Isaac Newton's life
In this article, the biographies of Sir Isaac Newton have been written in detail, including Isaac Newton calculus, gravity, optics, position and dynamics, in which he has a fundamental and breakthrough contribution in various branches of science.
Primary life
Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643, according to the modern calendar. His birthplace, Woolstorp Manor, in Lincolnshire. The Manor region is located in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth. Even when Newton was born, the contemporary peepal calendar was not used in England. So his date of birth was registered as Christmas Day of 1642
He was born three months after his father Isaac's death. His father was an ordinary farmer in the village. During the birth, Newton's size was very small. His mother Hannah Eysakoff often used to say that the Newton of the smallbetts could be easily penetrated into a quart mug. Her mother at the age of threeAnother married and lived with the new husband Reverend Barnabus Smith. Newton was not with her mother at the time. Under the supervision of grandmother Margarita Acekoff, she spent her days. Nutton could not choose his honest father. Her mother had a little bit of anger towards her that her mother married this man. Nutton until his 19 years of age
There is evidence of his anger towards the mother from the list of sins done in a list of sins. The list was written on my father and mother, fearing that I would burn their house I
Newton's primary education was completed at a small school adjacent to the school. At the age of 12, he was sent to Grantham's grammar school for study. There he lived in a pharmacy and seller's home. Newton was untouchable in this school, from which his talents were recognized. Initially, no one was able to do it with another boyHe was able to compete with them well. From the beginning of school life, Newton was most interested in making various instruments. At that age he made windmill, water-clock, kite and sun-dial. Besides, its important construction was a four-wheeled vehicle that could pull itself on ascending. Newton's Honor in 1656
Father died Then his mother came back to Ulster and brought him out of school. The purpose was to arrange future farming by teaching farmland in the house. But he soon realized that Newton had no interest in farm work. Newton's uncle was Rector of Burton Cologis. From this uncle's advice, he was sent from the family to study at Trinity College, Cambridge.
Newton at Trinity College
He passed matriculation examination from Newton Trinity College in 1661. While studying in college, he used to work as a servant in various colleges in order to pay for his studies. There is no documentary written by Trinity College that he did something big as a student. However, it is known that he studied mathematics and mechanics mostly on the subject. In Trinity College, he first studied Kepler's form of optical scienceAfter that, however, he focused on Euclid's geometry. Because he did not understand a few diagrams mentioned in a book of astrology from the fair. To understand these, it was necessary to know Euclid's geometry. Nevertheless, Newton could not understand the book. Angered by this he kept it as an irreplaceable book. But later, his teacher, Isaac Barro, asked him to read the book again. The book was written on Desert's geometrical research and work.
While receiving graduate education, Newton arranged for a small book shelf or all his books at such a place. Newton found some articles written in that time. The topics of this article include: Anatomical division, the classification of curves, some mathematical calculations about the unique tunes of music, geometric problems of Vieta and Van Schuetten, some comments on Wallace's Arithmetic of Infiniti,The results of glass friction, lens errors, and all the sources of origin. On the eve of graduation in 1665, Newton proved his famous bipartisan theorem and provided the first theory on the discovery of the method of mathod of fluxion. Trinity CollegeThese days were very important for him. But in 1665, plague diseases in Cambridge and London form the epidemic. As a result, the college was closed for indefinitely. Newton Return to their Khamara home in Lincolnshire
Research work in Lincolnshire
Newton did not stop at Woolsthorpe again. There, he continued to perform various experiments on chemistry and optics, and continued to follow his mathematical disciplines. Newton identified the beginning of his gravitational theory on the discovery of the date of 1666, in which he had to leave Trinity College. He said about this
In the same way, I began to think about the gravity of the moon orbiting ... I liked the ball to keep the moon in its orbit and in the gravitational force on the surface of the earth, and it was able to identify the value of these two balls almost equal.
At the same time, he completed a fundamental investigation of optical science. By this experiment he was able to discover the structural parts of white light. Newton himself commented on his primary work on optical science:
I did all this for only two years 1665 and 1666, because at that time I was at a significant level in the time of my life that the development of mind and mathematical thinking and philosophy developed at that stage.
Photochemistry research
In 1667 Trinity College was reopened. Now college Newton was elected Fellow and two years later, shortly after his 27th birthday, he was appointed Lucasian professor of mathematics department. Prior to that, his friend and teacher Dr. Baro was in the position of Trinity College. At that time, to become a fellow at Cambridge and Oxford University, someone had to be an Anglican missionary established. Again
Lucasian professors were forbidden to approach church, because it could harm scientific research. Newton wanted to escape himself from this condition while being a Lucasian professor. King Charles II of the time accepted his claim and appointed him as a professor. In this, Newton's religious beliefs conflict with Anglicans ended. In 1668, Newton had created a reflection telescope. 1671
In December, Newton created another telescope and presented it to the Royal Society. Two months later, as a fellow of the Royal Society, he preached his discoveries about light and started a debate about light. For many years this debate continued. Robert Hook, Lucas, Linus Pauling and many others participated in this debate. Newton, however, always argues that such controversy is tasteless
Used to do He blamed his own nuances to give rise to a debate on the basis of such a very important theory of light. Most of his papers about light shudder were published from 1672 to 1684 from the Royal Society. His research papers were compiled in 1704 with his optics.
Principia Mathematica publication
Before 1684, Newton felt no need to publish his research work on gravitation. Hook, Edmund Halley and Sir Christopher Ryan invented some theory or information separately about gravity although none of them was able to give a specific theory about planetary orbits. That year, scientist Edmund Halley talked to Newton about the matter and was surprised to find that Newton's case was resolved so farDid it Newton offered four theorems to Halley and seven issues that were marked as the main part of his research work. Between seventy-eighteen months between 1685 and 1686, he wrote the most famous books Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica, whose name was given as Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. There are three parts in this book. Newton IIIWanted to shorten the part. But Halley encouraged him to write the third part in detail. The Royal Society publishes the publication of the book and expresses its inability to compile it. This time Heli came forward. He carried all the expenditure on publishing the book, and in 1678, this book was published in the history of physics and mathematics. After the publication, it was able to generate huge response across Europe. SubsequentlyThe most famous scientist of the time, Christian Hygiene went to England in 1689 to personally meet Newton.
Research on government jobs and theology
Newton University became more active in the activities of Princeton while working on the principles set out in Princeton. At this time, King James II decided to deny the authority of universal authority and loyalty. Newton was elected a member of parliament from Cambridge for his protest and protesting. At the end of the political work when he was againWhen he returned to the university, he became seriously ill. Because of this illness, in 1692 - 1693, he was unable to perform almost all tasks. As a result, there was a lot of concern among his colleagues and friends. After recovering from the disease, he left university and started work for the government. With the help of his friend Locke, Ryan and Lord Halifax, he first startedIn 1695, the England government was elected to the Warden of the Mint and later Master of the Mint. Until his death, he remained in this Master of the Mint post.
On the other hand, Newton was interested in studying theology from the very first part of life. Prior to 1690, he began to study religious prophecy. At that time, he gave a detailed description of this in the letter written to the lock. The name of this letter was An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of The Scriptures This leaflet relates to the trinity of two passagesWriting. He also wrote a manuscript before his death. Its name is The Observations on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse. He also compiled some criticisms, commentaries and annotations from the Bible.
Last life
Newton's last 30 years of life have rarely contributed fundamental principles to mathematical principles. [Citation needed] But there was still no lack of enthusiasm or skill in this regard. In 1696 he solved a mathematical problem one night. This problem was proposed by Barnauli in a competition and the solution was allocated for 6 months. AgainIn 1716, he solved a problem in just a few hours. The scientist Libnese referred to this issue as thrilling and difficult for English experts. During this time he was quite concerned about two issues. One of his astronomical discoveries did not match the observations of the astronomer Royal. There was a debate on this. The other is CalculusDebnings and disputes with Libyan discovery He revised the book Principia and published a new edition in 1713 AD.
Newton's scientific studies gave him great respect. He was a popular visitor to England's court. In 1705, he was awarded the knighthood. There were various honors for him from the entire continent. He was in contact with all the leading scientists of that time.To meet him, a lot of scientists and science students were arriving that he would get annoyed. Receiving so much respect, Newton once expressed his humility. He said sometime before death
I do not know how I was presented to the world, but to me, I think that a young boy who is playing in the sea valley and is looking for a small pebble or smaller and very ordinary stone, but the ocean of truth lies in front of him, which remains undiscovered.
After 1725, Newton's health deteriorated greatly. As a result, one deputy Mint arranged to waive his work. In February of 1727, he last served as president of the Royal Society. He was the president of the Society since 1703. He died on March 20, 1727, at the age of 85. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, London.
Nice Post Really . i love it
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