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RE: Real hidden videos taken behind closed doors of various secret societies

in #news7 years ago

You nuts are always trying to connect satanism to pedophilia. Yet week after week the religion that is being connected to child molesting is Christianity. There are tens of thousands of church sex scandals and zero satanic ones.

Also i highly doubt the elite are into the occult. Go join an occult group on Facebook, its full of fat white people. The idea it is the realm of the rich and powerful is nonsense.

You are relying on bad information, come on Alex Jones? Blurry videos that could have been shot anywhere? All these tales are short on evidence. Human sacrifice? Of who? Where are the bodies?

Freemasons are just bunch of silly old farts.


I dont think its nuts to look at evidence, research, news, insider testimony and critical logical thinking. You have the wiki leaks info showing elite/powerful people like Podesta and Hillary connected to pedophile behavior and satanic occult members like Marina Abramovic.

You have former British prime minister Edward Heath and all of his pedophile and vile behavior finally coming to the surface long after he died. You have pedophile confirmations regarding Jimmy Saville, who was a very influential DJ and entertainer in England who had friendships and dealings in the highest of circles including the royal family.All the people I have mentioned and countless others in this elite circles are all members of secret societies.

No one is saying the church is not infested with pedophiles....but if you do the research you will see that those in power both in government, royal families and the church who claim to be "christian" are really satanists. These global elite call themselves Christians or Jews or Muslims while out in public to mask what they really are.

I'm sorry but basing your opinion by what you see in facebook "occult" groups is ridiculous and obviously no one of any real substance within these elite circles would be anywhere near those platforms.

Regardless of your opinion on Jones his Bohemian grove video was genuine and corroborated by many many reputable sources and it is real.

Maybe you just have too much cognitive dissonance, not sure, but being in denial about whats really going on doesn't mean its not happening...

eople like Podesta and Hillary connected to pedophile behavior and satanic occult members like Marina Abramovic.

Wow you are a fucking moron.

Great work stringing together such a stirring argument. Fuck off and waste someone else’s time