9/11 was a Zionist false flag attack used to expand the parasitic hegemony of the State of Israel throughout the Middle East with the subsequent result of 9/11 being a 16 year long war in the Middle East which has only served the geopolitical interests of Israel at the cost of over a million innocent lives lost in the Middle East.
The real culprits behind 9/11 are
Rothschild City Of London Crime Network
The Central Intelligence Agency
Chabad Lubavitch
Elements within the Council On Foreign Relations
Neocons within the Bush Administration
Russian Israeli Intelligence Operatives
The Israeli Mafia Operating In New York
...these men and women are the real culprits behind 9/11...not the muslim boogeyman that is being foisted onto us by the controlled Alt Media and the Corporate Media who wants us to blindly accept more neocon bloodletting in the Middle East.