The Vaccine Industry, the CDC, You and Me

in #news8 years ago (edited)

When the panic of a looming H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic was sweeping across the globe in 2009, it was hard to ignore. The media advised that infants and the elderly should take precautions and get themselves inoculated. I remember friends of mine wondered if they should get a flu shot and more importantly should they get their children vaccinated?

Being naturally skeptical of television, the government and authority I didn’t see the need to get myself vaccinated, and I chose not to.

But what about the vulnerable? To be honest I didn’t know what to believe about what to do in the case of children and the elderly. I figured it’s probably better to be safe than sorry. So, when a friend of mine asked about her young daughter, who was a toddler at the time, I said it’s probably wise to do so. Even still, I expressed my distrust in the relentless message we were receiving from the media. It seemed obvious to me that the vaccination effort was driven by fear.

Fast forward to today, now I believe my advice was naïve. I regret the advice I gave to my friend, but who was I to give advice to someone concerning their child’s health?

What I've learned recently about DynCorp (DynPort), pharmaceutical companies, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), vaccines and viruses is both shocking and infuriating.

TLDR; It appears that DynPort (DVC), Baxter pharma and the National Institute of Health (NIH) may have colluded to create H1N1, develop a vaccine for H1N1 and ultimately profit from demand for the vaccine generated by the outbreak of the H1N1 swine flu.

I’m not what you would call a “Vaxxer”. I do not believe that vaccinations cause illnesses such as Autism. I was confident in this belief, or at least I felt relatively certain up until a few days ago.

Knowing what I know now about the collusion of pharmaceutical companies, government agencies such as the CDC and for profit contractors like DynCorp, I’m beginning to question my convictions.

Way back in the 9th grade I remember receiving a vaccination for MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) and a Tetanus shot. Everyone was vaccinated, there wasn’t a choice. I even remember certain asshole-classmates of mine who would give you a straight jab in the shoulder as you passed by in the hallway, in case you somehow forgot the sting from the needle an hour earlier.

In University, I traveled to Africa to participate in NGO volunteer work. The list of vaccines required before embarking on the journey was more than I anticipated.

• Hepatitis A & B
• Typhoid
• Yellow Fever
• Japanese Encephalitis

These are the vaccinations I had but I also opted out of a few more expensive and perhaps, in my mind at least, unnecessary inoculations.

• Rabies
• Malaria (took daily tablets instead)
• Varicella (Chickenpox, I had chickenpox as a child)
• Polio
• Flu

Unless you’re travelling to tropical or exotic locations most people will have no need for these vaccinations.

Personal Note: Some of my friends ended up contracting malaria, and it’s also very common for adults in Africa to ‘come down with malaria’ once a year or once every two years do to previous exposure, much like people in the west come down with the flu.

The vaccinations I received for my journey to Africa seemed a little excessive but like I mentioned, I opted out of whatever vaccines I could. The point being, although I’m a skeptic I do believe in taking preventative measures to minimize health hazards and, generally, I trust the medical expertise recommended by trained professionals.

I don’t believe they would disseminate false information to the public about protecting against infectious diseases.

Yet, could medical professionals unknowingly support a vaccination drive that was artificially created?
It seems plausible considering what we now know about the history of H1N1.

Over the course of the last several days, thoughts of viruses developed by private companies, who at the same time develop vaccines to combat said viruses, has been troubling my mind.

Are viruses like H1N1, Cholera, flu strains and Ebola intentionally released into the general population so that the holders of vaccines can amass enormous profits?!

This is very disturbing. The idea that viruses that may infect thousands, tens of thousand or more and have the potential to kill scores of unfortunate people, being purposefully introduced to generate demand for antidotes or preventative treatments in the form of vaccines, is appalling.

From what I’ve discovered researching this topic is that private companies and government agencies appear to be in collusion in order to share in the profits generated by artificially created pandemics.

Today, as if on cue, I came across this article by Jon Rappoport Robert F Kennedy’s Devastating Quotes On Vaccines And The CDC

I highly recommend reading this article and what Robert Kennedy Jr. says about the CDC and allegations of corruption within the agency.

Here are some excerpts:

“CDC is not an independent agency. It is a vaccine company. CDC owns over twenty vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every year. And its primary metric for success in all the departments in the agency are vaccine sales. The groups, for example the Immunization Safety Office, where the scientists who are supposed to be looking at efficacy and safety in vaccines, they are no longer a public service…agency. They are subsumed in that metric: We have to sell as many of these things as possible. And so they do things to their science to make sure that nothing interferes—no information—interferes with sales.

“Now there are two divisions of the vaccine branch where we worry about the corruption. The first one is called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. That is the committee that makes the decision about what new vaccines to add to the schedule.”

“When I was a boy, I got three vaccines. My children got sixty-nine vaccines. It changed in 1989.”

“Why did it change in 1989?”

“Because in 1986, Congress, [was] drowning in pharmaceutical industry money—pharma puts more money into lobbying than any other industry—Pharmaceutical companies have more lobbyists on Capitol Hill than there are Congress people.”

“Do you think oil and gas has big influence in the Capitol? Well, that’s the next biggest. The pharmaceutical industry puts twice into lobbying, double the amount that the oil and gas, and four times what defense and aero space put in. So they control Congress.”

The enormous power and influence of pharmaceutical organizations is ever present in US political spheres. In a corporate world that places profit above all else, where corporations spend millions on lobbying congress and the senate we end up with a lethal injection of money and bribes into the political system. The corruption of individuals and of government agencies seems like an inevitable outcome.

We pay these agencies to help ensure our health and well being, not to make to profit off disease and death.

There's a virus in DC and that is the private contracting industry.

We need to inoculate government from these incestuous and insidious partnerships with the private sector.

We need to get money out of politics, it’s infecting everything.


The CDC is a "cesspool of corruption", has a conflict of interest operating as a vaccine sales & marketing company while posing as a neutral scientific body that assesses vaccine safety.

The CDC has the power (with full support of the Federal & State governments as well as the media) to buy/sell vaccines while deciding how many vaccines the population should be submitted to.

They were investigated four times by Congress and found to be corrupt each time, yet still continue today as a glorified shill (or subsidiary) for the pharmaceutical industry pretending they are an independent company.

The CDC is not an independent agency, it is a vaccine company. They own over 20 vaccine patents and sells about 4.6 billion in vaccines a year. It's metric for success are vaccine sales.

Pharmaceutical companies put more money into lobbying than any other industry. They have more lobbyist on capital hill than there are Congress-people. They put twice as much into lobbying as gas & oil and four times more than defense & aerospace.

In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act so that the pharmaceutical industry can be insulated from lawsuits; no matter how negligent they are, people cannot sue.

I was not aware of most of this until recently, thanks to a podcast I caught while in the shower. All the info checked out from my research.

Thanks for your comments, I love podcasts can you provide the link? Sounds interesting.

Great article! Thank you for posting.
I think there will be a lot of new revelations when it comes to Vaccines in the coming months. I'm certain the Trump administration doesn't give two shites about Pharmaceutical money. And Kennedy Jr. doesn't mess around. I posted something similar earlier...

I am glad that your eyes are now opening to this type of corruption.
This type of stuff is what I've been writing about on Steemit since I came here in August. It's what I'm passionate about.

I have written about Robert F. Kennedy 3 times.

CDC is a Vaccine Company, Not an Independent Agency -- revealed by activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
BREAKING NEWS!! Donald Trump has Appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Chair a Commission on Vaccine Safety
Trump's Vaccine Safety Commission Chair, Bobby Kennedy, tells CDC's Frank DeStefano "SUE ME!"

Good to know that the information is already out there and being circulated by good folks such as yourself! I'm definitely going to take the time to read your posts, thank you for providing the links.
I hope more people start to realize just how deeply corrupted the entire system is. Keep doing what you're doing , following you now.

Thanks. I will keep doing it because I can't stop investigating, learning, and sharing.

The corruption knows no bounds. This is chemical and biological warfare. This is terrorism of the most insidious and devastating kind. They will never stop themselves. It will only get worse until they are held to account for these crimes against humanity.

The only solution is to expose the truth and fund science that cannot be tainted by the corruption of monopoly.

I couldn't have said it better. The truth will ultimately win and due to the technologically advanced time we live in we the people have the advantage of being able to find the truth if we want to.

This is an ABSOLUTE eyeopener. It's unbelievable how drug companies profit from pain and suffering from those who want to live healthy lives. Great post. and will follow.

Good article. The Anti-Vaccine and Vaccine situation is a false dichotomy. You can be people like you and I that seen benefit from Vaccines, but also see some bad things, bad practices, and yes I avoided the flu vaccine for H1N1. I actually had friends that got it after the vaccine.

The story was a good read a lot of the medical research foundations are corrupt. Big pharma discovered a long time ago that there was no money in cures. So they hid the truth from the people. Cancer i s another man made medical scare. There are a lot of different cures for cancer that are homeopathic and work better than chemo. The government works with big pharma to make sure they never gain any credibility. Some cures could be done for less than $20 a week theres no money in that. I am a cancer survivor and my mom is a nurse and I can say most Doctors don't care about there patients but more about there pocket books. Every week they have pharma reps come in and give them free stuff to remind them to push there drugs. If the drugs really were the best solutions to the problems then you would have to give away things or pay doctors that prescribe it. The drugs would get prescribed because they were the ones that cure the ailment. During my cancer treatment i was prescribed an insane amount of pain killers , all of them opioid based. When I finished my treatment they stopped my refills after taking them every day for almost a year. I told my doctor I needed help she acted like she didn't know what i was talking about. I explained about the withdraws from the opioid and she prescribed me 30 more pills and said good luck. I managed to ween my self off over a week and a half and 2 days of hell when i cold turkeyed it. I still had 5 pills left when all was said and done. Im in my 20s so my body handled it. Other people might not be so lucky. To be in a weakened state the to have to deal with opium withdraws might be to much for people. Either you switch to heroin like alot of people have done or you go to rehab and get put on synthetic opium which again benefits big pharma. The government also protects the poppy fields in Afghanistan which produces 90% of the opium. Something else i used to travel a lot so i ate fast food every day. Fast food is another tool in there arsenal to keep us sick. Vaccines and vaccinations also serve another purpose. They calcify the pineal gland aka the third eye. They don't want people to wake up and start thinking for themselves.

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