in #nigeria7 years ago


Everywhere I go, I hear people talking about money.

At one particular conference, I heard a group discussing how "Money Isn't Everything" and "Money Doesn't Make You Happy." After noticing their poor thoughts, I knew that this was clearly the conversation to avoid.

Many people proudly preach their philosophies about money. Unfortunately, I find that they are seriously miseducated about personal finances. However, when it comes to having money, there's a certain way of thinking about it.

Let's dive deeper into the 10 Phrases That Keep Most People Broke:

  1. We Work Hard Money: The majority of people think that they must 'work hard' for their money. This forces them to grind, even when it's completely unnecessary. You don't have to work hard for money, but you must let money work for you. Money is never hard to come by if you can attract it. Instead, say this: Money easily comes to me from all directions.

  2. Money Doesn't Grow on Trees: This person is basically stating that they believe money must come from only one source, which is an erroneous thought that many people have. Instead of thinking that you can only get money from a particular place or person, believe that it can come from anywhere. If you want to become a millionaire, you'll most likely need multiple income streams.

  3. It's Too Expensive/We Can't Afford It: This usually happens when a person meets an immovable price. The truth is that the price you may be seeing is exactly the limitation that you need to overcome and often separates most people from achieving their goals. In other words, if the price was cheap, everyone would have it and no one would work for anything.

  4. Save for a Rainy Day: When people talk to me about saving, they meekly chuckle and say, "Ya know, you gotta' save for the rainy days." What they're basically saying is, "I expect disaster and my savings account will immediately diminish when it happens." Instead, save for 'Sunny Days', which are days of prosperity--luxury vacations, homes, investments, etc.

  5. Money is The Root of All Evil: This is a highly misquoted verse in the Bible. This makes people also believe that rich people are evil. However, the proper quotation states, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Money has no personality, therefore, it cannot act in a good or evil manner. If money was evil, how would you have a device to read this article right now?
    0706 492 7075 20161027_185249.jpg
    The lack of money is the root of all evil

  6. My Spouse Runs the Finances: This person clearly doesn't take responsibility over their money and doesn't deserve to have more of it. The other day, I heard a man say, "My wife keeps ALL of the money. I NEVER touch any of it." It wasn't a big surprise that this man was always in financial despair. Lesson: Always know what's in your bank account, even if you trust your spouse.

  7. It's Not in My Budget: There's a lot of people who advocate that "Money is Tight" or that they're "Bootstrapping." These absurd phrases repels wealth away from these people entirely. If you close your wallet and force yourself to believe that a product or service cannot be acquired, you'll probably never get it. Instead, ask "How can I acquire this product or service?"

  8. Money Doesn't Make You Happy: I always smile when I receive money. It really makes me happy. After all, I can take care of my family and buy many things that makes life easier. When people say, "Money can't buy happiness," they're referring to the people that they see on mass media, not the majority of actual millionaires who enjoy their lavish and happy lives. I was never happy when I didn't have money. Been there, done that.

  9. You Can't Have Money if You Love God: This is a touchy subject, but I personally believe that money is the expression of God's favor and abundance. Money can only be acquired through righteous deeds. If you believe that it's righteous to be poor, just remember that King Solomon was the richest man that ever lived. Diamonds was made for God's people, not his enemies.

  10. Money Isn't That Important: People often say "It's just money" and "I don't do it for the money." If it's 'just money' and you 'don't do it for the money', why do you accept money when it comes to you? Money is very important and must be taught at home, school, work, and religious circles. Those who evade the responsibilities of money will cease to have any of it.


Money tends to react to your attitude about it. If you have mixed feelings about what money means to you, begin by jotting down your thoughts and refrain from using these phrases. Rewire your mind by assuming that you're ready for true wealth. And remember, when the mind is ready, the money will come. God (or the Universe) will only give you money when you're ready for it


making money is not easy, but all i know is with steemit money must be made

U are very and absolutely correct sir i totally agree with u 1000%

lol lets steemon

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Developing the right approach towards Money is very important. If you want to make money you have to sPend money

This post is one its kind, i love thankx

Thank you very much sir for ur compliment... I will keep it up

Well constructed and delivered. Thanks for the message.

Thank you very much sir

Well said.. however, I'd say I don't quite agree with phrase 2. money infact DOESN'T grow on trees.. That phrase doesn't mean money cannot have multiple sources.. It simply buttresses the fact that money won't come by doing nothing.

"doing nothing" here doesn't negate point 1(you don't have to work too hard for money), but you can't ALWAYS get it for free either...
Point 2 is poorly presented 😃

Thanks for the opinion sir but u are speaking from a different context which is actually explaining No.2 in ur own term and just because its not in ur term it doesn't make my own view poorly presented Once again thanks for ur opinion.... I will try my best

I think we should develop the right attitude towards every aspect of life not just money.. Nice post.

Yea...i totally agree with u ma'am

This is amazing @perkinxin, thanks for sharing

Thank you sir... Kindly follow

All you said is true, but as for me when i don't have a penny.
I charge my brain to get something out because once i can solve my own problem, i believe i can solve that of others.

Nice one sir... Thanks for keeping in touch