Sport Fans Untie! United Games World Sports

in #nfl8 years ago

Every once in a while something amazing happens, a new concept or idea that changes everything. Next month United Games will release an amazing new concept; LIVE SPORTS gaming! This App will allow you to eventually have every major sport in THE WORLD on your smart phone. This App will engage you, the player, in real time live action game play. Every aspect of each game will be presented as "play call" challenges. For example next month we when we launch this app, the first sport will be NFL football! In the united games live sports app you can predict runs, or pass, first down, as well as the number of yards in next play. All while you watch the results unfold live on your phone.
The most amazing part of the app is the use of tokens during game play, you can earn free tokens for watching adds, or completing simple 1 minute surveys. Of course you can also purchase tokens, but usually (96℅) players will only engage in FREE game play.
In the beginning, when you win, you will be rewarded with things like hats and team shirts, even tickets to the next game. As the games progress and you win tokens, you will also earn lifetime achievement awards. And later you can use these points and tokens to buy real world items, besides the above listed items, later will also include electronics, travel, and Cars, just to name a few. Everything started so far pertains to fee players, but for a very short time only about 10 days left we will be accepting affiliates positions (by invitation only) you will need a code from me to be able to log in and register at the most amazing part is that as affiliate you will be connected in perpetuity to every single person that you invite to play, as well as everyone they invite, and so on. The affiliate program only cost 10.00 monthly to maintain the website and marketing tools that will be provided to you. (With a one time 29.99 fee to start) in essence you will be a business owner, but I use this term very lightly, because you will sell nothing, you will ask for nothing, your only job is to give away the most amazing and fun sports app ever created, that's it! As an affiliate you can now convert your tokens into dollars (1 token Is 1 dollar) you will receive 10℅ of every token earned or purchased from your downline of free players. The strange thing about this business is that you really don't want to sign up affiliates, it is in your best interest to only sign up free players. In about 2 to 3 weeks when the affiliate opportunity is gone, as an affiliate, you will have a universal code (currently we only generate unique individual one time use codes for players to sign up early) after launch, your universal code will insure that everyone you give it to, or everyone you advertise to will be placed under you forever. Even if a person goes to the app store and somehow finds the app on their own, they will be placed under all existing affiliates evenly. Every single player from here on out will be placed under affiliates. Over time you could realistically have hundreds of thousands, to millions of players in your down line. The whole premise is FREE play. Using only free players for this example (some will purchase more), but let's say you manage to invite many people and end up with 1000 free players. Through advertising dollars, and inviting new players (which will also be yours) each player will earn about 7 tokens each month. That is 7000 tokens of which you will earn A MINIMUM of 10℅ (plus more when those tokens are actually played) but at this point you will bank $700.00 per month. But here is the amazing part! Each of those players will be incentivized to invite more players, and studies show each player will invite an average of 7 new players. So your 1000 players eventually become 7000 players. And each of those new 6000 players with invite 7 more each... AS AFFILIATE WILL ALL BE UNDER YOU!!! So during the next share you will have about 43000. Players doing about 7 tokens a month (still only free players)
At this point your earnings will be over 30,000 EVERY MONTH!!!
The above page is for FREE players, I am only looking for players on my social media. This is my first post on steemit, because this concept is similar and meant for people who "get it" I want to give everyone here the opportunity to become an affiliate. Because this link is only for players you will have to message "united games sports app" on Facebook through this link, and say that you don't want to be just a player, that you would like the code for affiliate. Of course you can simply follow directed to be a free player and switch to affiliate (but only for a limited time). Keep in mind, that there will be no charges until launch. And that anytime before launch you can revert to a fee player if you change your mind, and vice versa.
The registration page is
But you must get a free code to sign up, simpley go to do live sorts, Facebook link above and message me there. I hope to hear from you!
Please keep in mind that the smart phone app market brings in over 150 million dollars each and every DAY!!!
Thank you