

You have a beautiful dog, what kind of breed? I also have only a German shepherd, thank you for the post you are adorable

Very good picture and also your story I really like

Dogs are sometimes much better than some people, they are very smart, faithful, real. They will never betray you, even if we abuse them sometimes, anyway, we are for them the best

Dogs are the best people.

Dogs are amazing creatures. Their physiology, intelligence and character are much more unique than in all domesticated animals. It is not surprising that dogs remain the most faithful companions of man in recent years

Lucky girl have a nice dog

Very nice
Thank you for vote on the post

The summer atmosphere at Puerto Rico is here in my cool, frosty and frosty atmosphere
An amazing picture
Your lovely dog ​​sleeps near you in the air
I wish you a pleasant day

beautiful post

amazing post i like it

This post is very interesting friends, friends upvote my post @dedikurniawan

very very fine post

thank you for like

Nice dog withe hot even hotest charming girl

Nice hot girl withe extra cute doge I love it

Nice picture with your dogi and also your life story l like that.

Dogs are mentioned in the Bible more than 35 times.

nice photo.. nice post

Nice picture! check out my post about seaside in winter :) thx

FullSizeRender (5).jpgYou two are so sweet @claraking! Nico is such a sweetheart! I am glad he is fine! sending kisses from me and Oscar

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