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RE: The New Normal Isn't Normal and Never Will Be

in #news5 years ago

LOL My first inclination was to reblog it - but it's in a comment on my own blog. Can't.

I deeply appreciate this information. I have only just seen it today, but I can feel these facts percolating in my principles and beliefs. I think it will impact every post I make from now on. Fauci and Gates positioning themselves under spigots of public money that blast out $B's when government mandates Covid vaccinations is not only horrifically unprincipled, it's an existential danger to everyone in the fucking world.

Listening to Dershowitz I was struck by the horrible realization that our courts are hopelessly corrupt, and the people like Blackrock that are profiting from all this crap aren't going to let the Supreme Court rule on merits and law.

They're gonna be offered what they cannot refuse.



LOL My first inclination was to reblog it - but it's in a comment on my own blog. Can't.

I understand the initial thought why that would be the case. But I think this case is different. I am not the originator of this knowledge, just sharing it to those of influence who I think have the best chance of getting others to see and know this. I look at it as being an advocate and honoring the work Kennedy has done compiling the much needed research into the evil mechanisms claiming to be looking after a trusting publics best interests.

You have a wide audience here, one who actively engages with you which is rare here. Especially with the material you cover/discuss. I know that there are many who seek out your thoughts on a matter, either to break you or break themselves, or to confirm things they suspected but didn't hold the knowledge you have clothed yourself in.

It's imperative that as many people see this as possible, so if you change your mind on posting this I think it would be noble. Your ability for analyses and presenting from that once you dissect would do much to entice others to watch this video, as well as expose those who come at you to discredit as having an agenda rooted in ignorance.

I have just downloaded the video from 3speak, thanks to your efforts to make that possible, and I intend to share it with folks IRL who have so focused on the Trump koolaid they do not grasp that Gates and Trump are on the same team.

This has caused them to not know the facts Kennedy presents, and it is my hope that they can ascertain those facts without having first to disengage their minds from the Trump machine.

Thanks for your kind words, and thanks again for bringing this video to my attention. I make no promises, but rest assured it has become formative in my thinking on these matters.

Edit: I can't reblog my own post. That's all I meant. I didn't mean I couldn't post the video in a new post.

I intend to share it with folks IRL who have so focused on the Trump koolaid they do not grasp that Gates and Trump are on the same team.

Unfortunately everything has become so heavily politicised from both sides of politics, that this is now the new norm. No matter how much data and evidence there is out there that Trump is not fighting the "Deep State", or whatever else you'd like to call it, the reality gets lost in all of the insanity. Trump is not at all against Gates, or any other technocratic figurehead. He is merely playing his part to slowly condition the public into accepting the very thing they think he is opposing. His own brand of social engineering with the help of spin doctors and PR firms.

This has been true from the very beginning of his presidency, but many don't want to hear it in all of the heated debate taking place.

I am constantly amazed at the cognitive dissonance right now, from some of his supporters...just like what happened with Barry O.

This is not a left or right issue either, but a handover of the globe to the technocratic class.

Great article btw!

"This is not a left or right issue either, but a handover of the globe to the technocratic class."

Exactly correct.
