Family guy and the New World Order

in #newworldorder8 years ago (edited)

Tonight while watching family guy, they were sitting in Joe's police truck trying to spy on Lois. They start to try and listen to her conversation with an old high school friend and start turning a dial that changes the frequency of hearing they have. As they start in the lower frequencies they hear the under world or lower dimensions /frequencies "Our armies are ready.Soon it will be time to leave here and strike back at he souls of the overworld" they then are able to here Lois and her conversation before they are able to hear inside quagmires thoughts and he then realises that they are all able to hear them and freaks out. This scene is showing you how there are other frequencies and how when someone tunes into themselves they sometimes freak out and don't know what to do.

For fifteen years I have been trying to figure out why we're here and what is really going on in the world. I guess you could call this a spiritual journey or soul searching. Along this expedition to discover my soul and its purpose I started with the thing that i believed in that nobody I knew seemed to. I believed our votes for who would be president never really counted cause they were never really counted. When i was fifteen all i would do is watch the History or Discovery Channel in my free time. On a history show about secret societies i learned about the Bilderberg group which is a meeting of all the world leaders and heads of the press so they wouldn't report it and they decide who will run what and other important matters around the world. If all our world leaders meet in secret and don't disclose what was discussed it made me realise that the ones in power are already chosen before we even vote. from there i learned about the illuminati and focused my research on them for around 10 years. It wasn't till i was diagnosed with cancer that i started to worry about my soul. My outlook was if its my time its my time but it didn't mean i wasn't worried what was after this life. I did chemo and radiation and have been in remission for almost five years so thats given me plenty of time to reflect on my soul. Through some of my research i learned the illuminati's were luciferians or devil worshippers. That led me back to Christianity which i was from the time i was born to the time I discovered my first "Sins" when i was in fourth grade . I distanced myself further away from the christian lifestyle as i grew older and then went right back to it out of fear of going to "hell" after I died. I started to read the bible from the beginning and after the first couple of books i began to wander how a god that is of love and peace could create so much chaos and destruction? If he really loved us so much to send his only son to saves us in the new testament, then why would he destroy us in the old testament?

Family guy had an episode where god is in a bar trying to impress some girls and shoots a lightning bolt that catches the whole place on fire "Jesus Christ" Jesus shows up"Yeah dad" "Grab the Escalade were out of here!" they leave leaving boris the bartender stuck only to be saved by throwing a rope to the blind Peter and telling him to pull. Having blind faith in certain religions could leave you with your world burning down around you and your saviors that actually caused some of the problems are nowhere to be found. Boris helped himself get free by throwing the rope to Peter and with the help of his fellow human he was able to get to safety. You got to help yourself and your fellow humans.

Prayers are good cause they are thoughts and usually have feelings and meaning behind them, which creates emotions. Emotions are thoughts in motion. I have come to a realisation that we are all creators and when put your mind and soul to something it will manifest. If we stop putting our faith blindly into stuff and into our fellow humans we could create a better place. instead we put our faith in religions or governments and follow them blindly hoping they will save us while or planet is being destroyed.

We all need to raise our frequency to one of love, have faith in ourselves and fellow humans, and we cant freak out and do nothing when we hear our souls talk to us. Then we could have a new world order of peace and true prosperity.