
I will get some more up there. Life has been a real stinker here lately. Waiting for some more information on what the human rights people will release. So far 289 deaths. Thanks for helping me get the message out there.

No worries.
Im just waving my magic wand wishing it didnt have to be this way.
Stay safe.

Me too! I wish it wasn't happening here or anywhere else...

Will you take a look at the letter at the top of this newsletter?
Does it jibe with what you know to be true or is it disinfo?

Some of this is a bit twisted. The first interesting point is that the person writing it may be Nicaraguan by birth but they are not currently living here and if it who I believe it has not lived here since the last revolution so will have a slanted view too. The pension issue was the last straw that broke the camels back. There have been so many other things building over the last 18 months. The whole thing with the pension is that the INSS which is the branch of the government that looks after pensions and health insurance is broke. The money is no longer there for the pensions. 11,000 retired soldiers are not getting their pensions at all. The people are tired of the corruption. All the systems here are collapsing. Has Amnesty International been here? Yes. Have they been able to do anything? No. One wonders who they re being paid by. There are many factions at play here. We know of at least three international groups or countries supplying money and arms to Ortega's supporters. The Antimontines or riot police are supplied from Venezuela. We know money has been coming in from Spain. There have been shipments of arms from Honduras. And all this is public knowledge here on the ground. Who are the other players? People here suspect the CIA who have been here since 1980. No big secret there. Money from the Central Bank has gone missing in the past week. Human Rights have been here and nothing happens. Today the EU and UN have sent delegations. The people here are not holding their breaths that anything will change. I hope this answers some questions. Mainstream news is having difficulty getting news out. 20 reporters had their equipment confiscated and they were to be escorted out of the country but no-one for sure what has happened to them.

That is what i suspected.
Who has the money to sponsor those groups, amnesty intl, red cross, etc?
Rich people.
How do rich people get rich?
Oppressing poor people.

Nobody listens to me, but all the people have to do to short circuit all that nonsense is to keep workng but stop paying.
They already do all the work, absent their labor the economy doesnt exist.
If they continue to work they can take what they need from that work, its theirs.
They grow the food, why sell it to a bankster?
They drive the trucks, what does the bankster do?
They own the products of their labor as long as they dont sell them for wages only to buy them back at a loss, profit for the banksters.

Why they agree to buy it back from the banksters just attests to the efficiency of the indoctrination.
They agree to be enslaved.

A friend of mine from Florida who is Nicaraguan wrote a letter to Amnesty International about their role as an ngo in destabilizing Nicaragua. It is on my homepage of my newsletter: I think from looking at this post you might find his insights as a native Nicaraguan relevant.

Im looking into it, if it jibes with my source on the ground, i'll put it in a post.

Let me know...

Working on it now.

I'm on the peace side with you!

It's why I stopped eating animal products.

Peace begins at our plate. Eating factory farmed animals and derivatives is also violent domination. Just in another form.

Honestly, I think if we are all starting to see that, the world will become a much more peaceful place. We will see that we are all alike, all capable of suffering, we are all longing for peace. Whether you're a Nicaraguan Humanbeing or an African Rhino or a Milkcow. Most of us are not in our natural state right now.

We are all earthlings and we all want peace. Except for the ones who don't but they are outnumbered I think.

I personally can't do shit about the situation in Nicaragua. I guess I can only be a peaceful example. Show some light. Well that's what I'm trying to do at least.

Oh but you can help nicaragua, just remind the people you talk to thatvwe dont like bullies and shouldnt tolerate govts run by them.

When the people reject rule by force we will know peace.
Right now most folks dont equate govt with being bullied.