It looks a lot like ark has been reading the chatter from me and from @faddat about dawn:
ExamplesoftechnologiestheARKCrewintegratesintoARKCoreare InterPlanetaryFileSystem(IPFS),InterPlanetaryDatabase(IPDB-when available),optionalprivatetransactionsandpotentiallyadditionaltechnologies likeInterPlanetaryLinkedData(IPLD)[1a]
,PracticalByzantineFaultTolerance (PBFT)[1b]
serverlesswebtorrentasthey emerge.ARKCrewsuppliesadditionalwhitepapersforallthemainupgradesto the ARK platform with further technical details.
humbug, stupid document copy/paste function. Dawn was going to be built on tendermint originally... and use IPFS for the distribution protocol. @faddat had absolutely no concept of how the content monetisation was going to work, that is 100% my ideas.