The bot looks at a certain maximum radius around a planet when checking for empty space to explore, in order to avoid grinding to a halt from processing too much map data.
you'd have to go way way beyond that max radius to find any empty space for this user
and the bot doesn't use explorer IIs to search farther away so it's basically useless for him for the purpose of exploring and can only be used for levelling up.
In your case you have nowhere to explore, you are surrounded completely by other players. So the bot can only level you up but can’t send explorers.
so the bot cant fly further what is shown in the normal map? flying far is still better than doing nothing
This is the response i got from our devs:
You do refunds? As the only purpose for me was exlporing
Yes sure, will sort next time i’m at PC.
thank you
Refund done, sorry the bot didn't meet your needs.