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RE: Downvoting due high pending rewards and a lack of engagement?

in #newsteem5 years ago

Whilst I'm not keen on getting less on my payouts, already quite under-valued in my [totally] objective and neutral opinion 😁 I see an opportunity to potentially increased my exposure whilst other's are holding back their content due to their concerns over getting less reward. I see it as a time to push some content out and reach curators looking to click that upvote button.

I used my two DV's yesterday and will do so again today and everyday as I see the benefit of pushing out the rapers...Who likes rapey people anyhow? I saw a comment on this post Asher, one which said the person is afraid to DV due to reprisals...Funny how the perception or thought of bullying can have the same effect as the act itself.

Anyway, I better go and write some more content...It's magnificent you know, my content...Speaking from a truly neutral and unbiased position of course. 😏


Very undervalued, not 'quite' :)

Funny how the perception or thought of bullying can have the same effect as the act itself

Indeed. It's a shame they feel that way, I hope #newsteem shifts perception.

More content, throw some #sportstalk in at times too :)

I've got one going up tomorrow on sportsalk actually. It's magnificent! 😶

I shall take a look and likely support, although perhaps not in that order 😬

Grazie mille.