February the 6th is a national holiday in New Zealand in remembrance of a piece of our history. Here’s some commentary on Waitangi Day, in haiku verse.

Image source
Signed by Maori and the Crown
Land bought for a song
Now Waitangi Day
Commemorates history
Also Bob Marley!
Born in Jamaica
The 6th of February
Nineteen forty five
Dreadlocks and reggae
Good match for kiwi culture
Laid back and hip hop
Than all our prime ministers
Pelt them with some stuff!
See this post from @kiwiscanfly for more about prime minister pelting
Pelt one with some mud
Throw a dildo at one more
Though Jacinta’s safe.
See this post from @sift666 for more about Jacinta
We pelted no one
We stayed home and bought some Steem
And cried at our graphs
Que sera sera
Tomorrow is another day
Let’s walk to the beach.
Calf Day ~ The CoughMore (funnier) kiwi poetry from @andysantics48:
Thanks for reading
Video from Youtube. Images by @sift666 or from Pixabay, unless otherwise stated.
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Good girl, sometimes it is a pain answering all the comments, but they need to be told the right way to comment.
Hence I will be using your blue paper the help newbies, with great thanks to you.
Agreed. There are three options - ignore, flag or try and educate. I used to ignore, or blandly reply. But am now making it my mission to improve Steemit, one minnow at a time. Lol.
I managed to change a couple of newbies into voting at least in the last couple of weeks, you have written it better so I will use your spiel in the future, if you are happy at that?
Of course. The more people who use it, the better!
Awesome haikus! I didn't know Bob Marley and NZ mixed so well. Happy Waitangi Day to all!
Thanks! As I was just saying to @onetree, not any kind of official link, but we have been to reggae festivals on Waitangi Day, and I see a similarity to some of our bands. I wonder if @kaykunoichi would agree with me.
I would like to know about this Waitangi day. Is this when the natives stopped eating the Englishmen?
I bet they wished later that they had kept eating us! But more recent governments have given land and rights back to some of the iwi (tribes).
Hi kiwi.. Happy waitangi day.. Dnt knw the history of this day.. I ll try to search it.. Hete 5 feb is a national holiday for our beloved kashmiri nation.. We specially pray for them manage rallys for them as they are living a miserable life under indian forces brutal occupation.. Freedom is their right..
That is sad. It's awful when people are oppressed in their own country. Freedom is everybody's birthright, as you say.
Yes.. Their sons are punished their daughters are raped and their kids are murdered without any reason.. Even united nations passed many bills but india does not care any pressure or i think united nations failled to do anything for poor kashmiri nation..
What use is the UN if they can't do anything about such atrocities?
Useless organuzation.. Failled to protect poor nations..
Hi Deb and Happy Waitangi Day. My ex-husband brought me to Wellington, years ago. You have a beautiful city and country:)
Thank you. We love it here and can't imagine living anywhere else. Glad you liked it :-)
Mmmm, you're not bad yourself. I'm just curious, did you insert Bob Marley there, or is there some type of celebration of him in NZ. I love Bob Marley, but my daughter lives & breathes him!
Near where we live, up in hills, in the "green belt" there's an old velodrome. We haven't been up there lately, but it used to be that on Waitangi Day, there was always a reggae festival there in honour of Bob's birthday. So not a general observation by any means, but certainly celebrated by some.
I don't know much about New Zealand's culture, but having recently written a business plan for the KiwiBuild programme, I've informed myself a bit about the country and noticed that you have a beautiful nature and peaceful lives. Good job for Māori people who got your independence from the crown. Cheers! : )
Yes, we do have a beautiful country. Maybe you can come visit some time. I haven't come across your blog before, but you have some interesting looking posts, so I'm following you now.
Hola from a kiwi in Spain :) My wife and I moved to Spain recently and it has made me reflect on New Zealand culture and what makes it so special. I have been teaching the kids at school about Maori culture for Waitangi day - showing them Maori art/crafts. The children all loved seeing the haka!
Hiya! Thanks for saying hello. You may have noticed that at the bottom of my post I've linked to an old post with a list of kiwis. There are more new ones since then, so I'm going to do an updated list soon. I'll pop to your blog and say Hello again over there.
Hello Deb! I have followed your blog its great to hear about New Zealand while im overseas.
regular postings you very nice today, yesterday you visited my blog and complimenting my beetle and thank you once again for it:-)Hallo @kiwideb ...!!! We met again, as
Hi @fakrol, thanks for visiting again
Good post
You make a valid argument, however on this occasion i think the tardis was made in Wellington originally, let's just leave it at that and not get into a nasty flagging war
@kiwiscanfly was reminding you that a comment is only appreciated when it shows that you read the post, and this comment didn't. But you did upvote, and that shows good manners, so I'm going to forgive you this time. Please read the tips in the blue box at the bottom of my post, to see how you can improve.
Happy waitangi day. How is that pronounced?
Most people say Why-tang-ee but the correct Maori pronunciation is more like Why-tongue-ee.
Remember that it is considered bad manners to comment without upvoting. You won't earn any curation rewards and you send a message that the post was not valued. In return, I won't be upvoting your comment. See the blue box at the bottom of my post for more tips. I don't have a policy of flagging, but some of my friends do.
Well, happy waitangi day once again. How do u plan on spending the rest of your free day?
My upvote is worth $0.00, do you still think I should upvote?
Your vote is symbolic at this stage. More established Steemians understand that, and don't want your vote for the money. But upvoting anyway will build goodwill and let people know you valued their work. It's a good habit to get into, for when you do have money.
Its already 9pm here in NZ, so not much of the day left, and I'll probably spend most of it answering comments on my post. And there, you see, is another reason to only comment if you have something to add. Some people make it a policy to answer every comment on their posts, and if half of those are generic and meaningless, it's disheartening to know the person didn't read.
In your case, it was a good question, which I was happy to answer. But voting as well makes it look like you mean it. Does all that make sense?
nice post
Yes, @kiwiscanfly is right, this kind of spam without an upvote is likely to get a rude picture back from @sift666.
Remember that it is considered bad manners to comment without upvoting. You won't earn any curation rewards and you send a message that the post was not valued. In return, I won't be upvoting your comment. See the blue box at the bottom of my post for more tips. I don't have a policy of flagging, but some of my friends do.
Her partner once drew and arseman in the toilet, so i would be careful mate
drawing nice and interesting drawing @jhoni likes and has seen in platform @kiwided, i can happily follow @kiwided, hopefully be friend @kiwided.
What is special about this day
It commemorates a treaty between the New Zealand Maoris and the British Crown, back in the 1800s.