Bullshit DEA bans Kratom!!! (petition with in)

in #news8 years ago

The U.S. government is the biggest terrorist organization ever! Fuck the government, they are not the "author" of my life! As of September 30th according to the bullshit DEA, Kratom (Mitragyna speciose) will be a schedule 1 illegal substance! Fucking bullshit! All this without any scientific studies, evidence or statistics to back up their bullshit claim that Kratom is dangerous! Fucking nonsense! No where near as dangerous as their pharmaceutical poison pills, weaponized franken gmo food, fluoridated water, chemical trails in our skies, the war torn thug brain dead moron police, or cigarettes, white refined sugar and fast food! Fuck you Government! In the words of NOFX, "murder the government" and in the words of Payday Monsanto, "Dead the Fed!" This government needs to go away and I will use "whatever means necessary" to protect myself and the ones I love from these terrorist assholes! DEA and the rest of you terrorist government agents can go fuck yourself with a broken glass dildo! Fuck off mother fuckers! I will do what I want, you are not the "Author"-ity of my life, only I am! Here is more information on the topic:


Please read this article if you are interested in the bullshit DEA's knee jerk reaction to banning Kratom, even Forbes is calling them out on their bullshit. Check it :


Please take some time to sign the petition:

Fuck the government, time to do what the declaration of independence says, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and no we will not be instituting a new form of government either. No rulers, no masters! I am my own authority!


I don't know what the solution is, but I know what it isn't. Addiction and recreational use of pain killers is certainly a serious problem, but so is management of severe chronic pain. Currently those of us who suffer from chronic pain are being told to "buck up and deal with it." We're offered "solutions" like warm baths, yoga, and massage. All of these are soothing, but when you suffer from something like diabetic nerve damage or spinal stenosis these methods are like putting a warm towel on a broken arm. It may be comforting, but you're still in serious pain. I listen to the politicians and physicians debate, and the predominant theme seems to be that anyone who needs long term severe pain management is either an addict, a weakling, or just someone trying to get high. One thing I am certain of... these people have never had serious long-term pain, or watched a loved one suffer with it. Those who have are far less likely to dismiss pain killer use as a social problem. For more information: Kratom