Klaus Schwab Details his Minions' Infiltration of National Governments - Including Vladimir Putin

in #news3 years ago


Recently people have been connecting dots between the WEF and many national governments. Here Klaus Schwab, who founded the WEF in 1971, states several of the names of his Young Global Leaders that have been serving in national governments, including Vladimir Putin. That one dropped my jaw.

However, he also mentions Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Turdeau, who is currently in hiding, having fled from a convoy of trucks and angry Canadian citizens that stretched over 70 kilometers long while en route to Ottawa, where they now protest against the despised vax mandates and pass. The truckers were told that on February 2 they would no longer be allowed to cross the Canadian border unless jabbed, and decided they'd had enough. Canada seems to feel the same way, with hundreds of thousands of them joining the trucker's convoy and presently camped out in Ottawa.

So this revelation of Klaus Schwab's claims to have infiltrated our national governments with minions of the WEF is pretty topical. Putin is claimed to be on the brink of war for the Ukraine, and a buildup of Russian troops near that border with Russia has caused hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine to flee the border region in the hope of avoiding death and destruction.

While in New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has notoriously promised the jabbing will never end, and imposed perhaps the harshest lockdown in the world on Kiwis, Emmanuel Macron of France has said his country's jab policy is designed to anger the jab free, and Angela Merkel of Germany has but recently stepped down from her long leadership there that drove people to some of the largest demonstrations the world has ever seen - all of them Young Global Leaders and minions of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

Many more notorious backers of the harsh and medically unjustified government policies currently deranging global governance, economies, industrial production, and unprecedented disease and death by apparently deliberately deadly jabs are also Young Global Leaders, such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Gavin Newsom, David Rockefeller, Dan Crenshaw, Tony Blair, Richard Branson, Tulsi Gabbard, Mark Zuckerberg, Megan Rappinoe, Xi Jinping, and more than a thousand others.

Knowing Putin and Merkel were on the same team as Blair and Gates certainly puts a different spin on world events, doesn't it? They're all working together to implement the Reset of our rights to nothing, and reduce us to utter penury as their fearful leader Dr. Evil..er, Klaus Schwab has promised.

Klaus 'Antichrist' Schwab also claims that half of Canada's cabinet are Young Global Leaders. Alex Jones in slightly less than his typical bombastic style has more details here. I don't post much from Alex. I don't like his style, because I think it almost demands people ridicule his research. But, he's right on the money here. He wasn't wrong about the endocrine disruption that has been going on either, but saying it was a problem because it made frogs gay only belittled the more than 60% drop in testosterone humanity has suffered in the West. It's a very human problem, and I blame Jones that humanity hasn't taken action to stop the terrible scourge of mass chemical castration that continues unabated today.

That may be a large part of how this crisis of global governance has come about, since testosterone is the hormone that enables aggression, as anyone that's ever kept both steers and bulls can attest. We've been steered too long IMHO, and it's time we took the bull by the horns and put an end to the medical tyranny Dr. Evil and his corrupt, cowardly minions have been imposing on humanity all around the world.


Lol, Putin also?

Ofc, why not?

To be honest, Im still wondering if putin may be an actor.
Where is the real putin?

Well, uninteresting cuz we now certainly know, that they are all actors.

Thanks Klaus.

The World is a stage.
It is about memevirus, not genevirus.
Genevirus is also just a memevirus. And happens to be the actual narrative.

Where will it lead us?

@tipu curate

It seems that people aren't allowed to take powerful positions these days unless they are compromised in some way. Look at all the pedos and other degenerates that populate all of politics and media. There's been a continuous stream of news about this if you look. It's disgusting.


"Where will it lead us?"



The Party of Davos, It's a big club and we aint in it.

And that party is ruled by an AI.

Not quite an AI, more like algorithms and data sets with some degeneracy thrown in for fun. When AI comes we're truly fucked.

@dragosroua post gave me this new theory of AI being behind it all (which would explain the lack of empathy): https://peakd.com/@dragosroua/p-19g65ukx8lj1cze845ba45f1398519

Dear @valued-customer , Do you think Freemasons rule America now?

Masons certainly started it. Regardless of the name of the secret societies involved, it is oligarchs that run them all.


Ich denke das der Trump der Antichrist ist... er ist am Tempelbau beteiligt und seine Familie ist Chabad das deutet alles darauf hin.

I think Trump is the Antichrist. . . he’s involved in the temple building and his family is Chabad, which all points to it.

I dunno if Trump is the Antichrist. From recent events it appears to me Klaus Schwab is filling that role. He's on that team for sure. They both are. I'm surprised Trump isn't listed amongst the WEF's Young Global Leaders.


Thousands of people sit in this trap, the show has to go on for these people. He is treated unfairly according to their eyes, so they put their conviction even more in him. I see this from the spiritual level Dangerous. Because the energies that are thrown off at such a thing also strengthen false Messiah.

Yep they are all globalist puppets. Here in NZ, the narrative of the horsefaced psycho maybe slipping, just like Justine's is

Can't agree more brother! and you opened my eyes with this testosterone stuff. I heard it before, but never acknowledge it. And it really clicks, just look at the millenials...

Do you think blockchain governance systems would be a good tool to get the people organized against this psychopaths?
