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RE: Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1809

in #niche4 months ago (edited)

Hi!! Good afternoon @ocd

I had nowhere to let you know, because I dedicated a post to several friends, communities and hive curators. Among all of them I had the initiative to like a special one to you for your support since I started in the hive.

I hope you can see it in my profile uploaded today and let me know if you like it. Greetings my friend 😊

Hola buenas tardes @ocd !!

No tenía por donde hacerle saber, porque le dediqué un post a a varios amigos, comunidades y curadores de hive. Dentro de todos tuve la iniciativa de agradarte uno especial hacia ti por el apoyo desde que empecé en la colmena.

Espero puedas verlo esta en mi perfil subido hoy y me hagas saber si te gusto. Saludos amigo 😊