The spread of synthetic diamonds in China, originally designed for industrial purposes such as oil drilling, is posing such a threat to the global diamond market that it has forced dominant player De Beers to invest tens of millions of dollars on methods to identify the man-made stones that look exactly like the real thing.
Dont know how to accept this, weather to see it as a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe I would say this is coming with mixed feeling coz honestly I would say it's exciting to know that the price of diamonds will soon fall and diamonds will be available to all. But on the flip side , I feel so much for those who are holders of the original diamonds . They are gonna loose big Time.
A team of scientists at the mining giant are dedicated to fundamental research into the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds, while others work around the clock developing high-tech machines capable of screening out these tiny, “fake” gemstones,
Well that's basically what they can do for now. They should invest all they got to this coz if they don't, it's gonna be a very big loss for them.
Have you watched blood diamonds? DeBeers has been killing a lot of people to keep their diamond monopoly in place. This monopoly is the only reason diamonds have any price.
Diamonds are very common. Anyone who has invested in diamonds has invested in a scam. A scam perpetuated by DeBeers, through holywood and other advertising. "Diamond are a girls best friend" - paid for by DeBeers.
So, i hope this bloody monopoly comes to a bloody end. If anyone on this planet deserves it, it is them.
I am sorry for anyone holding a diamond for its trading value.