Rebel bots in Decentraland and more!

in #nft3 years ago (edited)

Well, some great things have happened since the last entry! I was finally exposed to Decentraland thanks to a live Rebel Bots event hosted in game. That was super cool. The Crazy Lizard Army has released another sick dragon preview and announced a "dragon egg" stage! Oh the anticipation! On top of that, BYO Pills Trip Replicator app is live and all of us pill owners can now experience the effects. Sounds awesome! You could say I'm a bit excited. I get a bit a head of myself sometimes thinking about the future. It's fun thinking about where all of this might be in 5 or 10 years. One thing I do know, I'll always be thankful for stumbling down this road.

Anyway, lets dig in!

Rebel Bots Decentraland Party

Say whaaaaaat? Yea that's right, Rebel Bots threw a party in Decentraland and it was killer. We had a dope live DJ named Category 5. The first metaversal DJ! At the entrance of the venue you were able to obtain a POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol), which proves you were there and automatically entered you into the giveaways. The event started at 8pm and there were 2 bots given away every 15 minutes until 10pm. That's 8 bots to 8 lucky people! The party ended around 11pm.

Rebel Bots Decentraland Party Pics!

Check out some pics I took! This first one is the entrance. To the right in the glass jar you can see the POAP.


The POAP looks pretty cool.


The stage and big screen reminds me of a real life venue.


There was a bunch of people hanging out up on this balcony.


I love the giant robots they had for decor, a nice touch!




The Rebel Bots roadmap is promising. I'm excited.


The team! I didn't have night mode enabled in this picture.


A good view of the dance floor.


It was a pretty cool experience, especially since this was my first time messing with Decentraland! I'll definitely be exploring more here, maybe build something if its affordable. I'd like to spiff up my avatar too. Anyway, the coordination of this event and the follow through really solidifies my feelings for Rebel Bots. This is such a fun project with big goals and the community is legit. I'm
looking forward to future events!

I've been playing on a laptop with mediocre hardware therefore the graphics were set very low. It's been a few years since I owned a desktop but I was always building new rigs for pc gaming most of my teenage life and some of my adult life. Though it's not the most physically demanding, Decentraland has made it very clear it does not like this laptop lol! I think I'm going to have to build a desktop soon.

Crazy Lizard Army - More Dragons... and eggs!

As we patiently and eagerly wait for the Evolution Chamber to open, the team has buttered everyone up with some more awesome dragon previews as well as announced a dragon egg stage! Now we will be trading 3 lizards for a dragon egg which then can be hatched into a dragon. It seems like we've been waiting forever for the dragons (insert game of thrones joke here) but it honestly hasn't been long. I was thrown off a bit about the egg stage at first but I think its cool! It adds a layer of excitement. Anyway, I absolutely love the artwork and I've made several solid buddies in this community. I plan to hodl my lizard closely.

Evolution Chamber


Dragon Previews

Here are all of the current dragon previews. The top two are new, the lower three I shared on a previous blog.

These dragons are pretty cool looking. My favorite of the 5 previews is gonna have to be first one! Dude is jacked and it reminds me a bit of Venom from Spiderman. The artist, Musk, actually did do a Venom themed lizard... I have to share that too! lmao. It's badass.


As time goes on we will see what this project evolves into! I am very curious to see what may happen once the eggs and dragons are launched. What kind of developmental goals will Crazy Lizard Army set for the future? It has been mentioned you will need a lizard or dragon to access the lizard metaverse. I certainly would love to see that! Let's wait and find out!

BYOPills Trip Replicator App

BYOPills is raising the bar. I discovered this project via a twitter giveaway. My ass was lucky and I won BYOPill #152! From that moment on I started looking into the project and reading up on whatever I could. Consumable NFTs... something you may be able to use in game one day. This is a super innovative idea and its a great example of the abilities NFT/Blockchain technologies have. Imagine using NFTs as buffs or even health potions in another NFT game! That would be insane. The potential here is endless.

I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that BYOPills released their new Trip Replicator phone application! It's available on Android and iOS. You link your wallet to it and it provides you a list of all of your pills. You select which one you want to "trip" on and then you can apply it to a video or photo. The effect of #152 appears to be a type of random pixilation. I couldn't upload a video here but check it out on my twitter: Crazy Lizard #975 tripping on BYOPill #152.


BYOPills just did a snapshot of all holders on the 26th. In a few weeks, so long as you still own your pills, you will be able to mint a key that gives you access to an avatar later down the road. It blew my mind when I found out they are making avatars too! I'm ready for it. If I can manage to grab a few more pills before this stuff takes off, you can bet I will.


Yea... WOW! That's pretty much on repeat in my head. We are so early in all of this stuff still, its going to be a LONG and exciting journey. I have a tendency to think far ahead... sometimes its a curse and sometimes its a gift! With this NFT stuff, it is just FUN. I could speculate the future and talk about this stuff all day. I've been throwing around the idea of a NFT Podcast but I don't know if or when I'll pull the trigger. It would be really fucking cool. Ya know, when I read this last paragraph its making me think maybe I should.

UNTIL NEXT TIME FOLKS! Thank you so much for tuning in for another weekly post!

P.S. still working on physical signs. I have not forgotten!


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