Turkey – The new “Third Reich”?

in #news9 years ago (edited)

The whole world is watching Turkey. Everyone wants to know what is happening there. Who are the manipulators? Who is responsible for the coup attempt that ended with nearly 200 people dead? Is it the Turkish president Erdogan who is deliberately plunging his own country into chaos or were even international elites behind this plan?

The press in Turkey and all over the world is divided into parts, because there are internal and external conflicts of interests between the different parties.
There is no clear judgmental line. We also do not have 100 percent of truths in our contribution for the reason that the individual journalism is not able to show the complete truth. But we are trying to approach the truth with a common sense and an open heart.

Turkey is highly indebted. But Erdogan just lied to the nation in one of his speeches in 2013. He revealed wrong facts and showed the people much lower numbers of debts.
A Turkish worker told the interviewer of a German show named “Phoenix” in 2013 that “Erdogan is doing good things for his folk. He is, for instance, building highways and he gives the people wealth, so that I can feed my family which contains two severely disabled children. I was not able to do this during Atatürks regime.” This is the target audience of the Turkish President. The lower class, consisting of poor workers who need help from their family and will support everything as long as they are aided.

But is this all just a deflection for the benefit of a bigger, more complicated plan of Erdogan?
He tries to give the people in Turkey something to be ostentatiour with. For that he takes advantage of the fact that nearly every person believing into Islam is proud of its religion.
Huge mosques are build up, even containing shopping malls. Is this really for the prosperity of people or is this a way for luring the people?
We think that he wants to entice the people and dazzle them to pervade his own force.

Unfortunately most of the people all over the world do not see this dark side of Erdogan behind his sparkling promises. The state is getting more and more indebted with his actions for blending the population and the inhabitants of Turkey are not even recognizing it. Nevertheless the number of his supporters is rising constantly.
He uses the advantage of the islamic rise and gives the people an impression of power and cohesion. The Turkish president knows that people are like group-living animals. They just live in groups and the bigger group always wins, as Darwin already described it in his evolution theory. He exploits the urge of a human to have other people around who are thinking the same and standing behind and protecting oneself.

Surely, he gives his folk also something back, for example wealth and a health service. But how long will he practice this? Till his plans are succesful? And to what will this all lead? We do not and we will only know when it happens, so that it will be too late to change something.
But we can say that there are many parallels to the propaganda of Adolf Hitler during the Nazism, so maybe there will be also some similar impacts.
Although this new way of propaganda is in many ways more dangerous than the promulgation of Hitler. The propaganda of Erdogan is utilizing the faith of the Muslims and the Islam is constituting more than a half of the whole population of Turkey.
As we already saw in the past, faith is very often a reason and justification for killing other people. The supporters of Islam are doing the same as the Christians in 1095. Pope Urban II appealed to the public to conquer Palestine, because it was settled by Arabian people. The pope wanted to expand the Christian religion and to get rid of other religions since he thought that Christianity is the only right religion and people who are believing in other traditions or gods are not worth to live.
It does not matter whether they are a good person or a bad one. If the people are not Christians and are against turning to Christianity they will either way end up in hell.
Nowadays, Muslims are doing exact the same thing. But on a more progressed and aggressive way of achieving their goals. Already the fact that the Muslims now have atomic and bionic weapons shows that this way of spreading their religion is on a completely new level in comparison to the crusade in the 11th century. Even if the general idea of forcing other people with violence to convert to another religion is the same, the damage today will be considerable. Humans are able to extinguish the whole population of the earth with their capacity of weapons.
We do not see the sense of producing those. What is the advantage? People just want to show of their power and just the stronger ones will survive.
Humans are called “the most advanced creature being on earth”, but we do not see many differences in the actions of people to the actions of animals. We do not know any other creature which is inclined to destroy itself and its surrounding. And all this pain just for a faith which is not even proved? People just clamp their faith and vindicate their actions with it.
The Turkish President knows that religion is one of the most important and heavy power and people will do everything as long as they are thinking that god told them to act in such a way. Erdogan uses the believing crowd as a tool or weapon for achieving his goals and the fuel for them is faith.

Erdogan is also showing off his own force. Actually Turkey is a parliamentary democracy, but Erdogan is able to dismiss everyone from its position and office. He is able to cast the parliament as he wants it, so he can steer the political reigning. Is this maybe a hidden dictatorship?
3000 judges were imprisoned. Was this legitimate? We think not.
A quote by a lawyer contributing in the opposition of “Phoenix” emphasizes that he always has the last word. It says that “laws are newly written by the President to enforce an autocracy. So he can choose freely his followers for positions in the sectors for politics, economics, media and the security.

With his policies, Erdogan is detaching himself from the democratic policy of Atatürk. The free and intellectual people of Istanbul are disturbing for him. He is despising their ideology.
Erdogan has the opinion that women have to breed and take care of children. Men should work and earn money for feeding the family. That is an old-fashioned view of the world and women have emancipated themselves, but Erdogan does not want to accept that.
At the same time his cooperative is forgetting that 50% of population consists of women.
It will be a debacle for the Turkish economy if women cannot economize.
Many people also do not know that there is still discrimination and separation of race in Turkey. The ID-cards show different numbers for the respective ethnic group. Especially Jews and Greeks are in focus of the Turkish government. It is just as it was in the Nazism. People are reduced to their ethnicity and are not respected for their personality or their skills. It is just important what is written in your passport. It says whether you are worth something or not.
Turkey is also not showing everything they did and do, as Hitler already did in his labour camps.
The genocide of the Armenians in 1915/1916 is still discreeted and is an unmentionable topic in Turkey. Not denying this happening is penalized hardly, so that most people prefer to keep their thoughts about it for themselves.
That does not fit in a democratic state. Everyone has to be free and needs to have the right to express its own opinion freely without having the fear to be pursued.

As you can see, everything we know is just the top of the actions taking place. It is just the tip of the iceberg and we do not know when everything will crash and the whole superficial policy will perish and consequently the real policies of Erdogan will appear.
So how can we believe such a government which is lying, denying and accusing its own soldiers for a coup whose participants are most likely instructed by the President Erdogan himself for antagonizing people of the crowd against each other.
Erdogan is using the soldiers for showing himself in the best possible light. The soldiers are the scapegoats for him and he represents himself as a saviour of the nation. He knows that many people are supporting him and do not tolerate this illegitimacy, so that the impression of him as a saviour is strengthened. He is seen as a rescuer of the population and the liberator of injustice.
Erdogan managed it to kill two birds with one stone.
He pulled over even more people to his policy and divided the nation into two parts. On the one hand there are the intellectual conservatives, having a mind of the western society. Most of them are living in Istanbul.
On the other hand there are also the “real Muslims” in Anatolia. They are mostly poor and Erdogan is building everything up for them (as in the example in the beginning), so it is obvious that they are trying everything, to keep his power rising and they support him.

If the responsibility for the coup belongs to the accused generals and officers is questionable.
Erdogan is born as a person of power. He is the creator of a society which does not have place for individualism. Everyone has to go with the crowd. You can compare it with sheep living in a group. Every sheep is walking behind another and none of them is thinking about breaking free from this stream. They just do what they do everyday and continue with it because they have a fairly life and do not really suffer from it.
It is the same in this society. Every person always sees the same and does the same, but this is not disturbing them. They are all safe and do not have problems as long as they do not question their actions and do what the leader says. They just live their live and do not feel any absence, because they are used to their actions and the fact that they just move in groups for being strong in comparison to other groups. The way things are going, society in Turkey is getting more and more resemblances with group-living animals.
And the biggest problem is that people are still believing in religions and men as Mr. Erdogan are taking the biggest advantage of this faith and blind acting on behalf of god. He is building slowly but securely his own army of zombies controlled by wrong promises and faith.
The problem is that they are not longer thinking by themselves, they just do what they are told to do and unfortunately the number of supporters of this policies and lies is rapidly increasing.