have done a wonderful job explaining about NOIA.
Hey @thetimetravelerz, thanks for your kind words buddy!
Since you know about the project you would be a perfect evangelist much like myself now. I hope they get started on the ground soon. Will be such a useful solution to the world!
Great job @oivas. I like the review you wrote, it's represented very well my friend. NOIA is great platform and offering too many things that will help in real life.
Good luck with the review my friend @oivas.
Hey @techbuzz07, thanks buddy! This is a project worth writing about, especially, like you said, it brings about so many things that help in real life. So, yes, hope to see them succeed and the world becoming faster, more interconnected, and not to mention having more areas of the world being covered! :)
This would be great for South East Asia! We have good internet connectivity however have a lot of issues when it comes to dealing with international sites! Malaysia's for example, have to connect to Singaporean server, it's not so ideal especially when Gaming. Interesting Project, will need to do more homework on this!
Hello @crypto.hype,
Yes, indeed. In fact, just imagine a scenario where the gaming platform is hosted on the NOIA network and one of the nodes (mini-data-center) is right next to you in Malaysia. Can you imagine the speed of access and the gaming experience? Won't it be amazing?
These are exactly the sort of issues that NOIA attempts to resolve. Now imagine geographically internet lacking regions. They would start getting basic service to start with and if NOIA succeeds big-time then we are looking at populations from the scantily covered regions like Africa and Middle East, also getting good internet coverage. That would be really awesome!
Do spread the word about the NOIA testnet within your network. It is a good way to contribute to the NOIA network and earn from it too. Thanks for stopping by! :)
This is an amazing review about NOIA! I am really impressed with your writing skills!
Cheers @oivas!!
Hello @dedicateguy,
Happy to have you stopping by, buddy! Thanks for your kind words! Coming from you it really makes a difference. :)
As much as I have been telling everyone, do spread the word about the testnet within your network. It is indeed a good solution, and what's more, people earn from it! :)
el balance es rentable y hasta sobrepasa la competencia
Hello @fjburgoscoronado, I don't really follow Spanish but can make out you saying that it is a profitable venture and betters the competition. If that is what you have said, then you are absolutely right. They just don't have any capital overheads and other costs. It is just about managing the network and the costs associated with ML and AI, etc. So, yes, good project in all terms.
of course
What a resourceful material. I think NOIA is the new face internet and the blockchain communities
Hello @jmcakademy,
Nice to have you here. Yes, NOIA indeed is the new face of the internet and the blockchain world. Maybe that is why it is bound to succeed.
Now that you are here. Do try out the testnet and let your friends know about it too. :)
Hi @ovias, I agree that bottlenecks in network bandwidth may potentially become an issue as more data is being transferred in a bi-directional manner. In short, anyone can be a network bandwidth provider and Noia is giving an opportunity to all. This is a great idea, similar to Sia's protocol of data storage sharing :)
All the best,
Bang on @tysler, NOIA, indeed is giving an opportunity to all parties to become network bandwidth provider. And not just for free but by earning passively on their unused bandwidth and storage. So, all-in-all a win story for every possible node or participant in the network.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! :)