The Hollowness of the Conservative Intellectual Elite

in #newslink7 years ago

The Hollowness of the Conservative Intellectual Elite

Point the First

The greatest area of failure in these pretend "intellectuals" is their refusal to call for the enforcement of law when leftist/statist politicians and burrocrats violate that law.

Why should ANYONE obey the law when these people, who should be more accountable for violation, flout it at every opportunity?

THIS is the greatest failure of "our" thinkers

Point The Second

These dingalings chose Clinton over Trump in large numbers in the 2016 cycle; I understand that Trump is a populist, not a conservative. I also get that he is likely to be corrupt. Finally, yes, he holds some statist positions.

But more of a danger than Clinton? A leftist corruptocrat that openly violated American law, sold uranium to the Russians she claims to be such a danger, and whose party commits vote fraud and imports illegal invaders hand over fist?

Perhaps Trump is more of a danger to these so-called intellectuals and their hold over the "anti-left" part of American political thought. I'll have to put "anti-left" into quotes because there has been very little practical opposition to leftism and statism outside of Judicial Watch.

Point the Third

I'll just quote from the article:

Instead of facing the truth of the Left’s intolerance and utter disregard of the democratic norms they claim to cherish, Brooks slips into moral equivocation, blaming the Left and Right equally for our current state of affairs.

Around the midway point of the interview, Brooks argues that Americans noting the media’s absolutely disgraceful reporting by shouting “fake news!” is the equivalent of college kids shouting down and attacking speakers on college campuses. But since when has noticing the media’s hostility to the views of Americans who don’t reside on the coasts ever been comparable to infringements on natural rights through actual violence?

Point the Fourth, and Finalith

After the complete exposure of neoconservationism as a fraud from 2006 to the 2016 election, these retards are still accorded as intellectuals...way to police your ranks, guys.

I was once a neocon - why neoconservatism failed, and why it will ALWAYS fail

I exempt this guy ;>

My Books


get rid of them all.

Could you please answer my poll regarding Trump? - I am trying to get a better understanding of how steemit leans for a school project it would be highly appreciated!

what country of this sir?
can you tell me


Not america.
The U.S.

America is a nation, it is in the hearts and minds of the people. It doesn't really exist whereas The United States of America is a corporation under The City of London, which Chump is now the president of. United States of America is a defunct govern-cement, where all of the politics have abandoned their posts.

America is a nation, it is in the hearts and minds of the people

I like this, even so, America as such a concept in about half the nation (that votes, the only measure we have); the other half has been brainwashed into an alien and hostile ideology