Google bans 40 apps in biggest Android Store fraud case to date

in #news7 years ago


Google recently eliminated over 40 mobile apps from its Play Store following a report by Check Point researchers who discovered malware hidden within these apps. Dubbed ‘Judy’, the malware was of the auto-clicking kind and was used to infect devices to create fraudulent clicks on ads to generate revenue. The apps reached between 4.5 million and 18.5 million downloads.

According to Check Point, the malicious apps had been developed by South Korean firm Kiniwini, registered as ENISTUDIO corp. on the Play Store. A malware code was then added secretly post-install of the app to make it non-detectable to Google’s Bouncer security scanner.

The software security firm estimates that around $300,000 were generated per month for the developer from the fraudulent activity.

App advertising fraud has been a growing issue as the market is becoming more saturated and more sophisticated fraudulent technologies are being created. According to ClicksMob research, gaming apps claimed 39% of the total fraud attempts as measured by the company’s Fraud Fighter technology.


Why I never really liked android. To many consumers have NO-none zip zilch idea of what they had in their hand about the open source software concept of it and do little to take responsibility for their privacy/safety. It's like one of the real newbys here with no coding skills being asked to be a witness. Yikes!
(This is from personal experience of being a cellular device retailer btw.
Why is my phone locked....I was just looking at pedoporn on accident is gf/bf of a month is an $&@@$& they hacked my account.
Oh yeah I don't know my password, I don't know my phone number or what email I might have used......but can you get me back into my phone?😕

To restore your phone the way it used to be, it may be in some way to recognize the problem of your phone, and find out if there is a similar case and whether there is a solution like the case in your phone.

Or maybe with the last step is to refactory your phone, but here also need to be considered, do the refactory then all the data on your phone will be lost, so when the refactory process finished your phone like a new phone in the purchase with standard mode when the initial use .

I know this but to explain it to people who are my age or younger is um...frustrating. 30's in America....we all grew up with this tech one way or another. It's sort of like buying a car but not having the key mentality to me.

If they do not understand the term in the language of technology you should use a simple language or imagery that is easy to understand by them, may be an example that is slightly related to the problem of the phone.