Is Your Doctor a False Front?

in #news4 years ago

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Little is viewed as more directly humane than health service. Society is the collective persons and interactions of humanity, and a primary wall defending society is health service, because it enables members to remain alive and part of the membership when life of the member is threatened. As we associate affectively, our love underlies caring for one another, and defending and enhancing the health and well-being of our loved ones is among the highest priorities and purposes people can undertake.

As the motivation for business enterprise, given our individual feelings of love that motivates our personal actions regarding the health of our loved ones, we naturally assume health services stem from our motivations. But, that isn't necessarily true.

It may be true about our doctors and nurses, or even other individuals in the field, but corporations through which our health services are effected are governed by financially focused laws and regulation. Corporations aren't people, aren't human, and cannot be humane. By the very definition of the word, corporations cannot be humane, because humane is an aspect of humanity.

This is both a present curse, and potentially a blessing regarding extant geopolitical conditions. It is a curse because it has engendered the current global imposition of martial law and despotic tyranny of technocracy via declaration of medical emergency. Due to the inhumanity of corporate enterprise, the venal corruption of our most sacred social provisions has become utterly and wholly degrading.

Wellness checks, 72 hour psychiatric holds, and even blatant assassination by militarized police forces have become standard operations for intelligence agencies and terrorist organizations, but I repeat myself. People intent on helping people could not be so corrupted as corporations profiting from sickness.

This is the potential blessing. It is possible that folks can grasp society wide that for profit corporations cannot conceivably provide health services humanely, and that humane health services are the only kind of health services society should even contemplate. Therefore corporations must be excluded from providing health services.

In the event this fact should be implemented ubiquitously as policy in every society, the present global tyranny being imposed will simply end.

Since the origin of life on Earth, living things have been directly immersed in reality, in the seas, air, and on the dirt of the environment. Every descendant of every survivor has benefited from the experience of it's forebears, and passed on it's inheritance of expertise in interfacing with the real universe to it's descendants in turn. We are no different in this respect than every plant, insect, fish, bird, or creature of any kind on Earth.

There is no conceivable universe in which humanity lacks the right and natural ability to directly interface with reality, our actual natural environment, that every other creature that has ever existed has always had, and always will have. We are aspects of our environment, every bit as much as we are utterly dependent on our environment and interacting naturally in it for our lives.

Created by whatever gods may be, by our environment itself, that natural existence we are, and our lives depend on that environment absolutely, without reservation whatsoever. No legal theory potentially rational can deny or mitigate that absolute fact of reality, and that every possible conception of human rights depends first on that aspect of our existence.

We are what we are because of what the universe we are in is. Whatever we think or conceive of is potentially right or wrong about our circumstances and existence, but every potentially right idea about it will necessarily acknowledge that we are utterly integrated into, and produced naturally by, the actual environment and ecosytems of Earth, whether by the will of God, gods, or random chance.

Our ideas about that do not change that actual fact of our existence whatsoever, and the fact is that corporations are just ideas, and not endemic to Earth in the way we ourselves are. The lawful and just power of corporations and such institutions cannot supersede the rights of natural persons and human society itself, because natural reality pre-exists our ideas about it, and always will therefore, be competent to act prior to acts based on our ideas about it.

2+2=4, and always will. It is simply not physically possible for corporations to supersede reality itself as primal in action, nor therefore is it potentially rational to accord corporations lawful or regulatory primacy over our natural existence as living aspects of life on Earth.

Forced masking is utterly contrary to our actual natural existence as aspects of life itself. Insofar as we live, we have a right to live naturally, as we are created by life itself. As created we depend on and are designed naturally to interact with Earth's atmosphere; to breathe in and out with our actual mouth the actual air. This is a primal feature of all life on Earth.

Nobody, nor any group, can reasonably claim to have the lawful right to prevent our natural breathing unless they can also so claim the sole right to end our lives.

The claim the power to force us to breathe through masks is lawful is that claim. It is the same power claimed to make mandatory the alteration of our DNA, because that is the natural mechanism that produces us. The right to change our DNA is the right to end our natural existence as humans; as natural persons possessing life and rights.

This is not a hill we can safely abandon in the battle against death we all live until we lose. If we deliver to corporations the lawful right to determine whether we live or die, we deliver our very humanity to corporations, and that is simply physically impossible.

We could only falsely claim to do so.

Mischaracterizing this as a choice is false. Regardless of the entreaties or threats of corporations and their agents, the fact is they cannot have the lawful right to separate human persons from the air because we are made in the air, and naturally create and depend on the atmosphere as an integral aspect of our physical existence.

The power to impose this lie exists, as does the power to murder.

That's all it is.


Your doctor is not a corporation, but works for a corporation unless you contract their services individually. They are constrained in their professional practices by corporations, and act as agents of corporations. As such they have neither right nor power to decree medical treatment of natural human persons. If you want to follow their recommendations you have the same right to do so as you do to not follow their recommendations.

They are officially agents of corporations, and not natural human beings in the conduct of their professional provision of health services, and therefore cannot lawfully mandate treatment. Doctors as a rule do not consider this fact in their professional considerations, and therefore are potentially existentially dangerous. Do not mistake them for natural persons, because they are actually acting as corporations, no matter what they themselves believe or think.

You are your ultimate lawful authority, because that's how the universe made you.

No one and nothing has a right to your sovereign person, delivered to you by God or physics, and intrinsic to your existence. Because you exist, you are free.


Senior @valued-customer, you seem like a person who chooses euthanasia rather than living with a painful incurable disease.

The claim the power to force us to breathe through masks is lawful is that claim. It is the same power claimed to make mandatory the alteration of our DNA, because that is the natural mechanism that produces us. The right to change our DNA is the right to end our natural existence as humans; as natural persons possessing life and rights.

This is not a hill we can safely abandon in the battle against death we all live until we lose. If we deliver to corporations the lawful right to determine whether we live or die, we deliver our very humanity to corporations, and that is simply physically impossible.

Korean broadcasters say that there are many coronavirus patients because Americans do not wear masks. So, Koreans believe that Americans must wear the coronavirus prevention masks.
However, I don't think masks can stop the spread of the coronavirus.
I think it's better to choose death than to change my DNA.

Thank you!

Many Americans feel comforted by masks, and the terror the enemedia have caused them to feel is more than they are willing to face, so they seek to believe they will help, and not to learn they don't.

"I think it's better to choose death than to change my DNA."

I think I choose to live as I am made until I die. We do not need to choose death. It comes for us all, free and slave alike. I have been a slave. I will not choose to die a slave, but a free, natural man. This means I must purpose to prevent being enslaved with nominal force.

It will not be a matter of luck, or by my will alone that I will die free, but by my hand well applied to the necessary preparatory tasks in the time allowed.

If you choose to ensure you will not be overpowered, you choose to work to stay free. Acting otherwise is choosing otherwise.

Choose well and truly.

I don't want to be the sheep being dragged to the slaughterhouse by the fraudulent shepherd.