
Excellent work getting all this information into one place and presenting why you believe it’s relevant. The stuff about the Kony 2012 is pretty startling to say the least. I mean how old was this kid in 2012? 12, 13,maybe?? You really expect me to believe he was that political knowledgeable and well enough informed to have given anything approaching a fuck about this blatant psy op at 12 or 13 years old? Alex Wind, is the one has stated that he is actually an actor multiple times whenever an interviewer mentions any of the “conspiracy theories or crisis actor allegations”?

Thanks. Excellent information to be mirroring! I've got a decent number of videos on my channel exposing the Parkland False Flag Event / Psyop. The censorship is out of control - they must REALLY fear the truth coming out about this one...for some reason.

Feel free to share this!

I'm so suspicious of everything. Call me a nut job - at least I challenge things. Keep spreading the word. Nothing is as it seems.

The whole thing sounds like the barking of the sheep herder dogs trying desperately to herd the sheep into the pen for slaughter.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Question Everything
Our Purpose

Hoggwash is a crisis acting, beta POS!

Thanks to free speech media, maybe we can get to the truth.

It seems that it works here, i told you... Bitchute is compromised like YT.

nice, no wonder they will not let this on utube, these kids are playing games with the rights of millions for their own selfishness, makes me sick, seems many just do not want the truth, tyrannical and treasonous, they can hate me all they want, bullshit is bullshit no matter how you slice it, thanks good work

There is no strangeness, no oddity and no doubt.
Sh*t is fake. I say it like it is ( and suffer the consequence )

P.S. Followed. Thanks.

Great work❗️👍👏 When are the SHEEPLE ever going to wake up to the ACT⁉️HOLLYWOOD is in on this act I’m sure because of the FAKED MOON LANDINGS . FAKE 9/11 attack . Think folks who has that kind of organizationall skills to direct actors who are professional liars to begin with . And maybe that’s some kind of generalization but it seems to me like the camera is always involved more then the perp or the Vic so you tell me . Great vieo 👏👍