Wait just a minute man!
Send SBDs to you without charges or that had been taken care of with the 330 USD conversion? By my reckoning a dollar to Naira is 360..... that is a 30 gain mate... what if the person is changing up to 500 or above SBD?
This isn't fair you know, or am just dreaming reading this?
Well i have to consider tranfer charges. I use luno to make transactions...
How do u make ur own transaction.
I dont think its fair for u to accuse me of being a rip off..
Anyways I appreciate your contribution and concern...
Your post reads DIRECTLY, you are basically saying that "if" and speaking of bitcoin, you forget that a rise in bitcoin means a rise in their money, but you omitted that part. You are ripping them off. If you want to do business, regulate your rates because by my calculation, even @blocktrades will give a better deal at the end of the day. Nothing wrong with doing business, just don't rip people off please.
What about a drop in bitcoin sir?
Lets look at both side of the coin...
Thank you for your contributions sir
The term 'rip off' is strong...
He has done conversions with me before. He can attest to my transparency. I always explain to the details. I even give screenshots of my bitcoin wallet address to him during trades. You guys dont know me personally thats why you are sounding like this...
I appreciate your contribution because i understand your heart but rip off is a strong word sir U can ask @ewuoso
@toukaka is the only person i have been transacting with. I send sbd to him and he sends naira. I dont know what he does with the sbd but as for me i am ok with it. If there is one thing i can say about him, he is trustworthy. I left my sbd with him for days and i did not disturb him because i knew he was going to send my money which he did.
I dont think he should be accused of trying to reap people off. This is business. Apart from that he has agreed to do a video that will teach people on how to transact themselves. If he had wanted to be dubious. He wouldnt have agreed to that. Even with that people will still not want to go through the stress. I dont really know much about crypto, so pending the time i learn, i guess ill just stick with @tojukaka.
Issue resolved, you could see from previous comments.
My name was mentioned. I had to talk
Not a bad thing to talk...
I use Remitano which never charge up to 500 for a 200k transaction!
Have done it over and over again mate!
probably, fees inclusive. Let him clarify this.
I have to consider charges by blocktrades and luno. If you have a better way to do the transfers you can kindly share it...
This is my luno wallet address i use for conversions. You can verify for urself how much profit i make for these transactions
Transparency is key mate!
You could have indicated a fee instead of the 330 man, that is huge bro...
And i have done it without charges on several occasions so pardon my "Rip-Off language" this shocked me man.
And i use Remitano, trust me i have nothing against your business but you need to do your calculations right before many novice falls into this!
Okay thank you. I've never used reminato before and if you have a better means of conversion please teach me sir. I wouldnt mind sending you my sbd. I have to make some conversions tonight for some guy that wants to sell some 60sbd. If you have better rates then we should probably sell to you instead
I did a post on that bro, my advice is this:
Charge an outright fee for any transactions for credibility and transparency i.e For a 100 SBD Conversion to Naira charge a certain amount and so on...
That is the beauty of visibility studies, to make the individial to look credible once your products hits the market.
Trust me, i would have done for the fellow for free...
The key word is "teach" like you just asked. How about teaching others how to do what you want to do for them. You have a brilliant idea do not get me wrong. But I believe in the saying, "teach a man how to fish and not give him fish." I think that is what @oluwoleolaide and @ehiboss is trying to say. Have you thought that one day you will run at a loss if the exchange rate increases and if it reduces your customers faces same. I feel this is a decentralized platform and we all are here to learn from each other. I see nothing wrong in "teaching " people. You would only live to be remembered by the good work you do. Well done all the same.
The rate is supposed to cater for inter transfer charges by my calculations i have not made up to a dollar in profit. I was using 340naira but that wouldnt be fair to me... Because ill be bearing the burden of the fees