Transparency is key mate!
You could have indicated a fee instead of the 330 man, that is huge bro...
And i have done it without charges on several occasions so pardon my "Rip-Off language" this shocked me man.
And i use Remitano, trust me i have nothing against your business but you need to do your calculations right before many novice falls into this!
Okay thank you. I've never used reminato before and if you have a better means of conversion please teach me sir. I wouldnt mind sending you my sbd. I have to make some conversions tonight for some guy that wants to sell some 60sbd. If you have better rates then we should probably sell to you instead
I did a post on that bro, my advice is this:
Charge an outright fee for any transactions for credibility and transparency i.e For a 100 SBD Conversion to Naira charge a certain amount and so on...
That is the beauty of visibility studies, to make the individial to look credible once your products hits the market.
Trust me, i would have done for the fellow for free...
The key word is "teach" like you just asked. How about teaching others how to do what you want to do for them. You have a brilliant idea do not get me wrong. But I believe in the saying, "teach a man how to fish and not give him fish." I think that is what @oluwoleolaide and @ehiboss is trying to say. Have you thought that one day you will run at a loss if the exchange rate increases and if it reduces your customers faces same. I feel this is a decentralized platform and we all are here to learn from each other. I see nothing wrong in "teaching " people. You would only live to be remembered by the good work you do. Well done all the same.