Hi Pryde.
Oh yeah ... get us the hell out of beta.
The longest "test drive" in the history of testing ... or driving. :-)
As I argued, we don't have to be perfect to be successful. We just have to be non-disaterous on the fundamentals. Who knew that would be so hard to accomplish?
I know numerous people who are being auto-downvoted (posts, comments and replies) by a whale because they had the temerity to support (or simply interact with) someone who was on the whale's shitlist. This is an intolerable abuse of power and has to be stopped. De-platforming, pure and simple. If there is a thing more inconducive to user engagement and retention, I cannot think what it might be.
Alas, I have little faith in Whales Wars to accomplish the end. They always burn out and the offenders continue unabated. My proposal is meant to bring some order to the chaos. If a thing is truly abusive (an "Offensive Behavior" as defined by "community standards") ... OK, hit it. Otherwise, take your finger off the trigger. If you don't like the other guy's content, hit the back button. Live and let live.
Auto down-voting. Really ... and that is why we can't have nice things.
I never really wanted a Lambo anyway.
I'd settle for a Honda Accord.
Used. :-)
You mean vintage;)

"Redecorate your driveway for $4,000."
... The "QuillMobile"