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RE: 3 Scientific Studies that Destroy Mainstream Thinking on Major Global Current Events - Economics | Coronavirus | 9/11 (Hulsey Report Published Today)

in #news5 years ago

The metal side of things goes in many directions. There was a whistleblower at a metal testing company who tried to raise the flag on testing standards issues that affected tests done on the metal from the twin towers.. He was sacked.
I've never heard of molten zinc causing a collapse - sounds unlikely to me, but I'm not a metallurgist!
There were allegedly molten iron spheres on the ground that were said to come from thermate (not thermite - different). I haven't seen enough evidence to know for sure, but it's difficult since the gov enacted the biggest cover up of a crime scene in human history during those days.. Shipping out an absurd amount of metal to China as I recall, without allowing any forensic work to take place.


There were pools of molten iron so hot that it remained molten for three weeks after the collapse. I'm surprised more people don't advocate for DEW or nukes as the source of such fierce heat.

Only thermite and thermate could have produced that energy, likely due to excess reactants that kept reacting in the pools below ground.

Kerosene, office chairs, and pristine passports didn't fuel that underground hell, but the fire below still burned.

I saw countless hours of arguments between people advocating for A DEW or a nuclear demolition and sadly, too many people wanted to argue instead of research. Dimitri Kalezov, Russian nuclear arsenal specialist, made a decent case for the towers being dustified by a chain reaction caused by nuclear demolition. The US 'Operation Plowshare' was a program in the 1960s to repurpose nuclear weapons technology into other areas and he claims it was common knowledge in certain circles that the WTC towers were designed with demolition by specialised nuclear in mind. New York planning code requires structures to be able to be demolished before they can be constructed and the scale of those towers meant that typical approaches could not be used - he says that this is why they used nuclear demolition by design.

Well, I saw them crumple to the ground and dissipate into dust, not vanish in a nuclear fireball. Either way, this was terrorism committed by the US government against it's people, even if one believes the al Qaeda conspiracy theory. al Qaeda was created by the USG under Carter, by then National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and George HW Bush who was Director of the CIA at the time.


I don't care if the Twin Towers never even existed but were just Project Bluebeam holograms projected by Space Aliens and Antarctic Nazis. It was the imposition of a tyranny on America - and the world - that presages the completion ongoing today.

I yet hope that because the virus escaped from Ft. Detrick in June 2019, the globalist's plans have fatal weaknesses due to the forcing of their hand, and the discovery of the intentional spread of the pandemic in Iran, Australia, Italy, N. America, and China will enrage the people of the world, and enable our defeat of the genocidal criminals that seek the last drop of our blood for their first meal as overlords and gods of the world to come.

Edit: would you be willing to read my Introduceyourself post? A resteem from you would grant it visibility, if it meets your approval.

The device he describes is a nuclear demolition device, not a bomb - it's effects were not intended to cause a fireball. You can get a sense of it from this archive footage from operation plowshare:

yes, regardless of the details, the evidence show a highly probable 'inside job' by significant numbers of people from the alleged 'good guys' side. :/

That's quite a bunker buster.

I really appreciate your kindness and consideration having a look at my IntroduceYourself post. I know your time is limited.

Thank you.