IMG source -
"public health officials are exhorting us...[to treat] people we don’t know as potential threats."
This is the point of masks and social distancing. This is the point of house arrest, economic destruction, and fomenting riots and martial law. It is the point of identity politics and the two-party system. It is the ultimate weapon of overlords intent on keeping us enslaved to them. Slave revolts can only be undertaken by populations allied against their oppressors, and society is being re-ordered to make that impossible.
We cannot be allies if we are enemies. Every mechanism that causes society dissension and disruption is the enemy of freedom. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Becoming the enemy of free people is becoming the friend of their enemy. When you call free compatriots enemy you become the friend of overlords.
What alliance can there be between free persons of differing opinions? Only the dedication to free speech, individual sovereignty, and humane providence. If you undertake to prevent another from these except in defense of your own, you are the enemy of freedom; of prosperity; of humanity.
Today our overlords seek to terrify us with plague. The Genetic Literacy Project is comparing Covid19 and it's CFR of .05% with the Bubonic Plague of Medieval Europe that killed ~1/3 of the population. If you get hit by a bus today you are classified as having died from Covid19. Every possible exaggeration they can think of is being employed to terrify us.
IMG source - Some You Laugh You Lose thread on /b/
Only subjecting us to terror might today, hope our overlords, cause us to view our fellows as our enemies, rather than our allies in the prosecution of civilization. This leads me to believe the coming DNA vaccine will impact our sociability, altering human behaviour genetically to destroy human society so that we can no longer support one another against our real enemy.
So I say you are with us. You are humanity, a critical aspect of the good company I am in.
"Come. Let us reason together..." Isaiah 1:18
If you would demonize me that is your loss of an ally in the war for your freedom. I will counsel reason anyway. I will be your friend even if you demonize yourself, because you clearly do not understand you are being used by overlords to do so, and I am unwilling to be. I will not support irrational hatred, even if others do, because I am good company, not simply told what to do by the collective, who take their orders from their overlords.
Hate away haters. Hope that I yet live when you are faced with oppression, from which I will defend you, because I oppose oppression. Defeating me defeats your ally against your enemy who seeks your utter enslavement. Only by acting to destroy society as ordered by overlords can you cause me to oppose you. Even then, I will only pity you, who have destroyed yourself, because hatred is not necessary, and is contrary to the blessings of civilization, which I intend.
I hope that all humanity might come to this same understanding, because then securing our freedom and prosperity will be trivial, and the legacy of a better world we all want to leave our posterity assured.
Do not succumb to the propaganda that seeks to drive you to hate. Remember that anger is the child of fear, and your enemy seeks to cause you to fear your friends, to make of you the enemy of your friends.
Be free and prosper instead.
I think science for such is to far off unless they want to create Walking Dead like zombies. I would be more concerned with these vaccines being rushed and the consequences to some down the road.
Well, that begs the question: why? I don't think the vaccines are all being rushed. I suspect the one this is all a preface to was ready, and that's why society has been economically ravaged, the riots unleashed, and the incredible abuse that is social distancing undertaken.
This global imposition isn't spontaneous, isn't a reaction to a cold virus with a CFR less than 1/10 of 1%. This has been carefully planned. Event 201 was a drill, practicing for this.
Not all research is published. More than we know has been undertaken without letting us all know it's been done, and not just military secrets.
DNA is code, and Bill Gates is a coder. I dunno what he knows, and I can't speculate about what he doesn't. I can be damned suspicious of his creepy insistence we all need to have our DNA altered with his patented genetic code, and off label modifications seem the likeliest reason for that to me.
A doctor who was quoted on DNA vaccines:
Like I said science has come no where near close to messing with human DNA and knowing the long term consequences, unfortunately those out in the far reaching jungles of third world countries won't have access to the scientific warnings that you'd have to be crazy to even consider it. These are the only people Gates are going to find gullible enough to subject themselves to such stupidity....unless the world stops him and when the time comes I think they will. He can do all the experimental drug development he wants that doesn't mean government(s) will allow their use outside those who voluntarily or for monetary reasons subject themselves to these vaccines for scientific research, there's just to many unknowns for the consequences of altering DNA, these types of trials would have to be followed into numerous generational offspring and potential effects for any consideration of widespread use. Like another scientist quoted "altering the DNA of one species can have an effect on another species"....speaking to altering the DNA of mosquito's...these DNA changes could evolve into changes in other species who thrive off eating mosquito's....there's just to much unknown. This is exactly what happened when they tried this with mosquitoes....Zika was born. Science has taken from that that messing with mother nature may not be such a bright idea...but none the less science must be free to go "controlled" fashioned in labs so they can learn the unknowns but subjecting these experiments onto humans or other species into the world is going to be meant with a whole lot of regulatory might to stop them until generational studies have proven them beyond a reasonable doubt. Bill Gates can spend his whole entire fortune but that doesn't mean he will be allowed to subject the world to his will.
We have no way of knowing that. I do not share your faith in our nescience.
I hope so. But I don't think so. President Trump said that the vaccine(s) will become available by Oct, and the US military is ready to distribute them to the American public. That sounds like Trump is definitely on the same side as Gates, and is going to deploy the US military to forcibly vaccinate everyone in the US.
If that is the actual case, I will be injected - with hot lead, not some DNA altering swill.
I will prefer to die a human being, rather than whatever Gates and Trump have decided to turn me into.
Your grasp of the science is vastly better than many, who just have paid no attention to any of it. A lot of people have no idea the coming vaccine alters our DNA, don't know they have DNA, and don't know why they should care if their DNA is altered, and loudly call other people idiots for not groveling at the feet of their masters.
They will haply get vaccinated, and then become Gates' minions.
It may become necessary to institute eugenics just to prevent Gates from creating a breeding program, however, if the USG is with Gates on this, that's going to mean trouble. An underground eugenics movement that castrates or kills DNA modified GMOs the government calls citizens and Gates calls private property would arise.
Won't that be fun?
Your are totally confused on who is funding who. Gates is in a private development with Inovio, to my knowledge there's been no acknowledgement that the federal government is financially backing Inovio also, it hasn't been a company who've I've seen this administration mentioning. That isn't the only company Gates donates to for research but I am assuming the reason the company's vaccine hasn't been mentioned pubic-ally by this administration is they are aware this DNA vaccine will scare people away....something they can't afford to have happening.
My are, sadly.
Your what are?....
Remember that anger is the child of fear,
And when it grows up, it's called justice and retribution.
Never pity your enemy.
They'll use it as a weapon against you.
I am not humane because my enemies are.
I am humane because I am, regardless of what they are.
How can I not pity the pitiful? You might as well recommend I not be made of flesh, because it can be hurt. Surmounting hazard does not require you hate the hazard, only that you surmount it.
How can I not pity the pitiful?
Because it's a weapon often used by the psychopaths, sociopaths and covert narcissists to manipulate you.
If you have pity for a psychopath, you've lost.
I especially pity psychopaths. This does not equal losing. It doesn't even make winning harder. In fact, it improves my ability to defeat them, because I am honest about their debilitation. They are incapable of relating to their fellows, and this is indeed pitiful.
Being pitiful does not make you dangerous. Feeling pity doesn't stop you from being dangerous.
You don't have to hate something to handle it properly. Being afraid doesn't make you run away. A healthy person is able to handle their business as necessary and feel appropriately about the glory or tragedy - or both.
I grew up with a nest of 'em.
Your already in the losing position if you try to understand or pity them.
They are incapable of relating to their fellows, and this is indeed pitiful.
Pitying a great white shark for being a great white shark?...
Thing is, they're not normal great white sharks. They're broken people. They can't undertake normal human activities with the same normal human benefits. I don't have to like them, and I don't have to treat them as if they're special snowflakes to pity them.
I have been a hunter all my life, and I do not hate deer. I fucking love deer. I still can accurately aim at and shoot them dead, and then eat their corpses (although I have to admit I have cried more than once). Your emotions do not control you unless you let them.
If you're smart and undertake to, your emotions can usefully contribute to your rational prosecution of your life. I am old and have done a lot of killing of things I cared about deeply, to eat, because of overpopulation, or to end their suffering. I've never killed out of hate or fear, and I don't see any reason to start now.
My hate or fear is not an aspect of the object, but of me. My actions aren't dictated by others, but by me. My emotions don't make it necessary to act one way or another. I decide what to do.
I understand what you mean - re killing things - Been there. I've eaten a lot of things that I've killed.
I never 'enjoy' killing.
Lending an emotion to (pity) to an entity that will only it against you...?
It's not logical.
In the book of Revelation, there is a verse that stamps the mark 666 of the beast on all humans.@valued-customer, Is Bill Gates' vaccine intended to change human genes? Why is he trying to change human genes?
I am not privy to Bill Gate's private thoughts. What I do know is that respiratory viral infections aren't able to be vaccinated against using attenuated live, or dead virus vaccines, due to how our immune systems handle respiratory infections. Using vaccines of those types on respiratory viruses results in twice the illness and harm to vaccinated subjects when infected with respiratory viruses.
So they propose to alter our DNA to improve how our immune systems function against SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Given that the virus presently seems to have ~.02% CFR, and the proposed vaccines have ~80% side effect rate, with ~20% of test subjects being hospitalized, the proposed cure is definitely worse than the disease. I will decline to be injected with DNA altering vaccines anyway.
Do you mean that pharmaceutical companies can't make coronavirus vaccines after all? The Korean government is now promoting Koreans that coronavirus vaccines are being made in the United States.
I will also reject injected with DNA altering vaccines.
However, Koreans have no idea of your warning. After all, do humans perish because of ignorance?
All too often.
Edit: perhaps Christians will not allow their DNA to be altered by Bill Gates. The DNA they have now is designed by God. Can Bill Gates improve it?
Currently, Korean Christians are beginning to recognize Bill Gates as Satan's servant. They claim Bill Gates' genetically modified vaccine is beast's mark 666.