This is an obvious and urgent matter that requires we rethink economic incentives regarding health. Presently we pay for treatment, and thus being kept perpetually ill is the most emunerative business model for the medical industry.
I think we should pay for being healthy, and illness should create losses for the industry. This incentivizes the industry to prioritize our health.
It ain't a perfect model, but it's damn sure better than the one we've got now!
In the book, Sacred Economics, the author talks about just such a model. One in which money is used to reward businesses and industries who do good for others, preserving health, preserving the environment and all of that. The model is that money is used as a tool to reward those actively doing measurable things for individuals, communities and the planet.
I'm not a self described environmentalist (I barely can keep my own recycling in check), but I think it is high time we start changing the models of how we do things. I like how you flipped the model.
that is a good idea, i def like that, that is the type of imagination that we need for the future.
I think patents and licencing is also a big part of the problem, and it is a big part of the reason why cartels are formed
I have had so many people recomend that book, i guess its time that i check it out lol