Yeah I think mostly people assume that Patriotic Americans are all very Conservative Republicans that are anti-LGBT and racist and in my experience it is very much not the truth. Especially when it comes to Sharia Law I think there are many Americans that can say, without pause, that those values and laws, whether told it is Islamic Law or not, do not mix with the overall values of the USA which is at its core, Pro-FREEDOM. Freedom to have a Gay Pride Parade without being killed. Freedom to be a Conservative in NYC (bold), Freedom to Assemble peacefully and to Speak without fear of retribution. Pro-Gun Rights people are not just those crazies who go on killing sprees but mostly honest Veterans and regular people (shoot one it isnt that scary). I think honestly that if both sides, if there are only two, were to blindly put their values down onto a piece of paper and place them into a hat and we counted them all up, that both sides would have very, very similar results. Part 2 that I am trying to finish up will show a lot of that and also some just, I think, confusion about the "other side" and what they are standing up for! The narrative is always framed to get people angry and I don't think people would be as opposed to one another if they really knew what was in the other persons heart. The Mainstream Media tells us all that we are so polarized and hopelessly divided, but as Americans, I think we will always be more alike than different. One piece of evidence, Americans Protest with Passion for their beliefs. Under Sharia Law people would be punished severely for going against any imposed policy. Actually they wouldn't, because no one would be protesting, because they dont have a Bill of Rights, Human Rights that are God-given, with the Police, Military and Civilians exercising their 2nd Amendment Right, protecting them like we have here in the United States. God Bless the US!
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Yes, in Europe the north-american stereotype is an alt-right, obese, unecological, weapon-obsessed, mormon white man. All stereotypes are unfair. I know that USA is a very diverse country, with a mix of people from all around the world, and there are big differences in laws between states. I also know that majority of civilians does not have weapons, and that mormon religion is minoritarian.
It is good that Americans Protest with passion, here in Spain that does not happen. The biggest protests in the last years here there was the protests against Irak war, the protest against terrorism after 03/11/2004 attack in Madrid and the 15-May movement, which inspired Occupy Wall Street movement.
Here in Spain the mass media is also trying to polarize the people. According to them, you can either vote the traditional right-center country, completely infested by corruption, or let the communist win and create a dictatorship inspired by Iran and Venezuela. This is completely false, the most left party is not that extremist and there are also two center parties that can bring moderation.
God bless US and those who fought in the past against kings and dictators to ensure we can get the human rights we enjoy today. I think we the millenials are not doing enough for defend those rights.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin
I only got offended when you said Mormon hahaha. Yeah I always assumed people from Europe always thought we all wore cowboy hats and had accents from NY and Georgia. Definitely obese and pretty white overall but that is changing. I think as a Spaniard you would have a lot to say about the dangers of a radicalized form of militant Islam. But if you haven't shot a AR-15 yet you totally have to, weapons are mans worst enemy and therefore it's your best friend against your enemies. The term Alt-Right is just a term for stuff FoxNews won't put on their network because they are too busy sexually harassing the staff. And I totally hate that we don't use more wind farms. I think that and tidal energy are the biggest wasted natural resources that only need maintenance and even geothermal. Fossil fuels are just old technology and we can definitely do better without them and all the plastic in our bodies.
Hahaha, not my intention at all.
The islamist attacks was a big shock to Spaniard society. This is a quite pacifist country, with a muslim community very well integrated. Our president forced us to get involved in Irak in an effort to lick Bush balls. According to surveys only 10% spaniards supported joining the war. I am not a hippy who thinks that every international conflict can be solved by diplomacy and sending international aid with flowers, but in my opinion this high-scale missions should be approved by country citizens, not only by Congress.
I have heard that some state governors and mayors of big cities declared that they will try to accomplish Paris agreements in spite of federal government abandoning it, and I think this proves that north-americans are getting more involved in protecting the environment.
Yeah well the Federal government can only enforce laws not the reduction of laws so the States and especially cities can do what they please in most cases that are non unconstitutional. I am a Veteran and enlisted in the Marine Corps at 19, dropping a full college scholarship to enlist after 9/11-2001 (9-12-2001 to be exact). What disgusted me about the situation was as a kid I had no idea what war or death is. It was sad to see kids jumping around to go to war and be so naive to the forces at play. And yeah a lot of countries had to deal with licking Bush balls and I apologize. When he was my boss I couldn't say anything but now that he isn't... (fck Bush, fck Bush, f*ck Bush!). I suppose no one ever truly has a democracy do we? We get to choose names out of a hat and the decisions are never ours to make. Only to take.