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RE: Poll Finds Many Americans See War In Afghanistan As A Complete Failure

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Afghanistan is impossible to conquer. Russia couldn't do it either.

There is a reason all these people are mad at America. I was watching a show in Iran and the people were like my family was killed by Saddams gas attacks (in Iran/Iraq war) and those bombs were paid for by the USA. Most Americans are really ignorant about where this all hate comes from, but decades of terrible foreign policy created a bunch of enemies around the world.

The war in Afghanistan was sold to a gullible public as being because "the terrorists hated our freedom". Instead of they were sick of CIA sponsored meddling: assassinations, rigged elections, propped up dictators etc. Ask people people around the world why the hate america, trust me it's not because they are jealous of our freedom.

The whole world has these despotic regimes in power because the leaders are friendly to the USA. The idea America is going out and freeing people is a joke.