Happy New Year, Steemit Resolutions

in #newyear7 years ago


3… 2… 1…

Happy New Year everyone! It’s that time again where we all make big plans for the year that are statistically probable to fizzle out before the spring. I think this year will be quite different though, and I’ll explain why my personal attitude for the year to come is a bit different than prior resolution lists.

Here are my major resolutions of the year -

- Source: NJ Family

Keep Up the Daily Steemit Routine

Since going to Steemfest, I’ve made a personal decision to keep up the daily posting and engagement. Especially now, with the price what it is, I think everyone should be carving out a bit of time each day to post, comment, upvote, and by and large keep a strong foothold on the platform.

The biggest impetus for me are the exponential gains instead of the incremental. It’s easy to take a myopic perspective towards daily posting, focusing on one payout at a time and taking on an arithmetic attitude. But we have to constantly remind ourselves that the gains are tremendously higher the longer we go. I witnessed the fallout of dozens of people that I was accustomed to engaging with on a daily basis when the price of Steep slide downwards from about 2.5USD to less than a dollar. “It’s not worth it” was a common sentiment amongst people who weren’t getting at least $100 in payouts and measuring their worth in time to other activities in that moment. It’s easy to dissuaded by dips and a string of lower payouts.

- Source: Huffington Post

But those that have adopted a more committed attitude know how to ride out the lows and prepare for the highs. If you only blog when the prices are higher, you may be missing out on the bulk of your potential rewards, especially when those rewards come from not only upvotes, but also the relationship you build over the long term.

All in all, I think it would be healthier for myself and many others to treat Steemit as a commitment, not a pastime or hobby. I plan to keep that promise throughout 2018 and see where it take me by next January.

Be Smarter with My Money

Daily Steeming bridges nicely into personal finances, more so now because of us all getting paid dividends in cryptocurrency assets. If our SBD were just a fiat bonus paycheck, we’d be more inclined to let it sit in a bank account or be spent on the next weekend or vacation. Being rewarded in assets instead should make us more purposeful with where we place those assets, what we convert them into, and when it’s a smart time to take profits off the top.

- Source: Smart Hustle Magazine

As such, I want to be smarter with how I allocate those dividends and think strategically with how those investments might build up to something better in the future. By spending crypto, we’re not only spending money but also ‘future money’ of the prices these assets might be at in the long-term. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t spend your rewards as you like, but the age-old lessons of wealth management still apply here and I’m hoping my daily blogposts will build up to a more robust future if used purposefully and carefully.

Exercise 3 Times a Week

This one is a bit banal and unrelated to the excitement of cryptocurrency, but I wanted to squeeze this one in on the immutable blockchain nonetheless. With the transition to New York, diving into the world of crypto, and starting @sndbox, I quickly lost track of my hobbies of staying healthy and working out at least a few times a week. I wish to restart and sustain those activities into the new year.


- The good 'ol days when preparing for the Rome marathon

One newfound sentiment I have from 2017 that motivates this last resolution is the excitement I have of witnessing blockchain’s impact on the world in the coming decades. I want to stay as healthy and mentally sharp as possible so I can continue to embrace these new technologies as they emerge and flourish in the future.

The last thing I want to be when I get older is one of those grump old porch-men that yell things like “it’s a pyramid scheme!!” Or mumbles to myself incessantly “bubble, bubble, tulip, bubble…” I want to keep my wits about me and recognize the next big advancements even well into my senior years without letting my cynical skepticism kick in. In order to do this, I need to keep my body and subsequently my mind youthful and vigilant.

Looking ahead to 2018

During 2017, we’ve all come together to partake in one of crypto’s premier technologies and each of us has developed a personal stake on here. I for one am incredibly excited to see where this community and technology will go in the coming year. If you were around this time last year, you know very well that the fact the steemit.com has developed to this point and the price is above 3USD is nothing short of an angel’s grave. Luckily, even with recent downturns in the overall token market, Steem seems to have established a much stronger presence that will hopefully sustain into the coming months.

If those assumptions prove to be true, that means next year will be a time where each of us has a bit more financial freedom to pursue your goals and break away from the monetary restraints that might hold you down currently. With prospects like these, it’s important to dream big and keep working at that near-future.

Happy New Year everyone!


Happy New Year~^^

Great 2018 resolutions. Mine are very similar. Steem made a nice little bump in price too!

Here’s to a great 2018!

Awesome, just saw that! Happy NY @kp138!

Happy New Year~

Happy New Year Isaac님!

Happy new year may this year bring a lot of happiness and prosperity in your life.

Happy new year @atiqur!

I quickly lost track of my hobbies of staying healthy and working out at least a few times a week.

Yes! :)

Happy New Year @hansikhouse

Happy New Year Leo!

My resolutions are way more minimal than yours! But good luck! I hope 2018 treats you well.

Minimal ones are great too! Happy new year!

새해복가득가득 받어~ 마이클^^
머리카락 짧을 때가 있었구만? ㅋㄷ
항상 행복하게 살아봅시다^^

새해복 많이 받으세요 형님!!

Happy New Year! :)

Happy new year @myhappycircle님!!

새해 복 많이 받으시고 즐겁게 시작하세요 ^^

happy new year

happy newyear! very good

Happy new year @hansikhouse. I have made a resolution to not waste my time like i did in year 2017 but see now 2018 also I have successfully wasted 3 days... Lol