A self-described Muslim-American man from South Dakota has sparked a controversy after streaming a video on Facebook Live shot outside a Christian conference in which he brandished an arsenal of guns while making apparent threats.
The man, Ehab Jaber, of Sioux Falls, made the video on April 9 after stopping by the Worldview Weekend Christian gathering in Hilton Garden Inn South.
Event organizer Brannon Howes, president of Worldview Weekend and host of Worldview Weekend Radio and TV, shared screenshots from Jaber's Facebook Live video on April 17.
First off, I appreciate this guy's enthusiasm for guns he obliviously knows something about guns because he had to pass a test to get his concealed carry license.
With that being said, I do have some concerns.
He gets and F in handling firearms in this video. You can see him dangling guns and tossing them a side like they were toys. That's how people accidentally kill themselves or someone else when the gun suddenly discharges. Anyone that's had some firearms training knows you treat every firearm like it's loaded and you don't wave or dangle them around.
I'm not sure what this guy was so pissed off about but I have an idea.
His shirt said I am a Muslim, I open carry and conceal carry, I am only dangerous if you are stupid. Which is a pretty cool shirt in my opinion and I wouldn't be afraid of him if I saw him walking down the street because he looks like a normal guy. He sounds like he's second generation or moved to America at a very young age. So he's probably doesn't make his wife stay home or wear a hijab in public and doesn't hate Christians.
So why was he at this conference?
Well, there was a former Muslim speaker there that was trashing Islam and promoting Christianity. I think that's what triggered him to go there an protest it with his shirt but what is most disturbing is why he thought bring his entire gun collection to a Christian event was a good idea. I doubt he normally carries all those guns in his vehicle if he does he's asking for someone to break into it and steal them but seriously you only have two hands you couldn't possibly use all those guns in a self defense scenario. The only time I carry that many guns with me is when I'm going to or from the shooting range. Just because this guy didn't break any laws doesn't mean he's not careless or reckless with his firearms. He should have his concealed carry license revoked just for the stupid way he handled his guns.
Last but not least he should of stuck around to hear what this former Muslim had to say. Christianity is not perfect but it's light years ahead of Islam. Islam has major problems with promoting child rape and abuse of women and need to be reformed before it can stand toe to toe with Christianity. He probably could of learned a thing or two if he stuck around but I guess that wasn't his intention when he showed up to the place.
Filming that just makes him an idiot.
See the thing is you're giving this moron attention and that's exactly what he wants. Of course the media is eating it up and so are the people...
I'm familiar with this type of situation. I've encountered it many times in my life. "All involved are dumb as fuck." often combined with "Nothing to be gained from engaging." which consistently yields a product of "....Run away! Run away!"