Investigating NOIA: Blockchain's Network of Internet Acceleration

in #noia6 years ago

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Purpose: To briefly overview the NOIA Network while posing questions about its decentralized approach toward utilizing spare bandwidth over a smart payment gateway. Additional investigation follows the briefing.

Here is a list of questions presented throughout this article that explores how the NOIA Network will help create a new, better digital ecosystem:


  • In what ways does making rewards fundamental to CD impact the digital ecosystem?
  • Active Disruption: How might other innovative projects respond to NOIA’s plan to actively facilitate solutions while having the power to disrupt the CDN market?
  • In what specific ways can NOIA Network bring order to the CDN market?
  • Consider how CDNs are being driven by DevOps. Explain the role of NOIA's blockchain innovation for the future of CDN development.
  • Consider why the current CDN market is characteristically chaotic. How does NOIA’s blockchain solution fit into CD innovation for the future?

Examination of NOIA Networknetwork of.png

Introducing the NOIA Network

NOIA Network takes part in the blockchain revolution by creating a decentralized shared economy. This much needed networking innovation focuses on solving internet infrastructure problems by providing a better content delivery network (CDN).

NOIA Network achieves its goal by maximizing available bandwidth resources to form a single points of presence (POPs) intranet. Bandwidth contributors come from users of everyday devices. They will be rewarded with NOIA tokens. These same tokens can be purchased and used by bandwidth customers on the NOIA Network.

A Next-Generation CDN and Token Economy

NOIA Network is the next generation of content delivery (CD) innovation. It is a peer-to-peer (P2P) solution that can make use of the computers of the world to optimize the delivery of all web content. Blockchain technology is applied to file sharing and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a single P2P global intranet.

The NOIA token runs the network's ecosystem.

Bandwidth sharing is common, but NOIA develops an ecosystem that rewards contributors. Conventional CDNs currently charge businesses a premium. NOIA cuts these costs while enabling POPs contributors to profit.

In what ways does making rewards fundamental to content delivery impact the digital ecosystem?

Conventional CDNs use POPs as centralized data centers; whereas, NOIA Network uses the growing number of everyday devices to form a new decentralize POPs network. This allows individuals to profit off of unused resources while simultaneous cutting cost of business around the world. NOIA is a better economic model and more efficient solution. It is autonomous, decentralized, and highly scalable. The ultimate goal is to grow the network so large so as to be entirely self-sustained. This would lead to optimal sharing within a fairly governed ecosystem.

Plans for Complete Decentralization

Pre-full decentralization on the NOIA Network
At the moment, NOIA is both centralized and decentralized. While the final plan removes centralized aspects, startup issues (i.e. governance, ledger accounting) and security require a temporary centralized Cloud Controller. This allows the network of Master and Worker Nodes to grow safely. Full decentralization is planned for the Beta version which is set to be released in Q2 of 2019. At this time, Worker Nodes will be capable of becoming Master Nodes via a proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism.

A Single, Adaptable CDN Solution

NOIA Network is an ambitious venture. It is a complete content delivery solution. Implementation of the NOIA plan takes care to proceed via a harmonious transition while transforming the CDN market. NOIA will lead the way, not by disrupting daily operations, but by working as an independent facilitator alongside other solutions already in use.

This implementation method puts NOIA Network at the center of an evolving CDN ecosystem as a bridge between decentralized and centralized content hosting. Furthermore, it offers complete global accesses to hosted content with unlimited applicability. This last point is a major issue, in terms of complexity and cost, for current centralized options. The advantages of NOIA's technology is pairing flexibility with a better predictive traffic and data storage model.

Active Disruption: How might other innovative projects respond to NOIA’s plan to actively facilitate solutions while having the power to disrupt the CDN market?

Framework and Governance

NOIA Network employs two intertwined primary layers:

  • a Content Scaling Layer (CSL) that provides the framework
  • and a smart contract driven governance layer for distributing value

The CSL interconnects software so that devices can share bandwidth and store data. The software integrates P2P file sharing technology with AI to efficiently manage requests. It is a P2P content scaling innovation that is unlike anything currently in the market.

Content storage times are optimized to maximize bandwidth resources. This has advantages for scaling, dynamic content distribution, and makes it highly adaptable to traffic.

NOIA's dual layer network conserves costs while allowing for a streamlined launch of the NOIA platform. The CSL Stack organizes the temporary centralized Cloud Control layer over other layers (Master Nodes and Worker Nodes) while NOIA works toward a fully decentralized autonomous governance.

Machine Learning for Local CD

AI is integral to NOIA Network. Machine learning (ML) is applied to traffic prediction for caching content, unlimited scaling through POPs, efficiency, speed, optimized routing, forecasting demand, and allows for payments specific to successful deliveries.

ML improves efficiency by replacing international networks with local content delivery. Demand factors play a big role in this local internet infrastructure approach. This is of great benefit for reaching and equalizing internet infrastructure across all regions of the world.

NOIA provides the ultimate solution for expensive data transfer. Data host costs are significantly reduced through the use of ML. It optimized processes using a decentralized P2P network while relieving the areas of potential bottlenecks.

Further Investigationnetwork of.png

An Increasingly Complex and Dynamic CDN Market

According to CIOReview (2017), high prices are associated with several factors in the CDN market. These include distributing regional content, the demand for speed, security issues, and assuring server availability. Add to this that CDNs vary widely. The result is a growing market trend toward mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships. Among the most pressing concerns are scalability and adjusting for dynamic content.

In 2017, Mahendra Ramsinghani of TechCrunch wrote about the changes rapidly occurring in the CDN market. Some of these technological shifts include:

  • bloated web pages
  • growth of video
  • increasing mobile consumption
  • optimization of outdated routing
  • new applications
The technological shifts are occurring in what has become a DevOps-driven world.

What does this all mean for the planning of a next-gen CDN? To get a better understanding, consider that DevOps refers to a growing relationship between the development processes and IT operations.

As factors become increasingly complicated and relationships mature, the CDN market desperately seeks a stable solution. Consider how dynamic microservices, continuous integration / delivery, and performance try to find a balance with security protocols. For some, a fragmented CDN environment requires them to go through multiple logins. An answer can be found by replacing centralization with decentralized integration.

In what specific ways can NOIA Network bring order to the CDN market?

Consider how CDNs are being driven by DevOps. Explain the role of NOIA’s blockchain innovation for the future of CDN development.

noia decental opt.PNG
NOIA Network is the only practical decentralized solution within the CDN market. The advantages are clear.

NOIA is Ahead of the Innovation Curve

Salahuddin et. al. (2018) published A Survey on Content Placement Algorithms for Cloud-Based Content Delivery Networks in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The paper discusses the operational cost incurred from pulling content from surrogate servers and billing. Below is a brief comparison of CDNs and CCDNs:

  • CDNs:
    • no operational costs
    • billing is simply proportional to end-user traffic
  • cloud-based content delivery networks (CCDN):
    • operational costs are significant to the coordination of pulling content
    • billing must account for operational costs
    • solves the limitations of conventional CDNs (NOIA Network uses blockchain technology to overcome limitations)
    • CCDNs improve scalability, reliability, security, and cost savings in some areas
    • like the NOIA Network, are affordable for small businesses, yet applicable for large organizations

NOIA Network business benefits include cost, speed, and quality.
Blockchain technology has proven itself to excel in all the areas that CCDNs lay claim. In addition, NOIA has figured out how to maintain operational advantages of CDNs while becoming decentralized. Essentially, NOIA offers the best of both worlds with greater potential than any non-blockchain solution could possibly provide.

Some of the more innovative CCDNs are looking for ways to evolve beyond the inefficient algorithmic approaches of conventional centralized solutions for surrogate servers. Distributed pushbased CP algorithms is one example.

Becoming more evident is how the market recognizes the advantages of characteristically distributed technology. NOIA is clearly ahead in CDN innovation. This is because it utilizes the advantages of cryptographic technology fundamental to blockchains to provide a decentralized and distributed ledger solution.

Consider the currently chaotic CDN market. How might NOIA’s industry-disruptive (but accommodating) blockchain solution fit into content delivery innovation for the future?

Additional Information

NOIA's testnet is actively growing. Here is what it looked like on August 16, 2018.


Read about NOIA 2.0.


The team at NOIA Network releases weekly video updates. Here is the introductory video:


All information was taken from the NOIA Network website, where the whitepaper and technical paper can be found, except for the section entitled "Further Investigation".


Interesting project. Thanks for info :-)

yes its really good

Wow(X3)! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

A round of applause for you from me @machnbirdsparo

This is another very resourcefully woven piece about NOIA I must tell. This is obvious; I am not trying to exaggerate your capacity as brilliantly displayed up there. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I mean it's evident:

How you started with necessary Inquisitions about the ecosystem.

The organization of your findings in the NOIA's whitepaper would make it simple enough even for an average reader, new to the world of cryptosystem and/ or hinter-activities about internet, to understand good enough.

Most unexpectedly, you made further reviews, you integrated them with the prior paragraphs and you still/then made it obvious the context aren't yours directly by making references to the source -- that is formal of you.

I mean, what more do I need to know about NOIA as per intro that is not here please? If at all there is, it would be little or new information around most probably.

I must add this, I recently learned new ideas as per AI. Getting to know through this review that NOIA have put AI into consideration effectively in bettering their services is a great knowledge and a brilliant integration from NOIA.

Kudos! (¬_¬)ノ

But I need to hint that it's not only NOIA that is in the system trying to make the needed difference to the convenience of both of the poor and the wealthy users, small and big investments with vast volume of decentralization. No, NOIA is not the only one but I can tell with emphasis now NOIA IS YET THE BEST AND THE MOST PROMISINGLY RELIABLE, and you hinted SO too briefly in a way in your review.

Happily curated... and shared... Thanks @crypto.poitr for again recommending this. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


I am humbled as I take my bow. Never have I received such commendation here on Steemit, or anywhere else for that matter. But, what should I expect from an English major :) Mine was aviation.

I mean, what more do I need to know about NOIA as per intro that is not here please? If at all there is, it would be little or new information around most probably.
At the end of the day, while people will find reading the whitepaper very valuable, I focused my effort so that we might extend our discussions to the technical paper. Thanks for the verifying my objective.

Hope to read more of your stuff @jodekss

Hmm! 😍
Keep doing better jobs bro. Rewards will come if they aren't yet as expected. Bravo.

I am a L2 user actually and yes I studied English at the varsity. Thanks for the compliments. Could not help not blushing... 😄

Thanks for your efforts. Much heart sire!

Hi @jodekss

I've seen number of quality curators but your work and your support here is just beyond my immagination.

Cheers :)

I am just doing my best as promised. Others are doing amazingly too evidently. Maybe it is the ways we do it that is a bit different. 😃
Many thanks @crypto.poitr

As I read more about the NOIA project I begin to see the possibilities it brings to me and the little part of the world I live in. In Africa, We are plagued by poor internet connection services and to make things worse, data servers appear to be very far away from us and so, slow download speeds hence limited accessibility. The decentralization NOIA brings to Content delivery by literally spreading data content to all nooks and crannies of the world properly shuffled with the AI and backed by the blockchain, would improve the internet experience for users in all over the world regardless of the poor internet connection.
Interestingly It aims to reward us all for this.

NOIA network gives us bread and then reward us for eating it, Is this generosity or what!
Personally, I feel NOIA is a solution properly positioned in time, because as Contents improve in size, Some areas of the world would have been left behind.

Thanks NOIA.

Thanks @Machnbirdsparo for the wonderful review.

I disagree.. NOIA is greedy

NOIA network gives us bread and then reward us for eating it, Is this generosity or what!
I jest of course. They want to grow throughout the world and recognize this is the best way to accomplish that goal and sustain it.

Being American and near tech hubs all my life, I experience lightning fast connects. But I know from all the chatter how real a problem distant and centralized data servers can be. This combined with my education in aviation, NOIA's solution is inline with the phenomena "tech leap from 3rd to 1st" world economies. That is, aviation and tech go hand in hand so when aviation is required to reach an isolated civilization (where roads are impractical) the people skip second world struggles. Blockchain, and especially projects like NOIA, take this "tech leap" and run with it. We are truly transforming the world beyond just the dissemination of information.

Always enjoy reading your stuff @ced000

Thanks...I enjoy reading yours too although I barely find the time to read anybody's work due to my own failings😟😟

We seriously need that tech leap in my cantry.😏

with you on this one :)
holding fast for the scheduled update next month
BTW, are you a runner O O

A runner?
Nah I'm not sir

Is there an opportunity opened for runners?😏

seemed like one- def the mindset
ops for runners ..haha.. its called "liveable" :)

In Africa, We are plagued by poor internet connection services and to make things worse, data servers appear to be very far away from us and so, slow download speeds hence limited accessibility. The decentralization NOIA brings to Content delivery by literally spreading data content to all nooks and crannies of the world properly shuffled with the AI and backed by the blockchain, would improve the internet experience for users in all over the world regardless of the poor internet connection.
Interestingly It aims to reward us all for this.

You made very great point my friend there several countries who needs this solution badly.

Totally agree with you @ced000

Posted using Partiko Android

Great article@machnbirdsparo. Very detailed. Although i have to be honest here. It was a little technical for me. Please let me know if I've understood this correctly - let's say YouTube, at present multiple YouTube account connect to multiple centralised regional servers to access content, but with this project, during testnet, there will be a central node to which multiple sub nodes will connect and users will access content through those sub nodes? Eventually even that becomes decentralised? So in a way, file sharing similar to torrents?

If my understanding above is correct, then this is great, because rewarding people to allow their machines to be used as servers is phenomenal, cuts costs for content aggregators and probably makes the experience faster. However, i think I'll wait for you to confirm my understanding, before i go on about how great this sounds.

Thanks @karamyog
I am inclined to say that your illustrative questions are spot on. I also agree with, and have come across other comparisons, of such a system that harnesses devices similar to the way torrents work. BTW, I am excited about a fully decentralized system. I think it will be a paradigm shift in the way the world views (and develops) the flow of digital information.

Hi @machnbirdsparo

Machine learning (ML) is applied to traffic prediction for caching content, unlimited scaling through POPs, efficiency, speed, optimized routing, forecasting demand, and allows for payments specific to successful deliveries.

Wow, how cool is that. I am very happy that AI is increasingly used in such cases, especially in blockchain projects. It is very good to see these two technologies collaborating with each other.

At the moment, NOIA is both centralized and decentralized. While the final plan removes centralized aspects

It is really admirable that NOIA does not try to become fully decentralized and disrupt whole content delivery market immediately. The team understands that such important changes need more time and they want to achieve that in small steps. It shows how experienced they are and we can fully trust them.

There are a few projects in blockchain sphere which aims to create worldwide supercomputer accessible to everyone. The biggest problem of these projects is that real supercomputer is able to communicate and share information with its components very quickly (using a wire). Decentralized supercomputer has to communicate with its nodes using slow internet bandwidth. Imagine what potential NOIA brings to such projects!

Thank you for such an informative article. Obviously resteemed!

Greetings, Jan

@neavvy Your choice of words "communicate and share" - totally agree. NOIA understands how to manage and forecast business operations for innovation. In blockchain, we need these aptitudes in high degree because of all the different projects. Talk about recruiting managerial talent. I believe your are one of the most astute in understanding what is necessary to lead business innovation into the unknown (many follow and buyout bright ideas rather than lead creativity of their own)- you would not happen to be part of the NOIA team :)

Good morning @neavy

Your comments are always blowing my mind. I still can't believe that you're so young. Have you been born with IT book in your hand? :)


IKR. It's amazing how young minds, given the chance to start with access to the world and its information through time, turn out. The enemy now is what taints the truth. An immutable digital ledger goes a long, long way to shaping the future of humanity.

Haha, thank you for such kind words @crypto.piotr :)

Greetings, Jan


how cool is that. I am very happy that AI is increasingly used in such cases, especially in blockchain projects.

I was amazed with this one too as it's very new concept what they are doing and they are combining AI and Block chain which is totally out of box thinking.

NOIA does not try to become fully decentralized and disrupt whole content delivery market immediately. The team understands that such important changes need more time and they want to achieve that in small steps. It shows how experienced they are and we can fully trust them.

Team really understand and working great technically & strategically.

There are a few projects in blockchain sphere which aims to create worldwide supercomputer accessible to everyone. The biggest problem of these projects is that real supercomputer is able to communicate and share information with its components very quickly (using a wire). Decentralized supercomputer have to communicate with its nodes using slow internet bandwidth. Imagine what potential NOIA brings to such projects!

Great point my friend.

Thanks for your reply @flash07, I have noticed that you deliver amazing knowledge on your profile and we share similar passions, so I will follow you closely :)

I have noticed that you deliver amazing knowledge on your profile

Thank You very much for your kind words @neavvy :)

Already following your profile for long time now :)

The internet is becoming a more media-rich experience and I agree with our current centralised CDN's it may help but its only papering over the cracks. Creating a decentralised node network of CDN's makes sense

As much as like to the potential of what blockchain has for money I think it has far-reaching implications for the future of the internet too. As the internet becomes more centralised via Google & Facebook and access is dictated by ISP's we're sitting in a position where these companies are the gatekeepers to what has become a human right, access to information and of course trade. I think projects like Noia, Golem, Substratum, SIA and Storaj have brought forth ideas and discussions we need to have about net neutrality, how much surveillance we're willing to allow while accessing the internet.

I really like how you present the situation, especially the use of "gatekeepers". Also, thanks for including these five projects. It makes the crypto ventures in this area look a bit like the cloud craze of years ago. However, unlike those days, we know have the tools to create something truly special. And... as a whole, society has allowed tech companies great latitude. My hope is that competition among blockchains bring about a viable, lasting solution for free-thinking, independent minds.

Amazing, I've read the post three times, but I'm still lost on some core concepts. The idea of decentralized internet isn't new of course... but while showing off all the technological benefits of NOIA I fail to see the financial ones. Basically I get paid NOIA tokens by offering some bandwidth and operating as a node offering content?

Nonetheless, I have yet to see a blockchain handle TRUE pressure, all I've seen everywhere are pitiable operations... can NOIA really handle several trillions of transactions per second worldwide? how many tokens need to be created and how can the mining support that? I'm no expert on cryptos, but so far the methods are far from optimal...
The other thing that like always come to mind every time I see a new crypto project is the fact that it's always a pyramid, for good reason, but talking about decentralization while being a pyramid isn't exactly fine on my book. I've seen people owning 90% of the coins and distributing the other 10% so that value adapts to that 10% and then they dump their 90% to cash in profit... who can assure me that won't be the case with NOIA?

Bad blood with cryptos aside I do find it a VERY interesting project that is more than capable of causing a worldwide revolution in how CDN is handled. Yet like with all the cryptos I fear that the cost far surpasses the benefits for the average person.

EDIT: The comment may seem a bit on the sad side or the depressive side or even a full critic... that's not exactly my intention, the post is awesome and the content is great. It's just that I have bad blood with cryptos because I see lots of potential in the technology, but only people wanting to profit abusing it.

No worries about the criticism.

Basically I get paid NOIA tokens by offering some bandwidth and operating as a node offering content?

RE: Blockchain handling pressure - still a young technology that is making consistent advancements. All has not yet been solved. NOIA is a piece to the puzzle and its leadership recognizes that the blockchain industry is an open-ended innovation (see Roadmap).

RE: Pyramiding - Cryptos (like the real world) are no where near perfect. As far as pyramid schemes, well, as Andreas Antonopoulos talks about, blockchain will be in a fight before the world has a dominant solution. Some of that 90% market dominance must be attributed to established organizations exerting pressure on the blockchain industry (ie. BTC vs BCH). He goes on to say that a true blockchain is decentralized and those blockchains that are centralized will fail because this is essential to the technology.

  • Looking beyond this opinion: consider any of the big tech companies (Amazon, FB, Alibaba, Google, etc.) [and their supporters]. They maintain control of a database. That database is primarily comprised of "unownable" aspects of human information. This is not an attack on capitalism, its just that the type of information that FB, for example, collects necessitate permissions from whom it is about. A big tech giant selling that info is the equivalent of character defamation (even when positive- because no permission was granted by the object of discussion). Imagine if FB needed to pay its users to vote before selling demographic data! Also, there is a pyramid on the U.S. Dollar, so this is nothing new.

Decentralizing cloud networks would supersede the big tech databases. So YES, NOIA is about profiting from the capacity of our own devices. Working toward full decentralized content delivery networks puts people more in charge of their own information. They now have more options to sell that information themselves AND less digital intrusion from unwanted solicitation.

RE: Speed - I can see how this might bring the biggest debate. But consider, America vs the old Soviet Union. We Americans have big cars. Part of the reason is that we have a lot of land, and the other is that we do not need papers to cross state borders. Our interstates highways run unobstructed from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I know, I played touch-and-go with both oceans over the course of three days.

  • NOIA will be small at first. From the whitepaper:
    More nodes mean shorter distances between source and users. Under this architecture, content is kept closer to users, hence latency and load times are decreased, while overall speed is increased.
    Underdeveloped countries will notice the most speed increases.
    • Thanks @ejgarcia for the comments (pos and neg:)


      Bandwidth contributors come from users of everyday devices. They will be rewarded with NOIA tokens.

      Just to know more about reward system.

      • They provide any specific amount of tokens ? or it is depends on how much space we are allocating ?
      • Maximum how much reward we can generate from this ?

      Blockchain technology is applied to file sharing and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a single P2P global intranet.

      It's great that NOIA combines two revolutionary technology Blockchain and AI. This seriously amazed me and force me to research more on this project.

      NOIA Network is the only practical decentralized solution within the CDN market. The advantages are clear.

      Thank You for pictorial comparison my friend, it clearly shows that it not only brings us technology advantage but it also less costly then the other networks.

      I was aware about CDN technology but CCDN is new for me and great to see it's advantages over CDN. Till now I thought that CDN is the best technology available in market but it looks like I need to update my self after reading about CCDN.

      About the test net, I decided to join when I read this amazing article NOIA - An Efficient Content Delivery Infrastructure by @jadams2k18. But at that time my system needed maintenance. All good now, system is ready and after reading your amazing article I am going to use it right away.

      Thank You for providing such a great information on NOIA network. After reading this amazing article, I feel like I should research more and more on this project.

      Thanks @flash07

      Users must obtain tokens.
      Maximum rewards would likely be through Master Nodes.
      Remember that the system is still evolving. NOIA has long range plans, but here is a quote from the whitepaper about the current reward set up:

      5.3. Node reward system
      In order to participate, a Node allocates its resources to the network while the CSL protocol utilizes those resources in the most optimal way. In return, NOIA Tokens will be awarded, based predominantly on the following variables:
      • Storage utilization - amount of HDD/SSD devoted to store content traveling through NOIA’s network
      • Bandwidth utilization - the rate at which a Node is serving content, when working at capacity.
      • Uptime factor - indicator that assesses node’s availability / accessibility

      Glad to see your so involved. Hope to see you around.

      @machnbirdsparo Thank You for your kind reply my friend.

      Glad to see your so involved.

      It's only possible because of bloggers like you. You and @jadams2k18 made a great & such a interesting post so anyone will get interested in this project.

      After reading this amazing article, I feel like I should research more and more on this project.

      Haha, I feel exactly the same @flash07 :)

      We see this is a wonderful post.
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      If you support our freebot please upvote this post or our lastest.

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      A member of our organization shall review your post and give you a reply. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.

      With the current rate of ICO scams and theft from the ethereum blockchain even with the load of data being transferred to the blockchain if the noia network is breached a lot of sensitive data can be downloaded and decrypted. As as possible investor how deep is the cold wallet. The smoke and mirror is cool bit I want my data safe and free of data that may cause I see the web request is in JavaScript. Very concerning.. Anyone else a coder see the issues as well.

      Hi @machnbirdsparo, sorry I have been off throughout this week as I have been spending less than 15mins a day on steemit in order to focus and complete some stuffs.

      Now, on this amazing article.

      NOIA's dual layer network conserves costs while allowing for a streamlined launch of the NOIA platform.

      How does it achieve this?

      NOIA is Ahead of the Innovation Curve

      Wow! for me, It was very interesting from this sub-heading. I love the stats and comparison as it only created more clarification about the project.

      Now, you only described the project without saying what is expected of the public. For example, I love this project, what's next? any ICO? etc?

      Man, I must congratulate your presentation. This Q&A method looks perfect!

      Thanks @ajongcrypto.
      Regarding the first question, I was primarily referring to the initial decentralized-centralized launch and transition to full decentralization next year. More about the future of NOIA, as well as, at a least, a beginning answer to your second question can be found in the Implementation & Roadmap image that I put together at the end of the article.
      Hope you find more Steemit time. I am in the same boat.

      Ok thanks, I appreciate your response.

      Welcome to the realm of NOIA. Im glad there's another fellow writing about it. NOIA is going to be a good solution for CDN in places with poor internet like where I live. Improving internet while earning rewards, it's great deal!

      Excelent post.


      Glad to be here jadams2k18 :)

      Gotta enjoy getting paid for providing value.

      You guyz have been wonderful from the beginning right, this is offering more insight into what i should look at for my own review.

      I am specifically happy about the ways @machnbirdsparo has choosen his questions and how he answered them, he displayed a relaxed way of writing and giving every detail there about, noia network project.
      Now that we have two wonderful review and we are doing so well at the moment it wont be long before the adoption of noia project by the mass..
      Well done once again @machnbirdsparo hats off for you.

      I tip my cap to you @deeclown:) Thank you for the kind words. I really tried to encourage meaningful discourse. Eagerly awaiting your review.

      How is this different from project?

      Very simple straitforward question. Hope to connect with you in the future.

      For one thing, I did not find one mention of Artificial Intelligence within the Bandz whitepaper. Also, as an extranet, Bandz may be less decentralized in the long term. I would enjoy reading your thoughts.

      @machnbirdsparo..... You've actually done a very great job to come up with a befitting post about NOIA.

      NOIA Network is the next generation of content delivery (CD) innovation. It is a peer-to-peer (P2P) solution that can make use of the computers of the world to optimize the delivery of all web content. Blockchain technology is applied to file sharing and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a single P2P global intranet.

      I really love the fact that it involves the use of blockchain technology because this will promote the use of blockchain and enable other users to be part of the Blockchain.

      Conventional CDNs use POPs as centralized data centers; whereas, NOIA Network uses the growing number of everyday devices to form a new decentralize POPs network. This allows individuals to profit off of unused resources while simultaneous cutting cost of business around the world. NOIA is a better economic model and more efficient solution. It is autonomous, decentralized, and highly scalable. The ultimate goal is to grow the network so large so as to be entirely self-sustained. This would lead to optimal sharing within a fairly governed ecosystem.

      With this, I think NOIA is gonna be the cheapest and most convenient tech for users. Since it also enables users to profit from their unused resources.

      I would love to ask about NOIA tokens, what is the worth? And do you think it is worth investing on?

      Thanks for sharing this great post with love from@hardaeborla in courtesy of @crypto.piotr.

      Thanks @hardaeborla

      Is NOIA worth investing in? Yes.
      What are the tokens worth? Well, here is a quote from the whitepaper:

      Stage 3 - Beta version - 2019 Q2...
      Payment gateway. Payment gateways will enable fiat payments (tokens will run and will be exchanged in the backend)
      Guess we will find out once the Payment gateway is released next year. But since the tokens are used to run the system, they must be as valuable as the NOIA Network itself. Much different concept than most investors are use to.

      I agree with you. I hope they will be airdrop 😁😁


      I agree with you. I hope they will be airdrop 😁😁

      If they do, don't forget to inform me 😁

      Lols..... @flash07... The money maker 🙌😁💗

      Great article @machnbirdsparo. I really liked the concept of AI they are using in NOIA. It's great project with advantage of less cost. I am not that tech expert guy but I liked all the points you have mentioned and the project. I will definitely try the test net as it's always great if we earn some reward.

      Once again Graet article sir & thank you @flash07 for recommend me to read this article.

      Posted using Partiko Android

      Thanks @techbuzz07

      I really like the idea of AI and blockchain together and believe that they are inherently made for each other. Tech history textbooks will cite the years we are living through now. Dare I say movies even.. after all, who is going to feed Skynet with unlimited, streamlined data.

      Thank you for your kind reply my friend

      Posted using Partiko Android

      I love to see how responsive you are @techbuzz07

      i've noticed that you posted about AI. will read it tonight before bedtime :)


      Thank you @crypto.piotr for your kind support...

      Posted using Partiko Android

      AI is integral to NOIA Network. Machine learning (ML) is applied to traffic prediction for caching content, unlimited scaling through POPs, efficiency, speed, optimized routing, forecasting demand, and allows for payments specific to successful deliveries.
      ML improves efficiency by

      What if the predictions are wrong, how will NOIA handle the loss, what will happen to the projext then? Because manytimes predictions made by the AI can be wrong.

      NOIA provides the ultimate solution for expensive data transfer.

      Smile, this got me smiling, because a solution to cost of data transfer improves everything that is done on the internet. Great project @noai
      Wonderful writeups @machnbirdsparo

      Certainly, AI can get predictions wrong. From what I know, the idea of AI is to make corrections and get better. Machine Learning and Deep Learning are example. DARPA is actually using the latest tech to come up with an AI interface that can respond to user questions. The DARPA project would be able to explain HOW it came to a decision. Thus, if an AI does get something wrong, then a user will know precisely where to correct.

      NOIA lists AI as part of its CSL within the technical paper:

      There are two models of how Content Scaling Layer Organisations can be implemented on the NOIA Network: ● CSL Cloud Controller Model – a single centralised point in NOIA Network which controls other CSL system layers ● CSL DAO Concept Model – a fully decentralised organisation with self imposed governance

      Consider this two model approach with the eventual full decentralization, and NOIA can use AI in alpha to develop a fully viable solution in Beta progressing as it believes its ready with minimal error (or if AI tech advances to the point that corrections become easy).

      Any additional thoughts?

      Thanks For the clarification @machnbirdsparo

      DARPA is actually using the latest tech to come up with an AI interface that can respond to user questions.

      If i maY: recently two groups in the telegram channel who use the bot for Their Quiz Had One similar issue "The bot send questions with no options and also send questions with two answers "

      Not to talk of virus making the Bot go Wired andd start t sending repeat information or not send you information at all as in the case of ginabot some Time AgO.

      Even when the error was corrected but damage as already be made.

      Nice writeups @machnbirdsparo
      I believe @noia has great potential

      I am not sure I understand your illustration @ogt. Though, I di get that the telegram botwas unable to appropriately respond to human users.

      The DARPA AI project is specifically design to query the AI program itself so a human can understand how the AI program operated. Mind you, DARPA's AI is a hefty project. Last I checked, they had not solved the problem with much significance.

      Anyway thanks @ogt. Feel free to continue this conversation.

      Thanks @machnbirdsparo
      For a great post, im clarified

      Hey @machnbirdsparo,

      What a great and comprehensive writing about NOIA project. It's certainly an awesome project about AI and blockchain technology.
      I already resteemed it,and now I upvoted it as well.
      I invite you to participate in my contest as well, that I am hosting. It is about Vertex Market, and I think this project is also cool. Here is my post

      Thanks for stopping by @monajam and thanks for informing me about your contest :) we need vetting of this type in the crypt space. I am eager to look into it.

      Thank you for stopping by and your support @monajam :)

      A very complete article, excellently documented and a great valuable research work, besides presenting it in a very interesting way.

      The fact that the machine language is used for these technologies in the blockchain is really fascinating to me, it seems to me an extremely interesting initiative that I will follow closely.

      I give you my support, my vote and I congratulate you, really brilliant this content.

      By "machine language" are you refering to either of the following:

      • from technical paper:
        Both CSL organisation and CSL node network are assisted by machine intelligence algorithms to make their performance optimal.
      • from whitepaper:
        Master Nodes implement the following content scaling commands based on statistical modelling and Machine Learning algorithms:
        Initial caching of the file in CSL: When? Which nodes? Additional caching of the files in CSL: Which nodes? Which files? When? Deleting the files from the nodes’ cache: Which nodes? Which files? When?

      I am keeping an eye out for these techs as well, especially how they are being integrated into the crypto space. That is one of the reasons why I find NOIA so exciting.

      thanks @reinaldoverdu

      Wow....... This is a very comprehensive review on NOIA networks and all its characteristics. It seems more ICOs are working more on developing cloud computing through network of smart devices. This looks similar like a project I've reviewed in the past, IAGON. Like Noia, IAGON has the whole P2P Network of computers with AI. But it seems with its unique solution to CDN. I think I'll read more articles about this NOIA to learn more. Great work @machnbirdsparo, I love your work.

      Agreed and thanks @davonicera. I also reviewed IAGON. NOIA adds a lot more detail and open-mindedness to their project. The NOIA vision is beyond any I have seen in this regard. I see NOIA more like EOS than Ethereum; that is, they are confident in their long term plans, rather than, just running straight ahead with an idea. They are preparing to succeed in a rapidly arriving future bolckchain world.

      Thanks for clarifying things for me. Have a great day bro.

      Machine learning (ML) is applied to traffic prediction for caching content, unlimited scaling through POPs, efficiency, speed, optimized routing, forecasting demand, and allows for payments specific to successful deliveries.
      I think the NOIA crew went wild with the integration of AI and machine learning algorithm..... with this I should have expected.............. a nose dive into full decentralization but ...............agreeably true they have a massive point when it comes to their pace....when it come to a switch from centralized to decentralized.....

      But with the integration of blockchain to AI you can imagine what to expect......... and speed is one thing I wont leave out if you have me asked.

      imagine forecast hinged on precision predicting demand trends, and traffic we are up for a big one with NOIA. I think I have to see the white paper too.


      But with the integration of blockchain to AI you can imagine what to expect

      Something that we can't expect from current technology and something great for sure :)

      Sure .........I expect a massive disruption of the ecosystem
      especially with the integration of a p2p system

      Agreed @maxiemoses-eu, NOIA is that rare big wave we patiently wait for on our boards out on the ocean.
      Maybe NOIA can also help usher in further decentralization and minimize conflict from central authorities. This is not unrealistic, considering that some disruptive technology has overwhelmed conventional thinking in the past, though rare.

      Very good article, you explained the whole project in detail, so I see Noia offers us many benefits, ranging from the economic to the effectiveness of the service, for nobody is a secret that centralized servers are expensive, but the worst of all is that a failure can leave millions of users without service, I found the price difference of $ 700 compared to the $ 8,000 of akamai incredible, congratulations again for the post.


      I found the price difference of $ 700 compared to the $ 8,000

      I saw the technologies that gives us benefit of $100-$300. But I never saw huge benefit like this.

      This is revolutionary for sure.

      Thanks @hendersonp

      centralized servers are expensive
      In more ways than one. In addition to cash, time (i.e. users without service) needs to be factored in, as well as, intangibles. Maybe compatible technology or applications become limited through centralized servers.

      Excellent review about NOIA my friend, amazing article @machnbirdsparo!

      It is surprising the amount of innovation we can find in the blockchain industry, it is clearly the future.



      It is surprising the amount of innovation we can find in the blockchain industry, it is clearly the future.

      NOIA is great example of Blockchain technology. We clearly can see how blockchain going to change our world.

      Thanks @dedicatedguy
      IKR. Part of the reason I am here is for the innovation. I think we will all be blown away by what happens over the next few years.

      excellent review of NOIA Network, i keep studying about this platform daily and am astounded as to what they are delivering to the coontent delivery ecosystem

      NOIA provides the ultimate solution for expensive data transfer. Data host costs are significantly reduced through the use of ML. It optimized processes using a decentralized P2P network while relieving the areas of potential bottlenecks.

      i think i will research more on this...

      If you're new to ML then also keep an eye out for deep learning and DARPA's project. I believe AI and blockchain will become more integrated as years pass. Now it seems to be a race to see who will build the world's most powerful AI and then fix issues later. This falls outside of blockchain but here is where the best digital databases lie to feed AI.

      Hi @machnbirdsparo
      I have seen a few pieces of writing of the NOIA and see yours a bit more expository, with NOIA answering a few bugging issues with your piece.
      but what more?
      I think the incentivized reward strategy will birth a quick adoption of this innovation.

      Bandwidth sharing is common, but NOIA develops an ecosystem that rewards contributors. Conventional CDNs currently charge businesses a premium.

      thanks @maxiemoses-eu.

      I got a deeper appreciation of NOIA when I took a second look at the "premium" charges.

      what was is like in your best words........

      @machnbirdsparo Great post and review my friend. I see great potential in this project. You explained each and every thing. I don't think there is any query left after reading this. Once again great article I really liked it.

      Thanks @flash07 for the reference of the article..

      Thanks @pratik99 and @flash07.

      We can always come up with new questions. And as long as we see potential and give effort, the more questions we answer, the more meaningful the new ones become.

      Gotta love the way innovation works:)


      We can always come up with new questions. And as long as we see potential and give effort, the more questions we answer, the more meaningful the new ones become.

      It's good to see that you appriciate this kind of things and always ready to support others.
      It's very rare and great quality you have.

      Well this attitude does bode well for long term growth, but as you know, it is just good form.

      NOIA Network achieves its goal by maximizing available bandwidth resources to form a single points of presence (POPs) intranet. Bandwidth contributors come from users of everyday devices. They will be rewarded with NOIA tokens. These same tokens can be purchased and used by bandwidth customers on the NOIA Network.

      When IOT will come into play NOIA wont be left out because it has made transfer of data easier and cheaper.
      Thanks for the review @machnbirdsparo

      I believe NOIA will become a major player.

      My Dear friend I like this project you have my support
      Best Regards!!

      Really good review about te NOIA project. Heard of it a few weeks ago and also did some research on it. This project looks quite amazing as we see some nice developments already. Thanks for sharing this! @machnbirdsparo

      @bumshak indeed, exciting stuff

      Nicely done @machnbirdsparo.
      I've been reading about NOIA too, for a while now so i find this first of all, all-encompassimg and highly comprehensive. This is brilliant!

      Really interesting concept, and love how you put it all together. Snapshot of the testnet actually raided my eyebrow. Seeing points on the map light up actually shows it's a practical solution, and resonates with the populace. That's very key.
      Cheers mate

      Thanks @solcross. I would like to see a time lapse of the POPs network a year from now.

      @machnbirdsparo If I had to write a single line twitter style review for your post I would say "Great Review and Analysys from a Great Guy"
      You have quite nicely explained the concepts that are behind the NOIA network making it an interesting read.
      Good luck !
      Upvoted and Resteemed

      Thanks @thetimetravelerz. Glad you stopped by.

      @machnbirdsparo, if I am getting your gist clearly, NOIA is a platform that enables me to share the internet and make cool cash from it right???

      Yeah, isn't it interesting @okipeter? You become a POP for the internet or the nearest access point for users and people looking for a web page can use what is cached in at your location. And like you said, you make cool bucks!

      Yes, you would profit from adding your unused resources to the networking pool.

      Very detailed article and NOIA seems very promising. Definitely something to look forward to.

      Thanks @riovanes. Hope to see you around NOIA in the future.'s too much great.

      :) I had hope I made it scan-able. I grew up with newspaper in the NYC metropolis, and sometimes because of time or standing on a bus, all that was practical was scanning the paper that I held in my hands. Ergo, I hoped that a viewer could get something out of my post by slowly scrolling over the course of say a minute. :(;

      Hello @machnbirdsparo,

      Quite a detailed review. The unused resource sharing concept is quite cool and decentralizing the internet, in a way is innovative. I plan to checkout their testnet. Let's see how that goes.

      Thanks for the review! Cheers!


      The unused resource sharing concept is quite cool and decentralizing the internet

      This is the unique idea - I don't thing there is any other project in market like NOIA. Other projects try to make something new but NOIA is not making something new, something improved but NOIA made sure that they also use the unused resources & also reward the user for that.

      If someone will ask me that which is best resource to earn from home or work from home - I surely suggest them NOIA.

      True that @flash07! Just imagine giving out space and bandwidth for something which is available free with you!

      But the idea of sitting home and earning.. Hmm... that's a new way of looking at things. Makes a lot of sense.


      But the idea of sitting home and earning.. Hmm... that's a new way of looking at things. Makes a lot of sense.

      When I was doing my diploma, I was like search every day about how to work from home / easy earning / without investment online work & I think most of people do. So I think this is best way, you just need one system and setup NOIA and you will get weekly rewards by doing nothing :)

      Now, don't we wish that had we had such opportunities back then, hey @flash07?

      @oivas I wish we had. If I had this kind of opportunity back then I never had to do 3 different jobs every day.

      Hi thank you very much for your support (0,003 STEEM) I really appreciate it!
      Regards ; ) @mjoa07

      your welcome? :)

      well done great article with great information

      hi @machnbirdsparo

      Great piece of work my friend.

      I've been personally in touch with some NOIA representatives for quite some time and they proved to be acting very professional on every level.

      That would give me enough confidence in this project if I would be looking for some long-term investment opportunity.

      NOIA is a great example of "how crypto and blockchain" should be used to advance current technology. And they seem not to have any competition. Or at least I don't know about any.



      NOIA is a great example of "how crypto and blockchain" should be used to advance current technology. And they seem not to have any competition. Or at least I don't know about any.

      No there is no any project like NOIA. There are projects where they have mentioned that they will use AI + blockchain ( Not promising like NOIA) but the idea and structure NOIA using, I never seen it till now.

      But I think @machnbirdsparo & @jadams2k18 answer this better. As they are the expert here :)

      @crypto.piotr I think this is the project with unique combiantion of technology and unique idea.

      Posted using Partiko Android

      completely agree :) they are doing this new industry right

      NOIA looks like a really disrupting project, and you provided quite a lot insight to it. According to the Roadmap we should have a network in alpha-stage. Has this been released yet?

      We do have confirmation of several people on our Steemit crew getting on the Testnet. Maybe ask them for some images. Check out the testnet link I provided. There is a map of current nodes.

      Definitely it will be surely a huge success in the crypto field

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       6 years ago  Reveal Comment

      Thanks @creativeblue
      From the whtiepaper:

      Stage 3 - Beta version - 2019 Q2 ...
      Decentralization of Master Node network. Developed and tested smart contracts will enable autonomous system - Worker Nodes will be able to become Master Nodes based on certain parameters and proof of stake mechanism.

      Those "certain parameters" are still a year or so away. I have not found anything final about this and NOIA does mention that it will adapt its long range plans based on how things progress.

      I am unsure where you are going with PoS and PoW. What I can say is that PoS allows a major player with a lot of money to enter a blockchain investment easier than with PoW.